30 subtle signs something does not go with your cat

Learn the truth behind every little Mewl and Miaou.

While dogs do no bones about expressing their enthusiasm for their owners, treats and their toys, cats tend to be slightly more modest when revelation of their feelings. And while their behavior notoriously nitrogen can make it the ideal companion for introverted individuals, it also means that the signs they do not feel well can be neglected. "Cats are very subtle animals. As a predatory species / prey their instinct is to hide their symptoms and needs. As a cat parent, you need to pay attention to subtle signs and behavioral changes," says DR Liz Balles, VMD, founder ofDoc & Phoebe's Cat Co.

In this spirit, we have compiled a list of 30 subtle signs something does not go with your cat, which facilitates the help of your feline friend they need. And for more incredible information about your fur friend, check these20 amazing facts that you have never known on your cat.

Changes in their eating habits

cat food

While many cats are harsh eaters to start, if your cat has a sudden change in his eating habits, it is probably a sign that something is wrong. According to the balls, if your cat suddenly decides to give up their food, or scarves in their meal in a few seconds, as if it is only the only thing they have eaten in ages, it could be a sign that They do not feel good. Although the increase in appetite can indicate a thyroid question or diabetes, a sudden refusal of food can mean that they deal with stomach problems, dental pain or even more serious problems, such as cancer. . And to find out what's going back behind the scenes when you are sick of your pet, check these15 Secrets that your veterinarian will not tell you.

Extreme Fatigue

sleeping cat signs of affection

Cats are pretty sleepy as it is and often snooze until 16 hours daily. However, if your cat sleeps more than usual or seems to have trouble waking up, it is worth taking it to the veterinarian. Virtually distribute all diseases, a superior respiratory infection with more serious conditions, can make your cat lethalggium, so be sure to keep an eye on their sleep habits.

Excessive grooming

cat cleaning self

Cats are known for their meticulous grooming habits, but if your pet suddenly results in constantly, it is certainly a sign that something is absent. Although stress is often the fundamental cause of this behavior, it can also cause pests, allergies or even neurological problems. And for more incentive to search for a feline camaraderie, discover these20 ways that cats are better than dogs.

Dull fur

Cat, like the one owned by Matt Rife

On the side rocking, however, if your cat suddenly decides that their traditional grooming routine is not worth it, it's worth taking them for a balance sheet. "Cats that do not feel their best can reduce their grooming activity, so that a dull, neglected or tangled mantle should encourage another survey," said North Carolina veterinarian, Dr. Jananne o ' Connell, ofAnimal Banfield Hospital. Although a lack of grooming can indicate many conditions, dental pain to depression, it can also report more serious health problems likely to threaten life.


cats noses are highly sensitive organs

Although it's cute to look at your cat running in circles, it could also be a sign that they are under the weather. The walk in circles could be an indication of an inner ear infection, vision problems or neurological problems, among other potential causes, so if you notice this behavior, it is definitely time to call your veterinarian.

SIFT increased

cat drinking from the sink

If your cat suddenly makes water water as they have just run a marathon, do not wait to take them for a balance sheet. The increased thirst can be an indication that your cat suffers from diabetes, hypothyroidism or kidney disease, none can wait for treatment.


sleep after 40

Cats are notorious hiders, but it can not seem disturbing that they prefer a place under your couch for their own furniture. That said, when cats are sick with a variety of health problems, they will often hide more often than normal, so if your pet does not go out for meals, it is definitely time to call your veterinarian. And if you think cats are cold, Well, just learned these25 hidden ways that your cat displays affection.

Avoid people

tabby cat in sink

Even if your cat does not necessarily hide from you, avoid you or guests of your home could be a sign that they feel under the weather. Various sources of physical pain can cause cats to withdraw from human contact, as well as invisible conditions, such as anxiety.

Different vocalizations

trilling cat signs of affection

You may think that the miaou of your cat is the sweetest sound in the world, but if your pet is suddenly not stopping or there is a change in the height of their vocalizations, it is time to speak to the veterinarian. "Cats communicate with humans through their vocalizations, and they can be more vocal or have different morals if they do not feel well," says the veterinarian Dr. Kelly Ryan, Director of theMid American animal medical center.

Sleep less than usual

cats sleep 70% of their lives

Your cat should sleep about half of two-thirds of the day, but if they suddenly spend all night awake, you risk facing a health problem that needs attention. Cats with physical conditions that cause them pain - as well as problems such as anxiety or extreme hunger - can be reluctant to drift when it's time to hit the hay.


Orange cat

Although it can be healthy for overweight cats to lose a few pounds, if your pet is not on a specific diet and loses weight, it's a matter of concern. According to Dr. Amanda Landis-Hanna withPetsmart Charities, Even a weight loss as small as half a book can indicate that your cat needs medical attention.


cat hunching over

We all develop posture problems as we get older, but a hunch on your cat is definitely concerned. Hunching is often an indication of a digestive problem, or can cause spine problems, then the time is gas when you start to notice this symptom.

Eye changes

cats have complex muscles in their ears

Is your cat ripped over the years of dedicated affection that you provided him? Probably not. "Although we can easily recognize signs of disease through the eyes of cat's eyes, falling eyes or the third eyelid covering some of the dilated pupils, tight students or dilated pupils may be more difficult to notice. are always signs. of the disease, "says Dr. Ryan.


Cat licking mouth

If your normally hungry pet is suddenly gagged on his food, do not waste time to bring them to the veterinarian. While cats have sometimes increased the difficulty of consuming their food as they get older, the gagging can be a sign of all allergies with acid reflux, which will not allow your pet to enjoy a decent quality of life. if it is not treated.

Breathe through their mouths

cats leaving their poop uncovered is a sign of aggression

Although it may not be a big problem to see your dog breathe through his mouth, it can be a serious problem when your cat follows. While the cat breathable by their mouths can be a sign of infection or allergies, Dr. Bales also features whether it is also a sign of a threatening respiratory distress form and deserved definitively An immediate call to the veterinarian.


cats can make over 100 sounds, Worst Dating Phrases

Although it may be nice to suddenly have your cat attached to your side, if it's a new behavior for your fur friend, it's time to have them check. If your cat seems to constantly try to draw your attention, it could be a sign that they are trying to indicate that they suffer from pain or need help.

Flaky skin

cats hate changes to their daily routine

A small cat dandruff could be caused by a larger problem. The dandruff can not only be a sign of a dermatological condition or an allergy, it can also be a sign that your cat is overloaded, possibly due to stress.


Group of Cats Corny Jokes

Although each animal has a little crunchy in their joints as they get older, if your cat suddenly suddenly skipping vertically, it's time to get them, according to Dr. Landis-Hanna. In addition to the conditions such as arthritis, a lack of vertical jump can be the result of inflammatory disease, injury or extreme cases, a more serious problem, such as cancer.

A twitchy tail

fluffing tail cat signs of affection

A trembling cat tail is usually a sign of hunting behavior, but if the tail of your cat never stops dancing, get your veterinarian. Although it can sometimes be a sign that your cat is pushed about something, a twitchy tail can also be a symptom of feline hyperesthesia, which can lead to changes in their skin or body movements.


panting cat signs your cat is sick

A panting cat is not a happy camper. Height may indicate that your cat deals with allergies, upper respiratory infection, respiratory failure, or a panic attack, among other potentially serious problems.

Weight gain

Cat Marking

While your cat Rotud can be adorable, a sudden weight gain can also be a sign that something is seriously wrong. The weight gain may sometimes result from liquid retention, hormonal problems or even metabolic conditions, which should all be verified by a professional.

Purring constant

Cat and Owner Touching Noses

While the purring of a cat often indicates contentment, it can also be a sign that they are not in advanced shape. Cats not only purring to communicate happiness, they also purring when they are sick or upset, so if their ronron has changed, it's time to call your veterinarian.

A damp chin

Cat with Dilated Pupils

Each cat sometimes follows their small chin in their dish of water, and it is almost never a problem that deserves to take them at the doctor. A constantly wet chin, on the other hand, can indicate that your chat drools, which could result from having trouble swallowing, respiratory infection, dental health problems, fear, vomiting or even cancer .

Fur loss

cats grooming one another

This uneven fur on your cat is usually not a good sign. Unequal fur can cause conditions such as anxiety, grooming overload and allergies, which means it's time to have your cat checked if their cloak looks a bit worse for wear.


cat sneezing signs your cat is sick

Like humans, cats sneeze from time to time without more medical problems in play. However, sneezing can also be an indication that your cat has an infection or allergies, so it's better to play his safety if your Chat seems to sneeze more frequently than normal.

Suddenly looking older

an old man and his cat

According to Dr. Landis-Hanna, sometimes visual signals are enough to indicate that something is wrong with your pet. If your cat suddenly has the older air from you, it can be a combination of bad grooming and weight loss habits, which both deserve veterinary care.

Bad breath

cat breath signs your cat is sick

While you would have trouble finding a person who describes the meat breathing of their cat as sweet, in itself, if your feline friend has a sudden halitosis break-appears, it's time to bring them to a veterinarian. "Dental disease affects 85% of cats at the age of 3, which can cause bad breath, but dental disease can also lead to more serious problems such as renal, hepical and heart problems," declares Dr. Ryan.

Avoid the litter box

kitten in litter box
Shutterstock / Ysbrand Cosijn

A change of litter box habits, even a slight, can be an early sign that your cat is under the weather. "When a cat goes to the bathroom outside its litter box, it could indicate an urinary tract infection, blockage, bladder stones, constipation or questions of kidney, liver or thyroid "Explain Dr. Ryan. Similarly, if your cat uses the litter box more or less frequently than usual, you must tell the veterinarian.

A lack of interest for their toys

depressed cat signs your cat is sick

If your normally playful cat suddenly has no interest in their toys, it may not be as normal as you think. All of the physical pain at depression can make your cat with a lack of interest for the activities they have played.


cat dropping food signs your cat is sick

If your cat seems to drop more food than it's only in his mouth, you may deal with a medical problem. "Dental or oral pain of dental lesions can cause unusual behavior by eating," says Dr. O'Connell. Similarly, older cats and those with more serious medical problems can develop muscle weakness that also makes consumption more difficult. And to find out what these Mews and the head-butts really means, discover these30 surprising ways that your cat communicates with you.

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Tags: animals / Pets
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