40 random facts so funny that you die to tell your friends of them

Instantly become team captain on the trivial night.

The world is a crazy place, sometimes hilarious. Sometimes the most daily things have surprisingly funny backsters, or the most bizarre things are more common than we realize. From original places in the United States to facts that you do not believe that you could not be true if you have not seen them yourself, there is a lot to find funny in the world - and it makes great forage to your next cocktail. Here are 40 facts of this type. And for some reallyuseful Tidbits, check these30 helpful facts that you have never heard before.

Vegetables can make you tan

Tan Man Eating Vegetables Random Facts

Eating vegetables has a lot of health benefits, but it also has cosmetics,According to researchers At the University of Leeds and the University of St. Andrews. They found that those who have consumed vegetables with high levels of red and yellow pigments had a good-looking yellow glow compared to those who did not do it. This is due to a process called "carotenoid colorization". To know more crazy celebrity facts like this, check these50 facts of crazy celebrities that you will not believe are true.

The inventor of Frisbee Golf has been transformed into frisbee

People Playing Frisbee Random Facts

Edward "Steady Ed" Headrick, who invented the game of Frisbee Golf, does as one of his dying wishes that his family would beCreate it and mold his remains in a frisbee. "When you die, we're not going to purgatory," Headrik said she said shortly before her way. "We're just going to land on the roof and pose there." And for more information, checkThe 30 largest exercise myths - amazing.

Innovative prods has been buried in a pringles can

Pringles Chips Random Facts

Similarly, Fred Bauer, the Procter & Gamble employee, who conceived the idea of ​​stacking pringles in cans, avoids a urn to his death and asked his family's place.bury it In one single signature canet. And for more random trivia, learn these15 Fascinating Facts on Corgis Royal.

The coffee pioneer was buried in a coffee maker

Businessman Drinking Coffee Random Facts

One more: Renato Bialetti, the guy who popularized the octagonal espresso cook that always wears his name, also asked that his remains underground in the receptacle that was most important for him in life. When he died in 2016 at the age of 93,His ashes were placed In one of his pots and buried next to his late spot. Then, familiarize yourself with the20 long-standing predicted technologies that will never be done.

Pez comes from the German word for peppermint

Pez Candy Random Facts

Eduard Haas III, the Austrian inventor of the apartment, a kind of Chalky Candy Pez, came with the name in Riffing on the German word for peppermint-pfefferminz. And to really dominate the trivial night, memorize these100 great facts on everything.

No country is allowed to own the moon

The Moon Landing Unsolved Mysteries

TheTreaty of outdoor space (Officially known as Treaty on the Principles Governing States in the Exploration and Use of Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Organizations), ratified in 1967, prohibits any country of Pretend the sovereignty on the moon or any other heavenly body (and place nuclear weapons or other WMD on them). Although this fact is completely true, it is the30 facts that you have always thought it's not true.

Bananas can not reproduce

Bananas Random Facts

Your favorite yellow fruit can have a, say, suggestive form. But as it happens, the Banana Cavendish - the most popular variety of banana that fills the supermarkets and is at the Starbucks counter, isactually helpless. It is a hybrid without sowing of two species of plants (not as delicious). To create new bananas, the Cavendish does not naturally reproduce, but oblige farmers to eliminate and transplant part of the stem of the plant. And for more savage information, checkThe craziest thing on each American state.

Bananas make large water filters

Banana Peel Random Facts

Speaking of bananas, their peels could actuallyReplace your Britain a pinch. A chemist studying the environment in Brazil found the contents of the peels of nitrogen, sulfur and carboxylic acids effectively linked to copper and lead deposits found in polluted water near the country's industrial plants. When placing many dried peels in the Paraná River from Brazil, they have worked better to reduce heavy metal levels than all other filtering materials more generally used. And for some splitting history, learn the25 best One-Liners politicians.

Grass mowers kill nearly 200 people a year

Powered Lawn Mower Random Facts

According to disease control centers, during the period 1999 and 2014, 951 people were killed because of "contact with a lawn mower." And for more Rawacky facts, give him a go with these40 facts that you learned in the twentieth century that are totally wrong today.

Constipation kills thousands

Constipated Woman Random Facts

The same CDC data reported that 2,167 people died between 1999 and 2014 due to "constipation".

Climbing is dangerous

Boy Climbing Tree Random Facts

One more: "falling from the tree" killed 1,413 people over the same period. So think twice before trying to grab this coconut! And for more facts related to security, learn the20 ways your mobile phone is dangerous for your health.

Hewlett-Packard was decided by a coin

Hewlett-Packard HP Random Facts

If things had been slightly different, the company could have been called Packard-Hewlett. When they decided to enter the business together, the founders William Hewlett and David Packard knew their company name would simply constitute a combination of their last names, but were not sure of the order. So, in the Palo Alto garage of Packard, they are simplyreturned a coinand Hewlett won.

The inventor of M & MS was allergic to peanuts

M&M's Candy Random Facts

Forrest Mars, Founder of Mars, Inc. and inventor of beloved confesctions (especially the cacahuet M & MS), could not really eat his invention since he wasAllergic to peanuts.

The point on the tiny "I" is called a title

Lowercase i Random Facts

Idiot but true!

Spicy food can reduce fat consumption

Spicy Random Facts

Consumption of spices has been found to help reduce fat reduction of grease. A study of researchers from the State University of Pennsylvania concluded that the addition of large quantities of curcuma, black pepper or cinnamon to a fat meal prevents the amount of triglycerides (the bad fat that increases the risk heart disease) taken in the blood up to 30%.

Women's tears reduce men's testosterone levels

Man Fighting with Crying Woman Random Facts

It turns out, tears are a great deactivation. A study had men sniffing drops of "emotional tears" of women and a neutral saline solution. Those who sniffed tears became less excited. As one of the researchers said to theNew York Times: "Basically, what we found is the chemo-signaling word for" no "- or at least" not now ".

Orgasms once thought to "cure hysteria"

Couple Showing PDA Things No One Over 40 Should Do

In the mid-1800s, women who could not reach orgasm by vaginal sex were considered "hysterical". So,the treatment, popularized by the French doctor Pierre Lighter, was logically theClitoris titillation.

George Washington invented instant coffee

Woman Drinking Bad Coffee Random Facts

It's true! Although it was sadly adifferent George Washington that the man who led the American revolution. The man behind an instant coffee was George Constant Louis Washington, an immigrant from Belgium in New York who occupied two dozen patents for everything, first cameras with food processors. But his biggest success was "Red coffee e"(Get it?) What did not need any infusion (but would have tasted gross).

Women's breasts become harsh over time

talking to doctor about big boobs

Theaverage bra size In America in 2013 was 34 years of size of 34b just 20 years ago. The biggest reasons? Weight gain and breast implants. For more information on the human body, check these20 incredible facts that you have never known about your body.

You can develop additional nipples

nipple pasties

Additional nipples, officially called "supernumerary nipples", are not all rare. Studies estimated that they occurred in amounts ranging from 0.6% to 5% Americans for Japanese women and celebrities, including Mark Wahlberg and Tilda Swinton have them.

George Washington was a great whiskey distiller

George Washington Random Facts

First president of our countrymade Try her hand on the manufacture of whiskey-in a major way. After leaving the presidency in 1797, Father Founder spent a part of his retirement from the rye retirement around his area of ​​Mount Vernon and soon had a full-fledged distillery, producing11,000 gallons Non-aged whiskey in 1799, the year he died. Speaking of all presidential things, here's20 incredible facts that you have never been on the White House.

Cookie Monster is named Sid

Cookie Monster Random Facts

We know the googly blue biscuit fan simply like "cookie monster" but it's not actually its real name. His creators reallythe named Sid but this name has just turned less catchy than the cookie monster easier to remember.

Mr. Clean has a first name

Mr. Clean Random Facts

As Cookie Monster, this icon for men's earrings carrying men everywhere, Mr. Clean, actually a name, too: differently. It was chosen from the options (probably better) such as "sorta" and medium jeans "in a 1962"Give Mr. Clean a first name"Campaign.

Monopoly man has a clean name, too

Monopoly Man Random Facts

Okay, one more: it monopaled monopoly monopoly on the game Monopoly is not only named "the monopolistic man" or "rich pennybags uncle" as you probably thought. In fact, his birth certificate (if we existed) bed "pennybags milburn". As interesting: the policeman who launches Milburn in prison also has a name:Edgar Mallory Officer. As for the real money, it is the20 crazy facts that you never knew about a dollar invoices.

Cap'n Crunch is not a captain

Cap'n Crunch Cereal Random Facts

The favorite sweet cereal character has beenExaggerate its marine service for decades. The character (which is the real name of the WHO Horatio Magellan Crunch - had to squeeze a real real name) carries only three bands on its uniform cuffs, indicative of a commander, not a captain.

The first balloon round contained a sheep, a duck and a cock

Hot Air Balloon Random Facts

The pioneers of the hot air trip were not brave men but arooster, sheep and duck This was sent to the innovative contract invented by the Joseph-Michel brothers and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier in the late 1700s. They were placed in a hanging cage under the ball and after eight minutes ended up landing about two miles. from where they took off - but all were alive and well.

The look of Yoda was inspired by Albert Einstein

Yoda Random Facts

WhenStars wars'Special effects Artists Stuart Freeborntook into consideration What kind of appearance he wanted to give his Mentor Jege Jedi, he was inspired by a guy generally associated with Smarts: Albert Einstein. A photo of the theoretical physicist hanging on his office wall, his eyes and his wrinkles gave just the final touch that he was looking for.

In 1930, BBC said "there is no news"

BBC Microphone Random News

On April 18, 1930, good Friday-BBC jumped the usual newsletter and simply indicated "There is no news, "Broadcast has Wagner Opera de Langham Place, London. For more ways to conquer the night of the trivial, here's20 crazy facts that will breat you.

Brown bottles are better for beer

Beer in Dark Bottle Random Facts

Say that three times quickly. Although it may be a languid twister, it is also a fact - so exposed to the sun, the beer can become "light" that affects its taste and quality (Aka makes it taste for taste). It is not heat or oxygen causing the question, but the light and one of the best ways to protect the beers of this is fromPut it in a darker bottle, which maintains the wavelengths of killing the flavor to ruin your brewery.

You must bewareCenosillicaphobia

Man Holding Empty Glass Random Facts

"Cenosillicaphobie" is a great word out for a party - it literally means "Fear of an empty glassAnd for more trivia mad, dare on the10 amazing facts to make you smarter this week.

Lobster lobes are in the head

Lobster Random Facts

Lobster pipi of their faces; Their vestiges are located rightunder their eyes, which can be useful when they fight. For more animal facts, check these40 amazing animal facts.

When coupling, lobsters peened on each other

Two Lobsters Random Facts

This bladder location is useful during the preliminaries. When lobsters flirt, they lie urine one on the others. The urine of the woman is charged with pheromones that calm the male, so he does not know aggressive and puts it in uppercase. For more hilarious facts like this, check these40 facts so funny are difficult to believe.

Garlic attracts sangsuckers

Clove of Garlic Random Facts

If you are ever caught in a vampiric apocalypse, do not reach garlic. Inan experiment Realized by Norwegian scientists, it was found that the leeches attached to hand fled in the garlic in just 14.9 seconds, while it made them 44.9 seconds to attach to a hand that had not not.

Cold cups are the safest when hot

Deli Meat Random Facts

The meat of charcuterie can be delicious, but it wasCancer-related, Botulism, as well as the food virus,Listeria monocytogenes. To help reduce the danger of this bacterium (which kills 260 Americans each year), scientists exhort that processed meats are heated to at least 165 degrees before eating them.

Americans are mandard glasses

Mustard Random Facts

The mustard was popular in Europe for decades in the 19e Century, but the Americans resisted it to Francis French and its R. The French company created a soft and luminous yellow version of the substance. "It must be sweet"French written, who developed the recipe with his big brother George, "Because I think these hot mustard are used sparingly, not because they are hot, but because people do not like them."

The first potato chip flavor was cheese and onion

Cheese and Onion Potato Chips Random Facts

Before there was a fresh ranch, a barbecue or a sure cream and an onion, there was cheese and onion. Invented in 1954 by a companion namedJoe "Spud" Murphy, the flavored potato chip was a novelty at the time, when you could have about your salty fries and these. His seasoning of the chips would open the way to all that we love the junk food of that day. And for more culinary quirks, learn the20 myths of food still persist so far.

Beauty sleep is a real thing

Woman Sleeping Random Facts

ASwedish studyfound that when subjects were shown two photos of men and women, a person taken after a restful sleep and another after 31 hours (with all the other identical conditions and expressions and no makeup), those who have Dormi were selected as healthier and more attractive.

Chinese ladies were invented in Germany

Chinese Checkers Random Facts

Just like French fries have little to do with France, this board game has not been originally from its name might make you think. A populare Century English game called Hoppity, which allowed four players to participate in a ladies game. In Germany, the match has been adapted to a star-shaped board and called "Stern-Halma" meaning "star hoppity", before the American company Toy Pressman Co.caught up "Chinese checkers."

The German version of "Average Joe" is "Otto NormalVerbraucher"

Average Joe Random Facts

Speaking of Germans, when they want to refer to a typical guy, they do not call him an average Joe, but "OTTO NORMALVERBRAUCHER, "Meaning" Normal Otto consumer. "

The frequentation of the speed was invented by a rabbi

Man and Woman Speed Dating Random Facts

While we could think about it as an innovative way of being asked, it was a very traditional person who invented the speed of speed. Rabbi Yaacov Deyo, based in Beverly Hills, CA, created the concept in 1998,bringing together A handful of single men and women for some games in coffee and peet tea. Romance and efficiency have proved to be a perfect correspondence. For more facts that are difficult to believe, check these20 current facts that no one could have predicted five years ago.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: Fun Facts / Funny / humor
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