30 the craziest predictions on future experts say they go

Ideide your spatial engines!

The future! It's really, really amazing, or really really terrible. Will we be shuttles to work on flying bikes on air-conditioned highways or replaced by robots and hiding in our homes because antibiotics have stopped working? Will cancer be healed? Will there be Internet on Mars? Will the letter Q exist still? We have so many questions and fortunately the experts have answers.

Here are 30 predictions on the future that can surprise or even shock you, but one thing is certain: they are supported by smart people. So will they become reality? Are they getting closer to reality, even if you read it? Who knows! Paste long long and you just discovered. And for more astonishing trivia, do not miss the20 crazy facts that will blow your mind.

You will communicate with dead relatives via a virtual reality.

Virtual reality communication in the future

Ray Kurzweil, a futuristic and engineering manager at Google, does not like the idea of ​​people he likes to die more than you do. We can not prevent them from dying, but we can preserve their memories a little better than faded photographs. He thinks we are heading for an age when we can create avatars of the virtual reality of our dear deceased beings, realistic enough that we can interact with them. "It will be a way to bring him back," he says, referring to his father. "Even if it is not totally realistic to put these people back in A.i., he will be close." And for more surprising factoides, check the100 great facts on everything.

Your kitchen will rest.

Kitchen Restocking Itself Predictions About the Future

Amazon is already launcheddrone deliverybut if it does not look like too much effort, the kitchen ofTomorrow, you will not need to notice that your milk works weak or you are almost out of the beer. The containers will send alerts,by them selveswhen they need to reconstruct. And to make sure yours you will keep healthy longer, give your refrigerator this list of the40 cardiac foods to eat after 40 years.

You will check emails with your contact lenses.

Contact Lens AI

Samsung's engineers are hard to work while trying to develop a pair ofcontact lenses that allow you to go online And read your favorite websites without lifting a finger. How it works? Well, this implies a "light-emitting diode on a flexible contact lens off, using a material that researchers have developed: a transparent, very conductive and expandable mixture of graphene and silver nanowires."
They have already tested it on rabbits, which have apparently tweeted a lot of nasty comments from their eyes all year round. (No, it's a joke. But the contact lenses are completely real!) And if you are looking for more breathtaking anchors, do not miss the50 Facts of crazy celebrities that you will not believe are true.

March will get rings like Saturn.

mars with rings in future

The Rings of Saturn have always made the most recognizable planet of our solar system, but it can lose these rights that boast of 20 to 40 million years. March could one dayGet your own outer ring. It all depends on his moon, phobos, which are closer to the surface of the red planet. If it does not hang in March, it will separate in countless tiny bits, which will continue to orbit the planet. Pretty cool, no? And for surprising anecdotes much closer to the house, check the20 amazing facts that you have never known on your body.

We will communicate with thoughts.

Man Meditating at Home Anti-Aging

The BBC is rather confident that we cando not happen in the future not so far away. "Collecting thoughts and relaying them to another brain will not be much more difficult than storing them on the net," says the Futurologist Ian Pearson. Oh well, so now, even our own thoughts must be politically correctAll the time? We are so many problems. Learn how to train your mind to avoid future awkwardness, try the10 ways to focus on meditation.

China will undergo a revolution.

China future prediction

At leastAccording to George Friedman, author ofThe next 100 years: a forecast for the 21st century. An export from seven of China goes to Walmart, he says, and even Warren Buffettdoes not believe that Walmart has a future. "All China's prosperity is built on the will of the United States and Europe to buy its products," he said, and this time ends. At that time, he does not think that China's current version can survive "one billion peasants [angry]".

We will have zoos of dinosaur with real woolly mammoths.

Woolly Mammoth display for the future

Thanks to the advances in cloning technology, we could might bring animals like woolly mammoths. CornAccording to Akira IritaniProfessor at the University of Kyoto, "Now the technical problems have been overcome, everything we need is a good soft tissue sample of a frozen mammoth". Russian scientists work, and is the big question in the medical community not "is it possible" but "Should we do it?"

CGI will fully replace the actors.

CGI image for the future

Cgi was used to create everythingNew scenes of actors in their youth Toreplace the actors who are dead. How long before simply replacing them completely? Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise can relax for the moment, but according to Nadia Magnanat Thalmann, a scientist and founder of computer graphics and leader of Miralab at the University of Geneva, as technology improves, anyone who is not a Reception list player. to be finished "More and more by computer. "

Artificial intelligence will replace artists.

Robot painting in the future

In addition, according to the futuristic Ray Kurzweil, computers will be able to paint, write and compose much better than humans.

The days will be much longer.

Longer Days Predictions About the Future

We are not talking about the summer solstice, where it comes fromfeels As the days are longer because there is more sun. We want to sayliterally longer. Granted, you would need to live for a long time and long to experiment, because we only win on1.7 milliseconds every 100 years. But it is always incredible to think that one of the things we consider absolute can actually be modified. This will not affect you, but your back-a-back-back-up backhoe will have a little longer time for everything to have done. And if you are looking to do more in our 24 hours, know the15 ways to double your productivity within half of the time.

You will eat the Swamp Scum.

Eating Algae Predictions About the Future

Sean Raspet, former flavoring-in-residence in Slylt, recently launched a new company calledInedible This makes food entirely out of seaweed. As in, the gross mud that floats on the top of the swamps. Very soon, we all eat food that is not really food, some of which tastes (according toA quick reviewLike "vinyl and latex, and the dust of my ashes of my grandfather." Yum! And for superb health tips, you can use for the moment, consult the40 LIFE Changes you should do after 40 years.

Pills will be able to detect cancer.

Man Taking Pill Predictions About the Future

Google's X laboratory has announced in 2014 that they arePill This will send microscopic particles into your blood, capable of identifying cancers and even future heart attacks well before becoming deadly. We would prefer a cure of cancer, but knowing years of cancer before its diagnosis can save millions of lives. And for ways to fight cancer right now, know the20 daily habits that increase your risk of cancer.

You fly in planes that are literallyallthe window.

Plane Window Predictions About the Future

If companies such as Technicon Design in France and the United KingdomProcess Innovation Center have their way, everyone will have a window seat in theplane, which will offer a panoramic view of the sky when flying to your destination. Relax, the windows are not technically real, they are only cameras mounted on the outside of the aircraft. Always terrifying, however. Happy flight! And although we are not sure to help on a plane with a transparent fuselage, we will help you anyway: here is theBest 10 tips for sleeping on an airplane!

The mirrors of the bathroom will inspect your moles.

Bathroom Mirror Predictions About the Future

Worried about sun damage or the possibility of skin cancer? Ian Pearson, a principal futurologist to the U.K-based society. Futurizon, says we will soon haveBathroom mirrors with LED screensand high resolution cameras. "They will be connected to the Internet so you can have a video record with your dermatologist," he says.

We will discover 2,000 additional planets this year.

planets in space in the future

We have already identified 2,341 planets apart from our solar system, but thanks to a collaborationBetween NASA and Google, this number is planned forGo to 4,496 in the near future. Will there be life in one of these planets? We will discover it soon.

No, you will not have no butler robot.

Robot Butler Predictions About the Future

We were not all supposed to have robot butchers or households now? Even David Eaggleman, neuroscientist and writer,is disappointed. "I predicted that 20 years ago, when I was a loving blood boyStars warsAnd the smartest robot we have now is the vacuum cleaner of Roomba, "he says. Even though he hold robot assistants, "I will not be surprised if I'm wrong in 25 years. Artificial intelligence has been revealed to be a problem unexpectedly. "
As for the fears that robots are flying soon all our jobs,Cable The magazine is not too concerned. As theyreported last year, "The problem we are confronted is not that the robots arrive. It's not that they are not." Unless…

Robots really come.

robot future prediction

Only not as personal assistants and vacuum cleaners. Ask any intelligent person and they will tell you: "Oh yes, we are doing very smart robots. We are all condemned." Sam Altman, President of the Combiner, a Startup of Silicon Valley, believes that "we will be the first kind of all timeDesign our own descendants. "

Dr. Nayef Al-Rodhan, a neuroscientist and geostrategists - who are two professions that sound almost like false jobs of a sci-fi film - says it's just a matter of time before human beings Do not create "transhumans", which are only "improved" versions of themselves that will eventually end up threat to unimproved humans. "

Your turn will be monitored by dust spies.

Spying Predictions About the Future

Kris Pist, IT Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, offered the idea of ​​"smart dust" particles in the 90s, which were mainly tiny sensors, almost undetectable to the human eye, who would record all that has happened in the world. Big cities with small towns, billionaires to the citizens of the working class, all that humans will be registered. "It's finally here," Pistsaid CNN in 2010. Unless not really. We do not think so. Hmm. Perhaps we should all suck our homes again, just to be on a good side.

Driving yourself will be paid - and considered dangerous.

self driving car future

In 2020, just two years old, automated cars will begin to become something that most people take for granted.ProjectionsThere will be nearly 10 million cars on the road with stand-alone features. The thing that seems so strange and futuristic now, the next presidential election will become something that annoys you if you do not have it. You know how angry you are when you rent a car and it's a former model without satellite radio? Over the next five years, cars that do not drive themselves will be hands that do not want anyone to want. And for more cars that no one wants, here is the30 worst cars of the last 30 years.

Terrorists will be able to create their own pandemic.

Sick Woman Predictions About the Future

Think that terrorism is scary now? Just wait until they make their own diseases. In 2016, Oxford's Global Priorities Project organized a list ofPotential future catastrophes This could kill 10% or more of the human population. An artificial pandemic was probably the scarry of the group, not just because of the number of deaths, but because of the human evil needed to create it. (Sorry, every prediction about the future can not be rose.)

Nanobots in your blood will protect you from getting sick.

Shot Predictions About the Future

Okay, we are all on board with the game "Do not get sick". But tiny robots in our bloodstream, which could also transmit our personal thoughts to a mining data cloud? It sounds outright orwellian right. But we love the idea of ​​not having cancer because of our robot protectors. Hmm. Well, if it will not be a reality before at least 2030,According to certain predictionsWe always have time to think about it and do not think seriously about the ethical dilemma until it is too late.

An asteroid "could" destroy us in 862 years.

asteroid hitting earth in the future

Wait, have we saidstrength? It's true, based onCalculations of NASAThere are less than 1% chance that a mile-long asteroid comes up against the earth, wiping all of the human life on March 16, 2880. Of course, that means there is a chance of 99% of humanityhabitto be wiped. And as NASA is the first to admit, "the upper limit could increase or decrease while we learn more about the asteroid in the coming years". In addition, relax, you will be dead several centuries before that happens.

Antibiotics will cease to work.

Antibiotics Will Stop Working Predictions About the Future

We have come to depend on antibiotics as a quick solution for so many medical diseases. But what happens if the medicine has just stopped working? And if you have pneumonia and doctors, shoulders and said, "There is not much we can do, sorry?" This time can go earlier than we think. In reality,A 2016 report found that the new era of "antimicrobial resistance" could kill up to 10 million people each year by 2050.

Robotic earthworms will swell our garbage

Garbage Predictions About the Future

It dependsa problem ofThe futuristic magazine. Do you want to know what it means? Or is it enough enough to know that "tiny agile robot teams will go through mines and landfills to extract any value"? It is possible that the less you know about your robotic garbage of the ground of earth, the better.

You will have easy access to all the knowledge of the world.

Man on Laptop Predictions About the Future

That's what Google Eric Schmidt waspromising in 2005,By saying that the company would eventually do "would organize the information of the world and make it universally accessible and useful." It would take 300 years to get there, but it's worth expecting. Imagine having the ultimate wikipedia at your disposal, but filled with all human knowledge, and none of it made by Trolls!

We will have prosthetic brains

Prosthetic Brains Predictions About the Future

They werefirst announced in 2oo3But we are always years of a "neural prosthesis" available commercially. Bryan Johnson, who launched a startup calledCore, makes progress to be the first to produce a cerebral implant. "As if we have had civil rights, human rights, abortion rights, marriage rights, the next big debate to consume our society will be evolutionary rights", "he says.

We will have interplanetary internet.

interplanetary communication in future

We take it for granted that there will be colonies on Mars one day. But will the red planet get an Internet access? We can not expect that we can survive without social media in the deep space, can we? Where are we going to download all our selfies from March? To relax well, an interplanetary internet has beenIn the stages of planning Since 1998. When we finally do it to March, which could be in the early 2030s, you will not have to give up your Twitter account.

You will be able to feel your favorite TV shows.

Smelling TV Predictions About the Future

Have you ever watched your last episode of theWalking Dead and thought: "It would have been so much better if I couldfeelthe zombies? "You could be lucky. Nicholas Negroponte, former director of M...'s Media Lab,predicted in 1992 that we would soon receive "the tele-color, on a large scale and holographic with force feedback and olfactive output". It seems exciting and disturbing at the same time.

Most office employees will take drugs to work harder and longer.

woman stressed out stress

70% of respondents around the world claim to have left the medical scientific mess with their brain or body if it helped their career prospects. And they might be lucky! Some predicted that "smart drugs" will soon becomebanal in the offices. And a 2017 report from the PricewaterhouseCoopers professional services firm revealed that "Medically improved workers"Will be a fairly enough reality.

We will have to leave the earth.

Leaving Earth Predictions About the Future

Stephen Hawking, the global physicist and cosmologist, do not open very hope the future of our planet. Thanks to dangers like climate change, epidemics, population growth and even direct asteroids, it believes we should find a way toLeave the earth in the next one hundred years.

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