15 signs that your boss is a psychopath

Do you work for Patrick Bateman? Keep reading to find out.

Your boss is a psychopath or at least he or she is probably, according to the numbers. A survey ofStrong I found that there were three times more psychopaths, generally defined as people who lack true sense of empathy, in leadership roles, as in the general population. And when the researchers of the Australian psychological society interviewed 261 senior professionals, they discovered that nearly one in five of them had psychopathic trends.

But before making drastic decisions, you will have to discover for sure. Here we have gathered some of the ways of certainty to determine if your horrible boss is a psychopath. So prepare for responses waiting for long answers and for more ways to choose your game as an armchair psychologist, read on the20 signs that you are certainly a narcissistic.

They like to lie.


No psychopath can not resist a lie. In fact, according to a study published inTranslational psychiatryfound that people with psychopathic features are better learning to lie compared to their non-crazy counterparts. Basically, if you suspect that your boss is a psychopath, take everything he tells you with a grain of salt. And learn to catch effort of someone from mid-Fib without effort, learn the15 Secret tips to spot a lie each time.

They are always bored.

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It's not just a daily case of boredom at work. The boredom of a psychopath is constant and chronic, and they are always looking for ways to stay stimulated. Why? Obviously, they do not know the normal levels of excitement such as the rest of the population, and they require an overabundance of stimulation just to feel normal.

They are irresistibly charming.

coworkers gathered around a laptop laughing

"Psychopaths meet as having a superficial charm and good intelligence," researchersPaul Babiak, Ph.D., andDr. Robert D. HAREwritten in their bookSnakes in costume: When psychopaths go to work. "He or she easily chooses important topics for us and reflects sympathetic views, sometimes complete with enthusiasm or "emotion" to strengthen the spoken words ". And because of the ability to hide the truth behind the false charm, experts often refer to psychopaths as "social chameleons", constantly change their colors at best the situation.

They feel no guilty - even when they should.

Boss/coworker feels no guilt, shrugging

It's hard to feel remorse when you do not feel like you've done something wrong. This is the case for a psychopath, which rationalizes and excuses its inappropriate behavior until they justify it to their satisfaction. In some situations, they will even deny that this bad behavior has passed at all.

They are impulsive.

Coworker throwing darts with his eyes closed.

"The dark side of being a psychopath is that they have trouble controlling their pulses"writing Dr. Jeremy Dean. "If they want to do something, they just go forward and do it; there is no fear or worry to remember them." Often, an impulsivity of a psychopath is mistaken at the workplace of enthusiasm and a strong work ethic, so they are so often able to move forward. And if you want to find joy at your job, try the20 best ways to be more sophisticated at work.

They are self-righteous.

scary face shape boss yelling

Psychopaths themselves believe to be gods among men. Often, they go Waltz around the office reminiscent of others of their inferiority and incompetence, just for the pleasure of it. Do they have some kind of proof to safeguard their beliefs? Of course not, but they believe - no,know-that they are better than you anyway.

They do not take responsibility for their actions.

Man pointing the finger at others.
Shutterstock / Teodorlazarev

Because they always consider themselves like the victim, psychopaths never claim wrongdoing like their own. "The psychopath will speak for himself in the magnificent terms while blaming the others and taking no responsibility for his actions", writesLillian glassin his bookThe body language of liars. With a psychopath as boss, it can become particularly frustrating, because you could find yourself constantly removeing ​​blame for things you have not really done.

Their long-term goals are either unrealistic or non-existent.

White House

Psychopaths do not tend to plan in the future. Their attitude towards the future is rather nonchalant, and if they have long-term goals, they tend to be unrealistic and inaccessible (like becoming president without a university degree and no job experience). To takeCharles Guitar, the person who murdered the presidentAndrew Garfield, for example: without money or experience, he intended toBecoming an ambassador in a foreign country. He even wrote to the president repeatedly on his ambitions, even though he never received an answer.

They can not maintain long-term relationships.

Couple breaking up

Between their tendency to be bored easily and their inability to empathize, it is almost impossible for a psychopath to hold a constant and long-term relationship. Some psychopaths can keep the charade for a moment, but once things become too normal and predictable, they will go looking for something more exciting.

Usually, a psychopath will only remain in a long-term relationship if they have something else to draw, like money or power. And if you query your relationship in the long term, read on the20 subtle signs that you are in a bad marriage and you do not know it.

They have problems with the law.


People with psychopathic tendencies tend to be further arrested in general because of their reckless attitudes in search of chills. A study published inAddictive behaviors have found that people with multiple duis "were significantly higher in hostility, looking for sensations, psychopathic deviance, [and] mania" compared to the offenders of the first time.

They prosper to hurt others.

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If your boss derives from the joy of scrutinizing your movements, then they could be a psychopath. According toLaw enforcement newsletter"Unlike professional athletes displaced by the desire to improve performance and surpass their best personal, psychopaths are motivated by what they perceive as vulnerabilities of victims". And if your boss likes to hate you, consider making a passage to one of the20 best jobs if you have more than 40 years.

They are manipulators.

Guy is giving a girl a fake hug.

Psychopaths may lack real emotions, but they know how to simulate them if necessary. In the workplace and out of the workplace, they will express what they perceive as appropriate emotions in order to get what they want - and often time, it comes to the detriment of others.

They are short.

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One of the few emotions that a psychopath can feel tangably is anger and their lack of impulsive control, things can become intense and violent. Sometimes a rage of a psychopath has something to do with you and sometimes it's not - but anyway you do not want to be in the room during this fury adjustment. And if you find yourself out of the rails at work, try themThe best ways to calm your anger instantly.

They like to talk about money.

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Because psychopaths are so impulsive, they are not the best for the management of their finances. But despite this, according to the research of Cornell University, psychopaths are twice as likely to talk about food, sex and money, and less likely to discuss family, religion and spirituality. Apparently, psychopaths can talk about the conversation, but they can not walk on the walk.

They do not know how to cry.

girl crying with guy consoling her

Psychopaths are generally devoid of emotion, and therefore naturally, they have no idea how to cry. When they make "crying", the glass noted that psychopaths are wrestling at a time, while "when people cry real tears that they cry for both eyes, and they will tend to erase the two eyes to that time." And to make sure that you never end up like your reputable psychopath leader, be sure to avoid these30 things you should never do at work.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Office Life
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