Here's why you should have sex before a workout

After all, cardio light is an effective warm up ...

Since sex is basically an intimate cardio form (Not to mention a great team sport!), You would think you should abstain from bedroom activities before hitting the gym. So you can save your energy. But a newto study Published inThe Journal of Sexual Medicine claims that this is simply not the case.

"Sex has been considered taboo for sports performance returning to ancient Rome and Greece, because the act of sex had been designed to promote the ease and a sense of relaxation," reads the paper summary.

Maybe it's always true if you do a carnal workout just before hitting the treadmill - after all, sex makes you sleepy, andMen like to cuddle thenBut you are clear if you do it before.

The researchers asked 12 healthy and physically active men aged 25 to 30, in order to complete several force training exercises below organ 12 hours after the entry or abstention of sexual activity. According toTodd Astorino, Co-author of the study and kinesiology professor of the State University of California, San Marcos, at night - Before the design of the study was intended to "imitate the calendar that some athletes can face".

The results revealed that having sex did not do it because some people believe it weaken their muscle strength. More specifically, the data has shown that sexual relations had no impact on the peak couple or knee flexion. This has led the researchers to conclude that "sexual intercourse do not have a significant impact on the muscle strength of the lower limbs, suggesting that restricting sexual activity before a short-term and high-strength activity is useless" .

As with any study, it has its limits. The size of the sample was very small and the paper notes that, since the sexual activity was reported as opposed to observed, they can not know whether or not participants finished their participants in missions. Astorino tooRecountThe health of menThat "there are thoughts that testosterone levels can change before and after sex, and this can change things like mood as well as performance."

Nevertheless, the study explains why the use of amadouincreased by 348% During the Pyeongchang Olympic Winter Games this year. If it's good enough for the Olympic athletes, so it's probably good enough for you. And it's better than watching TV shows before going to bed, because studies have shownThis Netflix kills your sex life.

And for more the intersection between sex and fitness, learn theThe 30 ways the exercise increases your sex life.

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