Here's how music in restaurants affect what you eat

If you are at diet, you may want to stay with Jazz.

It is long known that music has a significant and subconscious impact on our purchase decisions.Previous studies have found that when supermarkets play French music, guests are more likely to choose French wine, while when they play German music, customers are more likely to buy German wine - everything without going account that their preference is influenced by sounds coming out of the speakers.

But what effect do music and magnitude have on our orders in restaurants and other sites?

That was whatDipayan BISWAS, a marketing teacher at the University of Southern Florida, sought to discoverIn a new published study in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences.

To conduct the study, Biswas and his colleagues played several kinds of music at different decibels in a coffee in Stockholm over several days. What they discovered is that when the music was stronger, customers were 20% more likely to order something that was unhealthy.

These results make sense when analyzed in the context of how music affects our mood, because the volume has been proven to have a direct impact on our heart rate and level of excitement. When the music of a coffee is ambient, we climb to something sensitive and soothing. When it's strong and fast, we are more likely to get you caught in the excitement and choose something forbidden and, for lack of a better, sexy word, like a hamburger and fries. (Perhaps you may also explain why you do not see a lot of salads at the death of metal concerts.)

The study is useful for helping restaurants make a music selection that is the most prepaid for their food options, but it's also a good thing to know as a consumer. The strong music influences more impulsive and bad decisions.If you hope to have this summer bod, You are the most of these strong bars. And for more things about how to use science to strengthen your fitness levels, checkThe secret to exert outside in summer.

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Tags: music
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