How to reduce your screen time, according to experts

There are many ways to get rid of your phone, tablet and laptop.

Although the devices have rationalized our daily life, it is undeniable that using them can take a bit Also A large part of our time. From the scrolling of the insane social media to traverse Internet nonchalantly, it is easy to waste hours without doing anything important online and take the time Digital detoxification has become a priority for many of those who want to move away from their phones, tablets and laptops. Fortunately, there are simple ways to break the cycle and help you feel more present. Read the rest to learn how to reduce your screen time, according to experts.

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Remove social media applications.

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The rise in social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, we are in touch with people and we even put in the world. However, it can also be a huge moment.

"Deleting your phone's social media applications can considerably reduce your screen time," said Jack Winston , founder and CEO of To be present . But that does not mean that you should cut yourself completely from the digital world.

"If you meet applications that you do not want on your smartphone, but you always want or need to use from time to time," move them "to another device, like your laptop," suggest Teodora Pavkovic , director of well-being and digital well-being expert in Linewize. "It is a relatively simple decision, but which will create a healthy" friction "that will help reduce your screen time and create better limits."

Configure the time limits of the application.

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We all made the mistake of getting our phone and distracting with insane tasks. Fortunately, there is an integrated way to monitor the number of minutes you burn during scrolling and tapping.

"If you have an iPhone, you can define application deadlines on your phone as a sweet reminder that you must redirect yourself to another activity," said Jenny Flora Wells , a Los Angeles holistic therapist . "You can even adjust a password on it and can ask a friend to define the password, so you can't just ignore the recall."

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Increase the physical distance from your phone.

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Each buzz, beep and vibration in your pocket can urge you to open your device and start scrolling through. So why not move away from your device completely so that you are not tempted?

"Keep your phone in another room whenever possible," said Winston. "The increased effort to access it helps to condition you to check it less frequently. Simple changes like deactivating your phone during meals or during work can make a big difference."

This method does not only work during the day. TAREN CERY , MD, psychiatrist and Director of children and adolescent services At Hopeway, also advises to keep your phone out of your room by exchanging it by a traditional awakening.

"This change discourages you from starting your day with screen time and also limits the temptation to use your phone late at night, ensuring better sleep and less screen time," she said.

Surprisingly, this simple change could have a significant effect on your screen time habits. "Just by buying an alarm clock at the old school and withdrawing your device from your room overnight, you can reduce about 30 minutes of screen time with very little effort," said Pavkovic. "Research shows that 98% of people check their phones in the first 10 minutes of waking up!"

Try a compromise with other activities.

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Nikolavukovic / Shutterstock

If it is too difficult to completely abandon your devices, try this other method that can help you take up part of the productivity you lose during scrolling.

"For each time block that you spend on your device, engage an equal amount of time to an activity without screen," explains Coley. "If you spend 30 minutes on social networks, balance it with 30 minutes of reading, exercise or any hobby that does not involve a screen. This compromise method not only reduces screen time But can also improve your mental well-being. "

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Use vocal commands more often.

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A long screen session can start slyly when you remove your phone to do something really productive. Fortunately, there are ways to use your device as the powerful tool that it is without having to put your eyes on it. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"A way to continue to be productive but to reduce time to look at a screen is to use the voice commands and the dictation", " Adrian GUFFOGG ,, Psychosocial therapist and practitioner In the Assisce, tells Better life . "Using the power of AI, we can save time but also do things" on the move "without looking at a device as much."

He says that this could apply to sending messages, writing lists, ordering products, taking up notes and reading music. "We still benefit from the action but can do it without focusing on a device," explains Guffogg.

Turn off non -human notifications.

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A simple change can make your phone or tablet less a distraction.

"Disable all notifications that are not real people," suggests Winston. "This reduces constant distractions of applications trying to withdraw your attention for trivial updates. You will find it easier to focus on tasks at hand without these interruptions."

Replace screen time with a new hobby or new interest.

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Tatiana Buzmakova / Shutterstock

The screen time is a waste because it finally undermines the precious minutes and the hours that we have to do all during the day. If you feel itching to scroll, try replacing your phone with another item or activity.

"Finding other hobbies and fulfilling activities or spending time with loved ones instead of using your device is another excellent way to replace one habit with another," said Ken Fierheller , registered psychotherapist and owner of One Life Counseling & Coaching . "For example, if you find yourself spending an hour on your phone immediately after work, remember to plan a course, make plans with a friend or commit to reading a book instead during this period."

Nor does it need to be a major change or commitment to be effective either. "Compiling a list of fast and productive tasks such as the organization of your office, watering factories or even meditation", recommends Coley. "Whenever you feel the desire to scroll through your phone, choose a task from the list to keep your hands and your mind engaged elsewhere."

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