How many people are left-handed
The left-handers, you are not alone.

Scissors with baseball mittens, there are constant reminders that the world simply does not designs for left-handed. While being a left-handed can make the person on the left, SouthPaws is not as unique as you might think.
It is thought that about 10% of the population. This means that there could be 700 million left leftovers around the world. In fact, being a left-hander is significantly more common than having blue eyes, red hair or to identify as a member of theLGBT community.
So, what makes someone left first? An DNA dnape? A hereditary trait? A curse? The short answer is that scientists simply do not know why some people are distinguished to be SouthPaws. However, while science has not identified a specific gene that people are left-handed, there may be some importance for this functionality. In fact, during aPresentation 2015 to the Royal Society of London,Dr. Silvia Paracchini, a human geneticist from the University of Saint-Andrews, revealed that there are differences in the brains of the left and right-handed people.
Left individuals have more nervous fibers in their corpus callosum, which divides the left and right hemispheres of the brain. A slight contains about 11% more nerve fibers in this band of the brain than a right-hander. As such, the brains of Leftys share information between hemispheres at a high rate.
So, while you can never write comfortably in a spiral colony notebook or find using an easy manual box opener, at least you have a lot of brain that can help you find solutions to these left-handed conundrums . And when you want to know more about the road and the Whys of the World, the50 GENERAL FACTS ON ALL could just surprise you again.
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