20 long-standing technologies that will never happen

Learn the limits of human ingenuity and innovation.

Just think: a decade ago, the iPhone did not exist. Now we are all equipped with a supercomputer of the size of a pocket. Or think more: a century ago, we could not take it. Now we have robots on Mars watching the area of ​​our arrival. This speeds up exponentially of sufficient progression to make you think there is no limit to human ingenuity and innovation exploits. And you would be forgiven. We all want jetpacks, after all.

But, unfortunately, there is a wall. Some innovations - yes, the jetpacks included (and especially) -simplement are not supposed to be. In this document, we brought together the most important and persistent ideas, popularized by the futurists, physicists and science-fiction writers who will certainly never have arrived - be it because of the economic realities or the simple fact that inventions are actually pretty useless or obsolete. So read and see what was not supposed to be! And for a future perfect technology that is, you know, in facthere, to verifyThe 10 technological items you never knew you needed.

Jetpacks for ordinary people.


That's right: JetPacksto do It is simply not in a reasonably marketable or productible form. Each version of tech thus introduced technology burns fuel and money to the same extent. They also tend to be odious, both in size and by volume. Oh, and they are also terribly, terribly dangerous. No Sane business will take the risk. For now, you will simply have to watch other people zoom in, like both guys who went virals earlier this year with aMidair Samurai Duel. (If you are wondering: this videois as great as it sounds.) And for more information on what the future holds, here is the30 the craziest predictions on future experts say will happen.

Flying cars.

flying car

Cool your jets, people: a flying corolla does not appear in the lot of your local dealer at any time, or never.

Technically, flying cars have already left the stages of the design. Back in the early 1970s, two men entrepreneurs,Henry Smolinski andHal BlakeI had the idea of ​​Frankenstein a flying car - literally, merging a cessna to a Ford Pinto. During the first flight, the Cessna detached from the car. The two men were killed on the impact and, in the years, no other mass attempt produced by mass of flying cars.

In recent years, however, it seems like a newYouTube video With a new flying car concept, is released and makes the towers, and people who seem too quickly forget the thousands of "flying car" ideas that have already been previous and seem to ignore how impractic they are. Seriously: we do not care ifELON MUSK teams with NASA, the Russians,Bill Gatesand doctor brownBack to the future-And they are trying to launch a Manhattan flying-drive project with $ 1 billion - we will never look for heaven and see something other than birds and planes.

Just this year, the PAL-V automaker showed a model at the International International Geneva Fair of this year. It benefits from $ 621,500 and will have "market market in 2019". Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch ... And for what the future could actually hold, take a look atWhat a life could look like 200 years from now.

Photosynthesis suitable by man.

woman sun

Breathable, to put it as simply as possible, works like this: we take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants, on the other hand, take carbon dioxide and extinguish oxygen; It's a process called photosynthesis. Without plants, we could not exist; And without respiratory mammals in oxygen, plants could not exist.

But a few years back, scientists from the University of California, Davis, using ultraviolet lasers, found a means of converting oxygen carbon dioxide. The potential uses of this are the accommodation of mind - we could breathe easily in sterile greenery regions, for example - but the technology will not hit a mass market before the lasers do. (So, never.) And for a more realistic look at the future, learnWhat a life could look like 100 years from now.

Private supersonic jets.

fighter set supersonic

By regulation of the FAA, it is illegal to break the sound barrier (767 miles per hour) in the continental United States. So even if the technology exists to send aircraft rising to critical machines, no companies are foolish or stupid - stupid enough to produce, market or sell a commercially available ship. Believe me: If you are a billionaire who knows anything about planes, you will not be as ridiculous as trying to act your own little staffMachine gun dreams in the Middle Ages. You will buy a Pilatus like everyone else. For now, you will need to stick to regular air trips, so be sure to omit on the30 secrets Only insiders of the airport know.

Faster trip than light.

light speed

The upper speed and the speed of light have a "barrier". For his sound, he is 767 miles per hour; For light, it is 186 000 miles bysecond. Starcating numbers aside, although it was possible to travel at the speed of the quasi-teleportation (it is not), travel faster than the light is physically impossible.

As the legendary Michelson-Morley experience revealed light waves, unlike his sound, do not need to move through anything, water, air, move. The light waves can go along and go go. So, the light you are trying to catch up, you always slide through your understanding, further and further, you get, in the same way as the horizon has constantly escaped the 15th century explorers. And for more knowledge, do not miss these40 facts that you learned in the twentieth century that are totally wrong today.

Teleportation devices.


The theory behind the teleportation goes like that. First, you must have an exact mapping of each atom of your body. For a study at a University of Leicester, which amounts to approximately 45,000,000,000,000,000 gigabytes of data. Let's put this into perspective: on your current 4G smartphone, which downloads about 80 megabytes per second, it will take you just one hour and a half to downloadJust 45 gigabytes of data. Even with the amazing advancement rate in computer science, downloading this amount of data could take centuries. You will teleport yourself from one end and reappear at your destination - a millennium later.



The disintegration radius - also known as a spoke gun - is, despite what you may have seen on theUSS Enterprise, a purely theoretical company. Like most science fiction innovations, it is based on the science of real life; In fact, in the theoretical physicistMichio Kaku The impossible physicsHe details how even the most notorious radius pistol in history, the star of death, do not violate any law of known nature.

But scientists have never - neither ever, because technology serves no resource devoted to practical goals to develop it. This means that the only "disintegration" we never have to get is the Seminal album of 1989 of the cure. (For our money, it's not just good but better; "pictures of you" wins on a gentle technology any day of the week.)

The Dyson sphere.

dyson sphere

Compared to other forms of energy, solar energy is cleaner (it produces no waste), stronger (a typical panel produces about265KW From power) and less limited (as long as the sun around, we have access) that any other form of energy currently available on the planet. All this is just what we can exploit the rays of the sun - and only those who diffuse through the earthly atmosphere, to that. Imagine if we could get energy from thesunny.

Enter: The Dyson Sphere, a concept introduced in the science fiction of the 1930s, then refined and published by theoretical physicistFreeman Dyson In the 1960s. In essence, the Dyson sphere envelops all our solar system, capturing each radius and kilojoule (heat energy) emits.

But this type of power is not yet available, and not yet and maybe never. This engineering feat is feasible only by what the astrophysicistNikolai Kardashev Calls "Type II civilizations" on the eponymous scale of Kardashev three points. (Although physicists of all scratches differ a lot, the Kardashev scale is also close to writing that science can get.) Type II civilizations are able to exploit the total energy of their solar system. Civilizations of type III are able to do it with all the galaxy. Type I civilizations, however, are only capable of exploiting the total energy of their planet.

We are not even a type I civilization. Our autonomous cars are always considered dangerous.

Hoverboards who really float.

Man over 40 on a hoverboard

Hoverboards Nowadays can do a lot of things: Carry yourself on wheels, explode and make you look silly. (Not necessarily in this order.) Among the things that these hands-free segelsnot do: fly over. And if you expect a levitation model at any time coming out soon, well, do not remember your breath.

The product to the nearest public we lived in a truly out of the ground is a 2016 prototype of the Canadian Omni Hoverboards Society. Their first test floed on the ground for a record of 900 feet. (It's four city blocks - or about an infinite fraction How far a traditional skateboard can travel.) A loan version on the market was supposed to hit shelves in 2017 and retail to more than 25 $ 000. Of the societywebsite, As with this writing, we read "Stay tuned to our consumption prototype".

Yes. You just seem like our friends who grew up with us in the 1980s. "I totally have a hoverboard, it's just at my grandmother's house ..." Yeah you're doing ... Oh, and at Done: Fallen boards engulfed are definitely one of the40 things that no one over 40 should never buy.

Time travel.

delorean time travel

We know. You can go technically on the future by projecting from the earth and really going, really fast in space in your ship to the rocket, chasing the speed of light. (Yes, like the movieInterstellar.) But time travels like a thing- "I want to travel to 2048 and be back in dinner!" - I will not happen, my friend.

Cloaking invisible.

invisible woman

You have seen the technology in all fromPredator ToHalo, in which an extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial and armed with armed teeth on the woodwork to cause ravages about self-sustainable soldiers. And in the real world, the future Research Fund of Russia - it is their consideration to the Pentagon's Advanced Research Project Agency - allegedly manufactured the lighthouse on the creation of a substance that can theoretically, theoretically, make a totally invisible solid (as indicated by the news from the Russian state. Agency,Sputnik)

But the truth is that this technology will never compete. Here's why: As researchers at Tokyo UniversitydemonstratedThe way towards invisibility requires refractant material - something between a projector and a mirror - which divert the attention of the eye away from the object in question. Also necessary: ​​a load of energy boats and a complex cameras system (for the projection of environmentally friendly images on the layer). Wear all this speed around would make any invisibility attempt instantly.

On the publication of the study, the principal investigator,SUSUMU TACHI, provided on the thrust of a "commercially viable" system in a few years. It was 2003. We will check on its progress in our flight car.

Scanned spirits.

digitized mind

The ability to code our consciences-transcende effectively human biology - is the Holy Grail of Biotech. As such, it appears all the time of ambitious science fiction, the most recent Blockbuster Super-Budget of Netflix,Altered carbon. (By the way, if this show flew under your radar - which is likely, thanks to a mild marketing campaign and on an exit date of the Super Bowl-adjacent badly time, we urge you to give it a shot. You sleep on a Fantastic show. With a satisfying end rare.)

Unfortunately, according to experts, we are destined to stay simply human. AsSusan Schneider, the Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science of the University of ConnecticutRecount Gizmodo, "At this point, we do not have a complete image remotely from which brain characteristics give rise to reflection, personality, sensations ... if the characteristics involve microscopic quantum phenomena, a precise download of you can not be created. " In other words: no dice.

Meal of the pill or tablet.

meal pill

In general, humans need about 2,000 calories, give or take, to spend the day. No scientific engineering on the planet can not condense this quantity of calories in a single pill. If you want to optimize your calorie consumption, try to adopt one of the50 Motivation Techniques for Genius Weight Loss.

District swords.

Star Wars

Everyone has, at a time of life (probably childhood), dreamed of playing with sabers with sabaiserie. And for a certain group of scientists from the University of Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this dream has become a business. In 2013, a common group of researchers from two exalted institutions was caught up and brought to light how the so-called sabriogranes operate. In short: photonic (light) molecules were found entirely without mass and, therefore unable to interact. Turns out well, they still do not have a mass, but theyinteract as if they do it.

But seriously: can not we get these guys working on a cure for cancer or something?

An upgrade from the city's metro system of New York.

new york city subway queens

The metro of the city of New York - an impressive exploit of engineering and human ingenuity, to make safe hinges on an archaic computer system called signals. Thing is, likeAtlantic initiallyreportedsome of these signals have not been updatedSince 1930s. (The signals are among the oldest known instances of computer science.) Since the computer system is perhaps the oldest of the earth, delays abound; Metro performance per hour decreased by 93% in 2007 to a 50% pathetic, for some lines in 2017.

But all hope is not lost! As theThe Wall Street newspaper reported, the new signal updates are finally in progress and are planned to be installed in the next 15 years. Similarly, the second expansion of the Avenue metro was originally proposed in 1929. This was not completed by last year, and only partially, three 20-year planning stops have finished seeing the light of the Day (or rather dark tunnel).

Human cloning.

human clones

In the late 1990s, South Korea scientists said they cloned a human embryo. The attempt was more or less dead on arrival when the cloned specimen has never developed beyond the four cells. In 2004, Scientists from the National University of Seoul claimed to have repeated the feat. But two years later, as a paper inScience revealed, it turned out to be superimposed. According to the National Institute of Research on the Human Genome, other than these cases, "there is currently no solid scientific evidence that anyone cloned human embryos" and technology "always seems to be fiction."

Shrinking rays.

microscope shrink ray

OfAlice's adventures in Wonderland ToThe ant Man-With a cat fromDarling, I reduced children Between - the notion of decreased fun functionality has always been present. Here is the thing, although: the atoms can not contract. And molecular distance - it is the length between the atoms in the individual molecules - can not change. Science is in a rare agreement on these two.


half life 2 screenshot

Sorry, players: this title is never, never hit shelves. And before "good," know that the version officially named,Halfife 2: Episode ThreeDo not go out either. Since the original concept leak of concept, in 2008, less than nothing has happened; The main writers have left the project and the developing society, the valve, redirected resources to other projects, namely the huge popularDOTA 2. The remaining vestiges of this highly anticipated game have been permanently relegated to the status of the same Fringe-Internet. ("Half Life 3 announced !!") For the moment, just stay withThe advanced video games that will make you more intelligently.

Portable portals.

portal screenshot

Another valve manufactured in the form of the valve: the gate gun, a device that fires, instead of projectiles of body synthesis, worm holes. (The device was presented in the revolutionary gamePortal and his suite,Portal.) Place a portal on a wall and portal on another, and you can instantly walk on an entire room. Place a ceiling portal and one on the floor, and you can free yourself forever. Practically speaking: place a gate in your kitchen and one in your room, and you can sneak snacks at any time.

However, human beings are always totally in black when it comes to justagreement The worm holes, not to mention creating them, not to mention themselves for pedestrian use. In other words: you never need to think with portals.

The matrix.

the matrix

That is to say, if we are already there ...

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