Conflict with Grebenchikov, Roman with Guzeeva and Death from a rare disease: 6 facts about man-chaos Sergey Kuriechina

Today we tell about the author of the legendary Mem "Lenin - Mushroom" and the most ambiguous figure of the era of the restructuring of Sergey Kuriechin.

An outstanding pianist and composer, a great mystifier and the creator of phantasmagoric "pop mechanics", the author of the legendary Mem "Lenin - Mushroom" and the adherent of National Bolshevism's ideas - tell about the most ambiguous figure of the era of the restructuring of Sergey Kuriechin.

1. Founder "Pop Mechanics"

Pop Mechanics was the most grandiose project of Sergey Kurieukha. Neither before, nor after anyone else managed to repeat a similar experience. In the improvised, theatrical and musical performances, all were mixed: military and symphony orchestra, rock musicians, bards, jazzmen, models, circuschi, as well as geese, cows and snakes. As a rule, about 100 people participated in the performances, sometimes the number of artists on the stage reached 300! The show was done almost without rehearsals, so everyone could improvise from the soul. Someone was delighted with such a spectacle, and someone considered it a simple palaughter. Kuriechin took any point of view.

2. Conflict with Grebenchikov

Being a virtuoso keyboard player, Kuriechin managed to play many Leningrad rock bands. In longer, he was delayed in the "Aquarium", writing several albums and having a serious impact on the style of execution of the group. During this time, Kuriechin made friends with Boris Greeschikov. However, over time, their paths and views on creativity were separated. Sergey was an eternal revolutionary and a tireless fighter with stamps. At some point, he became unpleasant to play such a duty, from his point of view, the music he wrote.

3. Proved Lenin - Mushroom

Kuriechin adored any kind of draws and mystification. The greatest fame received his performance in the TV shows "Fifth Wheel", which threatened by the MEM "Lenin - Mushroom". On the air of the program, Kuriechin "Scientific" proved that the leader of the revolution was mushroom and radio wave. Allences, Vladimir Ilyich, all his life used amansor, who completely crowded his personality. The program made the effect of a broken bomb, so that the authorities even had to make an official refutation of such a theory.

4. He was fond of National Bolshevism

In early 1995, the musician became close to Eduard Limonov and Alexander Dugin, the creators of the National Bolshevik party. Kuriechin even stopped the activities of pop mechanics, stating that from now on, the only urgent form of art is politics. He joined the NBP and engaged in propaganda of its ideology. Commitment to nationalists was the cause of the musician gap with many friends. However, it is still unclear whether Sergey is seriously carried away by the ideas of National Bolshevism or it was another provocation of a great detergent.

5. Roman with Larisa Guzeeva

With Larisa, the Guiseau musician met in Moscow, where the provincial girl came to enter the Pedagogical Institute. It was he who persuaded the future star of the Soviet cinema to go with him to Leningrad and entered the theater school. Their novel lasted four years."There was such a period when Sergey and I could no longer be together, otherwise he would just break me. I probably would have done something with me. He was ironic, angry into the tongue, could humiliate, and I am wounded. We broke up, it should have happened because they turned out to be absolutely strangers. "- remembers Guseyev.

6. Death from a rare disease

In May 1996, Kuriechin felt pain in the heart and was hospitalized in the clinic. Doctors made him a diagnosis of sarcoma of the heart - a rare disease occurring at one person per million. Sergey did an operation, but there was no chance of recovery. Kuriechin died in the early morning of July 9th. He was only 42 years old. Some friends and acquaintances of the musician consider his death no accident. As if a rare disease was a punishment for a departure from art and passion for extremist ideas.

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