Science says people with this political inclination find their lives more meaningful

But do not change your affiliation for now.

It was a bad week for Republicans, many of whom expressed indignation to the presidentDonald Trump To refuse to admonish the Russian PresidentVladimir Poutine forIngest in the 2016 elections. But, according to aRecent study published in the journalPsychological Social Sciences and PersonalityThe Conservatives around the world have over the hand when it comes to at least one thing: compared to the Liberals, they are more likely to find their meaningful life.

The psychologists of the southern University of California analyzed studies of 16 countries in which thousands of people were invited to classify their political ideology on a scale of 1 to 7 - ranging from "extremely conservative" to "extremely liberal ", -Chen rate they agreed with statements such as" I understand the meaning of my life "and" my life has a real purpose. "

According to the abstract of the study, the results revealed that, overall, "the Conservatives reported greater meaning and purpose in life as the Liberals at each reporting period."

Although this is purely conjectured, the researchers have two theories on which those of the end of the right wing of the spectrum could feel more resolutely satisfied than those on the left.

The first was that the current current state of the country moves in the direction of their beliefs and values.

"Finding a meaning in life is related to the meaning or feeling that things are like they should be, and that there is a sense of order",David Newman, a doctoral candidate at the center of the USC Dornification and the leader of the study,said in a statement. "If life feels chaotic, so it will probably mitigate your meaning that life is significant."

But this explanation applies only in America, and even at that time, it is weak because the study covers materials covering four decades.

Another possible reason for this disparity could be linked to faith, because the Conservatives tend to be more religious than the Liberals and some studies have found thatPeople with religious affiliations tend to live longer and happier. But the researchers said that even when they adjusted the results according to the faith, it still seemed to be a link between the ideology of the right and the purpose.

NEWMAN warned that the study does not necessarily mean that "each curator finds a lot of meaning in their lives and that each liberal is depressed", especially since there is a variety of factors that affect your meaning start,Of your personality traits, in your mood,How much sleep you get. Not to mention that the study did not say that the Liberals found their lives completely devoid of meaning, as long as they are always looking for it.

Nevertheless, since watching your life as a significant is a crucial part of being happy, it is worth considering as the reason for this partisan division, especially since aRecent Gallup Survey have found that the levels of happiness of the Americans are at the lowest that they have been since they started collecting the data in 2008. AndWhile Finland has got the best score in this year's World Happiness reportThe United States fell to a historic low, arriving at 18th place.

If you want to increase your levels of happiness, no matter where you fall on the political spectrum, well,I took Yale's happiness course and here's all I learned.

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Tags: Science
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