50 ways that life has changed over the last 50 years

"Back in my day ..."

We have all heard the members of the older generations start a story with an eye-roll-invite, "In my time," which is then followed by an endless list of ways things have changed over the years that followed ( generally portrayed in a negative lens). However, while these stories of walking 10 miles in the snow can be a little bland, we can not deny that life has changed in some ways seriously in the last half century.

Advances in technology and medicine to seismic paradigm changes in romance and religion, life is different today than just 50 years ago. Here we have rounded the number,numerous how. And when you want to know what life could look like in 50 years, consult the30 craziest predictions on the future Experts say it will happen.

Work no longer means going in an office

man working outside

If you said that you "go to work" fifty years ago, this position intended for a physical location outside your home and jumping away up to 5. Today, your sofa is also a desk like all-in fact, a recentGallup poll reveals that 43 percent of workstations allow employees to work at home at least some of the time.

Exercise is not only for Fitness more lovers

man woman deadlift build muscle

Although it's not exactly like jogging or playing sport has been invented over the last 50 years, emphasis on global physical condition has undeniably increased for half a century. While having a treadmill in your house in 1968 may have made you stand out, it's not uncommon for own fitness equipment parts in their house, and there are now more than 35,000 rooms from the United States only. And when you want to get the most out of your workout, see these40 great exercises for the addition of muscle over 40.

Practically no one has a home phone

rotary phone

50 years ago, a phone at home was a necessity. The number of people who use one today, however, is weaker than ever. In fact, according toCDC Data, less than 50 percent of US households now have a fixed line, with most opt ​​for cell service instead.

We interact completely differently

Facebook friend request

In the 1960s, if you want to get in touch with a friend, you phoned them on said landline phone and asked how they were doing. Now, we do not even have to check to know what's going on with our friends, thanks to social media, which gives us a voyeur view on how their relations go, where they go on vacation, and, in a Auto Absorbed Case, what they had for breakfast.

DUH. Everyone has a smartphone

Teens on Phones

Five years ago, the idea of ​​having a small computer in your pocket that can not only get in touch with anyone you have already encountered, but can also be used to track your race, order your shopping, And playing your music seems like the stuff of a scandalous science fiction movie. However, today,77 percent Of all the Americans have a smartphone, and this number continues to climb only. And if you feel like your devices are binding down, discover these11 simple ways to conquer your smartphone addiction.

Means of meeting a little more to slip right

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Two meetings 50 years ago meant things: you met someone cute in the world and exchanged their numbers, or you had someone put in place. Today, hundreds of potential partners are just a blow away, thanks to the proliferation of dating applications.

TV has become a bottomless resource

man watching tv with feet up

Just half a century ago, there was only one handle of television channels. Even more unfathomable to some people, they have indeed ceased to issue at a certain point, which means that if you were eager to distract you during an insomnia fight at 02:00, you were out of luck. Today, there are hundreds or even thousands of canals at your fingertips 24/7, and we can even take our favorite shows on the road with us, thanks to our phones, tablets and laptops. And if you are eager to enjoy more funny price when you grant, consult the30 funny Sitcom of all time.

Everyone can become a celebrity

stop judging women over 40

Celebrity used to signify a specific thing 50 years ago, in general, he understood a kind of marketable talent. Today, a funny tweet or cute Instagram photo is enough to get a book contract or a TV show.

People are connected 24/7

woman man ipad talking long-distance relationships, Crazy Facts You Never Knew About Your Smartphone

In the 1960s, unless your boss used to call you at home, chances are your connection stopped the second you left the office. Today, the chances you hear from him to midnight or a weekend or a vacation just because something bent in mind are very good.

Airplane trip has much less luxurious

Airplane seats, travel

Flying was once a luxurious experience, with comfortable seating, a decent kitchen and a great place to spread, even in coach. Today, unless you beat the first class, your seat is tiny, the plane is cramped and you are lucky if you can even get a glass of water.

Wear a suit in the office is not the norm

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If you wear something other than to suit or dress at the office 50 years ago, you were an anomaly. Today, even some of the most powerful CEOs in the world wear jeans and sneakers to work.

Retail stores are replaced by the Internet

online shopping, things old people say

The joy of shopping is just not what it used to be half a century. While getting new clothes, music or grocery stores meant a trip to history 50 years ago, today there are some faucets today on your smartphone.

A high school diploma will not make you more very far

Graduate degree

Not too long ago, a high school diploma was more than enough to ensure a good regular job that you could work up to retirement. Today, thanks to inflation, the stagnation of wages and a workforce more and more educated, having a four-year career, it is difficult to find a job that pays a habitable wage. Even some doctoral students can not find a full-time job these days.

Student debt has increased exponentially

woman saving money Facts About Millennials

Unfortunately, on the other side of this coin is the growing cost of attending a four-year college. In 1968, a year atUniversity of Pennsylvania cost less than $ 2,000 for subcourts. Today, it costs $ 68,600.

Watch live TV is a thing of the past

Friend date, friendship, female friendships

If you wanted to watch your favorite show 50 years ago, you must keep an eye on the clock to make sure you have adapted at the right time. Today, thanks to DVR and streaming services, you can look at what you want, whenever you want.

Our private lives are much less private

man on phone social media online

Even if you are not a major on social media, your information is much more accessible today than it was 50 years ago. Today, in a few clicks, a knowledge or even a stranger can know where you live, your estimated income, where you work, your marital status and many other seemingly private details on you.

The press cycle is 24 hours

Businessman Reading Newspaper

Half a century ago, if you wanted to know what was happening in the world, you should wait until the morning newspaper go out. Now all we have to do is go to our favorite information site - or even twitter - and we can find out what's going on in real time, 24 hours a day.

Talking on the phone has been replaced by texts

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When did the last time you really talk to someone else than your grandparents? Information used to adopt a long phone call to transmit are now delivered by text.

And answering machines are a thing of the past

answering machine

Checking your answering machine based on a band used to be one of the most annoying things about the return of a vacation, or even a day at work. Fast forward 50 years and you are lucky if someone listens even your voicemail without deleting it.

Writing letters is a charming and desired hobby, not the norm

Writing in Cafe Anti-Aging

Today, a letter in the mail is charming, if somewhat hesic. However, just 50 years ago, it was one of the most effective ways to communicate with people who did not live nearby, especially if you wanted to avoid these long-distance expenses.

MP3s replaced virtually all other means of music

secretly hilarious things

In the last half-centuries, we have crossed records, eight tracks, tapes, CDs and mini-discs, each with its own disadvantages. Today, thanks to MP3 and streaming services, we have a virtually infinite amount of music at your fingertips at any time.

The world's population exploded

busy intersection in hong kong crosswalk

In 1968, the world's population was 3.56 billion. Today, it is $ 7.6 billion, more than double what it was 50 years ago. The population of the United States alone is cultivated by an important margin during this period. 50 years ago, the population of the United States was 200 million, while today it is nearly 327 million.

Everyone recycles now

recycling life Changed since 2000s

Just 50 years ago, the idea of ​​having a weekly recycling pickup was a bit more than a hose dream. Today, the recycling of a bobbin or piece of cardboard is like a routine for most people like brushing your teeth.

Paper books are replaced by digital versions

Reading by the fire

If you go out for a vacation 50 years ago and you wanted to read something, it meant loading your luggage with books and heavy books. Now, thanks to the invention of fosterers and applications, all you need is a small device to bring your personal library everywhere.

The Milkmen came out of the jobs

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Sorry, Milkmen, your job was not as secure as you initially thought. While your parents or grandparents may have had milk delivered to their door by a Markman 50 years ago, today, practicallyEveryone gets their store dairy.

Take pictures of yourself is a normal hobby

father and son taking selfie

If you told someone 50 years ago that taking pictures of yourself was not just a hobby, but could make you a star, they would call you crazy. But, of course, not only Instagram selfies are enough to get millions of fans today, they are even worthy of publication in a book - just askKim Kardashian.

Virtually everyone has a computer

kid on computer doing homework

Only 50 years ago, if you knew someone who had a computer at home, it probably meant that they were an inventor. Today, 78% of Americans have a laptop or desktop computer at home, according to census data.

Less people smoke - and no one smokes inside

cigarettes in ashtray

Today, only 15.5% of the populationSmoke cigarettesand this number continues to decline with each year. In the 1960s, 42% of the population regularly smoked - and even worse, many places, including restaurants and planes, allowed them to do it inside.

To have big families is no longer the norm

compliments women can't resist

In many developed countries, the birth rate has been on a constant decline for some time. While six children were not exactly falling to the jaw 50 years ago, it's certainly not the norm.

The suburbs lose their call

40 compliments

While families get smaller and more women work outside the house, the lure of a white picket fence decreases considerably. In fact, in America alone, 62.7% of the population lives inurban areas Today, a number that has increased in recent years.

Aging is not what he was

man looking in the mirror for wrinkles

Only 50 years ago, 60 meant a few things: you were close to retirement, you may already be grandparant, and you probably do not seem to be 35. Today, we Start retirement, fewer people have children or grandchildren and advances in anti-aging treatments make people youigh younger than ever. Case in point: you would never guess it by looking at it, butChristie Brinkley At 64 years old.

Low fade in fat disappeared the path of the dinosaur

healthy woman

Eating healthy used to signify one thing: cut the fat into your diet. Fast forward 50 years and we quickly adopt diet plans that not only avoid fat, but actively encourage consumption instead of carbohydrates.

Go green is no longer for hippies

CFL light bulb

Fifty years ago, make an effort acquired to protect the earth would make you label a huggist. Today, if you do not use LED bulbs and you bring your own bags to the grocery store, you are useless.

Tattoos are no longer countercurrent

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Having a tattoo used to mean that you were a sort of rebellion half a century ago. Today, you are also likely to see a stick on a kindergarten teacher that you are on a biker. If you are interested in engaging yourself, consult the100 incredible tattoo ideas for timers.

Brilliant electronics becomes cheaper all the time

Wifi television

A large chic TV has cost a month of pay check. Today, the market is flooded with cheap electronic devices, which means that these old purchases of large tickets are more affordable than ever.

Parenting is a brand new balloon

kid asking parent mom a question

Although parental books certainly existed 50 years ago, new mothers and dads were not as flooded with information as today. Now, between books, websites, applications, Facebook groups and in-person meetings, new parents are flooded with information about all how to name your baby how to appear as the French.

Religion plays a greater role in the lives of many people

Hands in prayer, Pixabay

Barely 50 years ago, Gallup research revealed that 97% of respondents admitted to belong to a religious group. Today, more and more individuals are distinguished from organized religion, with only 77% claiming to belong to a religion today.

We have a wild quantity of knowledge at your fingertips 24/7

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Ask most children how the Dewey decimal system works and they will respond with a combined shock, confusion and horror look. In fact, over the past 50 years, the amount of information we have has increased exponentially and manufactured formerly useful tools, such as card catalogs and encyclopedias, virtually obsolete.

The fax machine ... Poof.

50 funniest facts

Faxes were once the ultimate of modern technology, which facilitates the transmission of enormous amounts of information in a relatively short period of time. Today we can do the same with our phone or our laptop in a few minutes instead of hours.

Birth control options have increased exponentially

Birth Control

The first oral contraceptive was approved by the FDA in 1960. Today we have not only tons of different oral contraceptives on the market, we have implants, fixes and even Plan B, which is not Not even require an order in us more.

Our cars are bigger than ever

rows of suvs at car dealership

Driving a sufficient sedan for you and your family may have been the norm 50 years ago, but it's far from the business today. In fact, thanks to the proliferation of views on the road, our cars seem seriously in the process of making reservoir compared to those our parents led.

Our cars can behave

self driving car future

Even more incredible and difficult to believe, some of our cars can even behave themselves. If you said that to someone 50 years ago, they would suppose you would raise aJet ground. And for more spirit-fiction of mind, learn the20 types of artificial intelligence that you use every day and you do not know it.

The population becomes bigger

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Unfortunately, our cars are not the only things to grow. As the portion sizes become larger, as well as 70.7% of US adults are now overweight or obese, a strongly risen figure over the last 50 years.

Make copies does not require a trip to the store

Laser printer

Make copies of something usually to be something you could do in one of the two places: an office building or a copy. Now, thanks to scanners and smartphones, you can make a copy of virtually anything at any time.

Security concerns have increased exponentially

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Wanted to bring a bottle of water and a lighter 50 years ago? No problem! Today, on the other hand, you can not even bring a full size conditioner bottle in your hand luggage.

It's more difficult than ever to pay bills with blue collar work

Hundred dollar bills, representing savings

Unfortunately, over the last 50 years, paying bills has difficult for blue necklaces. Although you can have been able to buy a modest house and support a family without a fancy job half a century ago, it becomes more and more difficult to do it today.

Traveling is cheaper than ever

Passport, what to give up in your 40s

If you want to see the world, there has never been a better time to do it. In fact, over the last 30 years only,AIR TICKET PRICES have dropped by almost 50%.

Marriage is not as big as a priority that it was once

bride kissing groom at an outdoor wedding

As stigmatization against unmarried cohabitation continues to decline, the number of people who choose not to say "I do it" has been on the rise. While about half of the 30 people are married today, people generally blend later or in the field of ritual.

International products are no longer a luxury

Cheese board

With international flights becoming cheaper and the manufacture of Internet produced elsewhere more accessible, it is easier than ever to have a multitude of articles and products from other countries. Personal care products with food furniture, it has never been easier to have something overseas shipped to your front door.

We live longer

happy couples in their 50s sitting on couch

Only 50 years ago, theAverage life expectancy was barely more than 70 years old in the United States. Today we live longer than ever - the average American can now expect to live to be78.6 years. And when you want to increase your personal longevity, start with these100 easy ways of living at 100.

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging / Trivia
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