20 easy tips to keep your closet organized
The tips will search and keep your closet stored.

For many people, the closet is the last place to be addressed when we reorganize our homes. After all, we tend to adopt an "out of sight, out of mind" approach when it comes to our cupboards: if we do not want to face this bunch of linen, push it into a wardrobe gives us The appearance of a cleaning the house, even if there is still a clutter mountain behind the closed doors. The problem? Even if it's hidden, this clutter always creates stress and anxiety,According to psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter.
Fortunately, your optimal closet does not require massive overhaul or major renovation. Some simple tips can take your disastrous cupboard delicious for very little time or expense. And if you want to approach the whole house, check20 ways of genius doing more fun tasks.
1 Plan your space around how much you use some items

Why is this shirt worn all Wednesday sequestered on a high shelf, while all your bulky and rarely used suitcases are sitting at your fingertips on your closet floor? If you want to better organize your wardrobe, place your most used objects in the eye level and that you rarely use that you rarely use, such as suitcases or special occasional outfits, on higher shelves to prepare a broken. And once you put the luggage to use,This is the best way to pack a suitcase.
2 Sets of the storage sheet in their pillowcases
The batteries of leaves are a disorganization recipe in your closet. They do not stay where you put them, they look careless and they make it hard to find what you need. Instead of diving through batteries of bed linen, keep your sets of sheet together byfold everything and fold them into one of the pillowcases of the set. Then you can carefully stack the pillowcases, store your closet and keep fit slightly folded leaflets.
3 Double your suspension capacity with soda tabs
If you just have too much to adapt to your wardrobe, consider doubling your hangers by showing the tab of a soda can on a hook up. You can then put another hanger through the lower hole of the tongue and hang up two items in a space that could previously host one. This video providesCLEAR INSTRUCTIONS. And if you find yourself with a little more free space, make sure you have these15 items that every man should have in his closet.
4 Illuminate
You want to maintain a more organized space? Make sure your closet is well lit. Not only will an illuminated closet allow you to find what you are looking for, it will also make it easier for you to see when you come across the well organized wagon. All over your closet on your closet must be light bulbs and, if that's not enough, install inexpensive motion sensor lights that you can stick on the walls. And for brighter purchases, check50 genuine products of less than $ 50 that will improve your life.
5 Transform your hangers in the wrong way
Free a closet space crossing your closet and turning all your hangers so that they are back, with the open end of the hooks pointed to you. After worn something, put it with the hanger facing the right direction. Define a time limit, such as three months or a year. All that is always on a hanger upside down after this time, has passed because you never wear it.
6 Do not suit swells and bulky objects
There is a better way to store bulky sweaters than hanging them. Due to their volume, they use too much of valuable curtain curtains, and the weight of the garment can cause sagged and rigorous shoulders. Instead, get a hanging shoe organizer, launch your sweaters and store them.
7 Store Shoes Talon-To-Toe
Make more room for your shoes By storing Yin-Yang, with the heel of an online shoe with the toe on the other.
8 Keep your boots organized
Boots require a little more care than regular shoes. If you drop them on their side, they take too much space and can become crumpled or pleated. Take your vertical start storage with a suspended boot organizer and you can solve these two problems in a chilly swoop. It isVery appreciated on AmazonBut there are many different styles that could better meet your wardrobe space. If you have space to keep your boots on the floor, maintain their structural integrity by putting thick magazines or pool noodles inside them to prevent them from lying down. And if you want more tips on how to stay organized, check40 ways of genius to be more organized after 40.
9 Invest in quality hangers

There is absolutely no reason to hang your clothes on metal hangers, which are not only unsightly, but can also leave your Misshapen delicate clothes to the shoulders. And while plastic hangers can be slightly less likely to disfigure your clothes, the items often slide right away. Instead, consider investing in a type of slimline hanger with a velvet finish, which will take little room while keeping your clothes from falling on the floor. Better yet, their uniform appearance will make your closet more organized more than when it was filled with relics of your dry cleaner.
10 Use a descent cupboard rod
If you have space, you may want to install apullover cupboard Increase your ability to suspend your clothes. Once you have entered what you need, the stem goes back and stores your clothes away from sight, a bit like a mourph bed for clothes.
11 Make your own Nonslip hangers
If some new sets of assorted slimline hangers are out of your budget, there are some great ways to transform hangers that you already have in Nonslip hangers. A durable method, but tolerates, consists of wrapping each hanger in the wire. If it's not your style, for a quick solution, you can apply some pearls or hot glue tape to your hangers to give them extra grip. (Of course, be sure to leave the glue dry before using the hanger.)
12 Divide your seasons wardrobe
Unless you travel on a different hemisphere, there is no reason to bring your sweaters and woolen pants that take wardrobe space in the middle of the summer. Sompreize your cabinets when the seasons change to free space. Store your off-season clothes in the bins under your bed with lavender bags to protect you from night butterflies or in plastic bags, you can close the vacuum closure.
13 Be creative with your shelves
Just because your closet came with a single rod does not mean that it must remain that way. Add shelves to increase the storage capacity of your cupboard and use them to store objects such as sheets and towels. And do not be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to adding the storage space, whether it is the towel bars hanging on the back of a larger shelf Can provide you with plenty of space to store scarves and links, while adding cubic storage drawers to your shelves can help keep stray concealed accessories.
14 Buy shelving dividers
You can organize and thoroughly stack the material in your closet in every way in your heart, but lots of clothes are not going to stay carefully stacked for a very long time without something that holds them in place. If you use shelves in your closet,Shelf dividers like those represented Keep your stuff where you put it, instead of spilling on the side and become quickly messy.
15 Ditch shoeboxes
Shoe boxes seem to be a great way to store things. But they have two crucial defects. First of all, they do not carefully pile up one on the others. And secondly, it is impossible to see what is inside them. Invest in clear plastic bins, such asThese of the container storeAnd use them instead. To really take your organization game at the next level, get a label manufacturer or paint pen and clearly label what happens in each trash can and eliminate frustrating grooves to try to find something that stored in a box above your head.
16 Remove items that require repair

Do not let the items that require a new zipper or button or repair installation in your closet. Pull them and put them aside. If, after a few months, you still have not corrected it, it's probably time to throw it because you do not wear it. And be sure to repair all your clothes before putting them in seasonal storage, so you do not shoot your favorite cloak the first cold day of the year and realize that you can not wear it.
17 Array
Brush is not just for the garage or kitchen. It's also a great way to easily add custom storage space to your wardrobe. You can use the stakes to hang belts, necklaces, ties, scarves, hats and other accessories that are usually published in a box.
18 Hook
Use brackets in your closet to transform the empty wall space into storage space. You can hang a row of brackets, like the one shown hereIKEA, or you can hang individual brackets that match your space and your needs available. Use hooks for hats, scarves, frequently worn jackets, dresses or other things you want to grab quickly.
19 Get a double cupboard rod
If you have a lot of space lower than your closet rod and not a lot of high space, a double cupboard as this one ofAmazon Could be just the thing for you. Hang on your wardrobe and you instantly double the amount of space you have to hang tricks.
20 Consider the Konmari method
Of course, if you really want to refuse your wardrobe, you can not go wrong to throw a lot of things. Marie Kondo, Author of Book Bestselling The changing magic of storage life Created a method of simplifying your home that involves crossing every article you own and ask if it raises joy, among other things. It's a lot of initial work, but Kondo claims to have a very high success rate for those who are willing to put at the time. And if you touched your wardrobe and you are ready for more, learn the 20 home maintenance tips Everyone should know .
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