40 changing habits to follow after 40 years

Small changes, enormous results.

As you get older, some elements start to happen: you tire a little more, you feel a little more worn, and you slow down a little. But by adopting healthy daily habits, you will always feel 30 at the time you are 60 years old. (Yes, really.) By focusing on what you eat to move your body as much as possible throughout the day, there. Are a lot of ways that you can feel and watch your best on 40 - and that will not even take a lot of effort to change your habits. And for more ways to make your mind and body fit, memorize the20 healthy rules of life you should live.

Seize the day early

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

It is tempting to continue pressing snooze until you hardly get out of bed, but why do not you get up early, so you had time to enjoy your morning before going to work? By preventing me from rushing, you can keep your stress and have a second to relax before your day actually starts. Pro Council: Start now by learning the5 ways easy to become a morning training machine.

Take your vitamins

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Vitamins are indispensable at any age, even if you think you hit all your bases with what you eat. According to Cleveland's clinic, it is good to look at these daily pills as an insurance policy against an imperfect diet: you will have everything you need to protect your body with a minimum of effort.

Always eat breakfast

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Most of the days it might be easier to skip the breakfast than taking the time to do it, but it's a habit you should stick to: many studies have shown that the first meal is important for your well-being and research 2014 published inNutrition logIn particular, even discovered that it can play an important role in the fight against your desires throughout the day, contributing to weight loss or to be simply healthier. It is not surprising that breakfast is one of13 tips for an instantaneous energy boost.

Drink lemon water after you waking up

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

It takes about 5 seconds to make a glass of lemon water - and start your day with it has a lot of benefits. According to Cleveland's clinic, it helps digestion, protects your body from the disease and gives you a powerful dose of vitamin C and potassium.

Exercise, exercise, exercise

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

By keeping you know that working is good for your body - and there are a lot of reasons why you should make it a daily habit. In addition to helping you stay in shape, you can also help you feel younger: a 2017 study published in the newspaperPreventive medecine Found people who have high levels of activity actually have younger cells than those that are not nine years.

Have sex

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Why not make sex part of your daily routine? Experts say that making love helps you not only to your young appearance, but it makes you feel really good, too: because of the liberated endorphins (aka the chemicals of the goodwill), you will have a natural way To reduce stress, anxiety and help you sleep like a baby all night. And for ways to really spice up your life life, considerBy buying one of them.

Book time to meditate

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Meditation has been demonstrated the time and time again to do wonders for your well-being. All you need is 10 to 15 minutes a day, maybe in the morning before working or before going to bed at night - to calm your nerves. And according to the Mayo Clinic, it can lead to any less anxiety and stress to sleep better and feel happier. Bonus: Meditation is also a bigHack body clock You can use to maximize your day.

Avoid processed foods

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Americans eat aparcelProcessed foods - and you have probably noticed how much you feel shit after eating too many pulp packages or soup cans. Take a habit of eating fewer boxes and other plants: when you get these additives, preservatives and sugars of your life, you will feel more energetic, alive and young.

Wearing a solar screen

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

You have made you washing your face and brush your teeth every morning a habit and apply a sunscreen also belongs to your routine too, whatever the season is or what time is outdoors. By taking a little extra time to protect your skin, you will prevent the wrinkles and dark spots on the road. And we even need to say that putting solar cream is one of the best40 ways to guarantee healthy skin after 40?


Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Everyone needs to take time for personal care and a way of bathing is a great way to relax after a long day of work. Take your favorite bubbles or your bath bombs, turn on candles and spend a little while in lukewarm water to calm your nerves and facilitate anxiety.

Write what you are grateful for

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

This may seem like an unnecessary habit - you probably already know what you are grateful, after all, but there is something special to drafting the editor. Every night before going to bed, grab your notebook and note three things you are grateful - and you go to bed very loved and comfortable. Trust us:Being grateful will change your life.


Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Everyone says to stay outside the sun, but there are some advantages to have a small vitamin D. It can be difficult to get vitamin through food because it is not found naturally in many options, But spending a little while the light of light can give you your solution. In addition, according to Cleveland's clinic, time outside will also feel you feel good, offering you a boost of happiness and energy.

Take the stairs

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

It is always great attempting to take the elevator, but the taking of the stairs is a habit that can help you in the long run. Just think: you will not only do your daily goals, but you also build muscles over time you might have otherwise.

Spend time to make a hobby

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

When you spend all day working for someone else, it's good to spend some time every day to yourself. If it makes painting or knitting or perhaps reading or making a crossword, the choice is yours: just focus on everything that makes you happy and help
You disaffectant.

Start your day with an affirmation

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Saying "you are powerful" or "you are beautiful" to yourself in the mirror every morning before the job can feel funny, but it can do good. People swear the affirmations give them a thumb of self-confidence or make them feel more energized and ready to take the day, so why not try to try?

Go on a walk in nature

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Nature has serious healing powers and make a habit of getting even 10 minutes outside every day can do you good. An older study published in thePersonality Journal and Social Psychology Found a quick output - Whether during your lunch break or when you wake up, can give your energy a boost up to two hours. And just think if you take some breaks a day.

Drink water before each meal

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Drinking water does not only help you stay hydrated, it's also ideal for keeping your hunger levels in check. By drinking a glass of water before each meal, you will help your body digest your food better.and Make sure you do not eat too much.

Avoid sugar as much as possible

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Maybe it's the sugar you add to your coffee or sweets of your granola. Anyway, sugar is everywhere and the cup is a great habit of entering. According to Cleveland's clinic, experts recommend only 5 teaspoons of a day for women and 9 for men, which is much less than the 22 daily teaspoons than most adults consume. And when you cut it, you could also reduce all acid reflux and fatigue migraines and anxiety in the process.

Call someone you like

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Be honest-how many times a week do you haveActuallyCall your mother? Whether while you walk to work or when you prepare at home at night, make a textuality habit or call your family to ask them how they will they. The happiness of the connection is a great stimulus on the mental health of both parties.


Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Is there anything more relaxing than to clarify your favorite candle? Once you come home for the night, leave the flicker and the aroma of your workcale to send you directly into relaxation mode, making you forget everything that happened during the day and you help you focus on all the positives.

Take a training class you like

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

While striking the gym is important, so you will find something you really like to do. Whether yoga, pilates, hiit or boxing, find a class that you are really in and hold it with it. Maybe you'll even get up for early classes in the morning a habit - who knows.

Eat mainly plants

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

A great habit of entering is to make the majority of your diet plants. This means instead of transformed junk food, you mainly reach fruits and vegetables and stick to the supermarket products section. Of course, it is not as exciting - but with the expenses of vitamins and nutrients, you will do an excellent service for your body - and it will help you stay healthy and feel fantastic in the process.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

In addition to entering your lemon water and your water before meals, focus on the consumption of throughout the day: According to the Mayo Clinic, women should drink 2.7 liters a day, while Men should have 3.7. And when you give your body what it needs, you will keep all your systems and joints running correctly, as well as make sure your body remains hydrated and you feel high. (AKA None of this low energy, groggy or tired material.)


Crucial daily habits for people over 40

French women have a major secret when it comes to having young air forever: they moisturize their skin likecrazy. And it should also be part of your daily habit. Take a kind that you like and apply everything on your body, but especially your face, your neck and your hands - the areas that show the most aging.

Dress to impress

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Instead of slipping on your outfits going every day, take a little extra time to make sure you wear something you like and you feel confident. Because when you make a habit of looking at your best, people will notice - and you "I'm going to feel amazing in the process.

Wearing nail polish

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Speaking of vinaigrette to impress, why not make nail polish a habit too? It's not just a good time to have some personal care, but it also has advantages: a 2006 study of American plastic surgeon society found the hands of the Polish have made younger than those who do not have not worn it and can be a major confidence booster. In addition, who does not feel happy to watch bright colors on their nails?

Smile as much as possible

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Turn your eyebrows upside down: Take the habit of smiling not only as a major mood reminder, but it is also a great anti-agent. A 2016 study published inPlos aFound happy faces are generally considered younger than border or sad faces. So, stay positive and flash your pearly whites once and a moment has more benefits than one.

Going to sleep early

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

It's hard to go to bed early, but it's good for your body. Make it in a habit of going to sleep at one point given every night and you will feel better than ever: according to the clinic of Cleveland, the appropriate amount of arbitration will help to avoid weak energy, drowsiness and irritability changes in your personality. Yeah, sleep is a serious business.

Eat a nutritious diet

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Eating a healthy diet is easier said than doing, but it's a big habit of having. Make your health a priority is important at any age and your diet is an ideal place to focus on: Eating many protein, fiber and healthy fat - and make sure the majority of your plate is vegetables. See? It's not as difficult as it seems.

Stay active throughout the day

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

It's probably hard to find a moment to get away from your office, but make mini breaks throughout the day, a habit is essential for your well-being. Having time to stretch and walk will have your blood running, offering you some energy and even a boost of creativity - and it's not just great for your body, but also for your work.

Weaken a cloudy perfume

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Everyone should have their own personal perfume, and if you are still unsure of what yours should be, make it enclosed. A 2011 study published in the newspaperChemical I found a habit of spraying on a small scent or Cologne every morning can really make you feel and look younger, the invigorating perfume will also give your energy an instant boost.

Have a positive attitude

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

It is prudent to have a positive attitude in life: to make a habit of seeing half full glass, not only your heart is healthier and improves your mental well-being, says the clinic of Cleveland, but it also helps you to stay younger. A 2016 study published in the magazinePersonality and individual differences I found that possible to be positive on the old old older at a slower pace than those who are pessimistic.

Play music you love

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Music always has a way to bring people in a good mood - so explode the things you like to make budget and ready to take the day every morning. By making a pre-work reading list to stimulate your mood before leaving your apartment, you will be happier global, explains a 2013 study published inThe positive psychology diary.

Do something good for someone else

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Whether you buy someone else's coffee, give a random compliment or a volunteer, doing something good for others to every day is not just ideal for humanity, it's good for you too. Studies have shown that all this time is selfless can make you healthier and younger than those who are not as generous.


Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Nope, stretching on everyday life does not mean that you are finally trying to master the divisors after all these years. According to Harvard Medical School, it's really important to keep your body strong and flexible at your age, so go into a habit, even if it's just while watching TV. Your joints and muscles will thank you.

Drink tea

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

People drank tea for centuries and you may want to make it a daily habit also: according to Harvard Medical School, because of all its antioxidants, especially green tea is regularly associated with better health, which you Make less likely to develop diabetes or cardiovascular disease. In addition, it's super soothing, especially cold winter days.

Have a glass of wine - but does not go crazy

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Although it is tempting to have a few glasses of wine every night, you may want to stick to one: according to the Mayo clinic, too much alcohol can increase your risk of health problems, but have a quantity Moderate can really keep you healthy, even reduce your risk of dying of heart disease. If you need new evidence to indulge in wine, do not miss the80 extraordinary benefits of wine.

Take a little time of technology

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

You probably look at a computer all day at work, so the last thing to do is to spend your night glued to home technology. Turn off your laptop, put your phone away and leave the TV at least for a while. By giving you an indispensable mental break, you can help calm your nerves, relax your body and stop operating your tired eyes so strong.

Learn something new

Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Yes, every day. This may be a new fact about something that interests you or even new words of a different language. Anyway, you will give your brain a challenge and keep it work hard, because your mind needs exercise as much as your body.


Crucial daily habits for people over 40

Even if you do not have time to meditate, take at least deep breathing. According to Cleveland's clinic, this time focusing on relaxation can help fight against combat reaction or theft of the assignment of your well-being. The deep breathing of your abdomen rather than taking rapid and shallow breaths of your chest will help reduce the disease to increase energy and concentration. And this is just one of32 Secrets of an anti-stress life.

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging / Over 40
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