20 US cities who are central bug-bite

Heads Up: There could be scorpions where you live.

Made: America dig with scary predators and crawly.According to The American Poison Control Centers Association, 57 poison control centers in the United States received more than 66,000 calls for stings or poisoning in Venom in 2011 - and these numbers are increasing only. In addition, the Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that bites and bites of insects, spiders or bees caused 25 deaths of the same year. So, while many of us may not think twice on the occasional bee sting or mosquito bite, an increasing number of people deals with more situations of high-risk creators in cities in the cities of United States.

In order to better prepare for summer trips (or equip your home with better buggifiers), we have compiled a list of cities in the United States afflicted at the worst bite bite epidemics, using statistics From the Census and Orkin Office. List of worst bugs and moustical towns. That said, it's the most noisy cities of America-enter your Swatter Fly and CAN on OFF! Spray and try to stay calm. And for more content inducing fear, check these20 childhood fears that stick to you until adulthood.

Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix, Arizona Bug-Bite

If the scorpions make you silent, it could be a good idea to move on to the next slide.According to The National Park Department, about 600 people place an emergency call for scorpion stitch in a typical three-month period during the dead season. However, in peak periods of July and August, thousands of calls are placed - and thousands of people are trying to treat these bites at home. Thus, as you can see, there is a reason why Phoenix is ​​called Phoenix Capital of the country - with 45 species and one species, Arizona Bark Scorpion, whose sting can actually kill you if it is is not treated.

Unfortunately, unfortunately for the owners of the city, it is the scorpions most likely to hide under your duvet or shower because they prefer the dark and wet places to nest. So, do you check under your covers before jumping to bed at night. And if you live in or around Phoenix, keep the scorpions with these27 ways to clean your home as a professional governess.

San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio, Texas Bug-Bite

Due to its similar dry and dusty climate, San Antonio, Texas has a fair share of Scorpio bites, but certainly not as frequently. Other bites that Top the list come from black widows, brown reflux, weavers of Lichen Orb and Blister Blister (they get their names of the blisters their bites leave on human skin). In addition to these beautiful insects, the residents of San Antonio must keep an eye on cockroaches, because they like to live in the same space as their human friends. And finally, if you have not already canceled any travel plan to this city of the real city, be warned that the "bug of kissing" murderer or a triatomin bug, carries a deadly disease that is untreated, can cause sudden death,according to Disease control centers. In Texas, several people have already died of the bug sting.

Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City, Missouri Bug-Bite

For starters, there are some bad news to report: unfortunately,according to Disease control centers, the drinking of kissing was also discovered in Kansas City, Missouri. However, the good news is that, while being one of the worst infested cities of bugs in America, the insects of the city of Kansas are relatively harmless - or at least their bite is. The most dangerous bites come from black widows and brown reflux. And for those of you seeking to cope with your fear of insects, check these5 extraordinary benefits of food bugs.

Houston, Texas

Houston, Texas Bug-Bite

Although many Houston bite bugs come from Pesky creatures like mosquitoes, bees and the occasional spider of the Black Widow, Houston (well, all Texas) is better known for a series of incredibly terrifying insects . Maybe the most afraid-inducing one of all, nicknamed the "cow killer" (although their spike can not really kill a cow), the red velvet antstingwill probably send you to the hospital. While the females are those that look like the most similar ants, because they are without wings, the males appear more like a wasp and tend to be more aggressive when they are disturbed.

Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas Bug-Bite

Although many claim that the insects of Austin help keep the city weird, we guess a vast majority of Austin residents would prefer not to treat these strange creatures, such as the bee of African killers (yes, just as scary that the name suggest). But not the main guilty of the bugged bites reported (this distinction belongs to the mosquito),BugsLike the Centipede Redhead in Texas and the southern flannel maber appears harmless, but are really incredibly venomous and must be avoided at any time. And for more ways to avoid mosquitoes this year, see these15 ways of genius to thwart mosquitoes this summer.

Fayetteville, North Carolina

Fayetteville, North Carolina Bug-Bite

Fayetteville recently made thelisting Worst cities in the country infested from bed bugs - and these generally awful critters and nicons are not the only nuisance to look for while in the region. Paper wasps, a widespread wasp breed in North Carolina and the surrounding temperate region, is one of the most common stings here, although a relatively painless stitch unless the afflicted is allergic to the insect .

Dallas, Texas

Dallas, Texas Bug-Bite

As you probably noticed, Texas is not the place to be if you are afraid of insects that go bump in the night - and throughout the day. Top of the list of terrifying creatures is ... the mosquito. Well, to clarify, it is the increased population of mosquitoes wearing the Zika virus. From January 1, 2015, until 26 April 2017, disease control centersreported That 326 people had been diagnosed with the virus, just in the state of Texas alone. This has been a problem in the Dallas region, because the mosquito population has continued to increase and with it, threats of the disease.

Dover, Delaware

Dover, Delaware Bug-Bite

The state of Delaware houses not only no water bug, but theGiant Water bug, flying over almost the size of your entire finger. These bugs are also called "buttonings", as they are known to focus on your toes in a rather painful clash of skin and tight pins. Apart from these frightening crawls, the city of Dover is relatively tamed despite theirFrequent run-ins with bed bugs epidemics.

Lima, Ohio

Lima Ohio Bug-Bite

The small town of Lima, Ohio, is crawled with bugs. On areport By ThumbontTack, an online market that connects local service owners such as pest control, Lima is the 8th "buggies" city of the country. The report quoted an overwhelming amount of bed bug infestations, with a number of problems with fleas and ticks.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Indianapolis, Indiana Bug-Bite

Year after year, Indianapolis has maintained its leading place on the list of cities infested with bedbugs in the country - and they are not going anywhere.More recentlyIn early 2018, Indianapolis jumped forward three places to claim their 11th place on the list, in a movement that shook nobody in the city. Congratulations, Indianapolis.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois Bug-Bite

Welcome to Chicago, Home Of The Stink Bug. Just last year, it was widelyreported This Chicago was in the middle of a battle with the insects, whose presence did not seem to increase the following year. According to experts, if you see a stormy bug in your home, you should never try to crush it because the bugs release a nauseating liquid that can actually stain.

Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles, California Bug-Bite

While you can think of the ant as the most harmless in insect species, think again. Upon arrival, the imported red suege has become a big problem in the Los Angeles area in recent years.According to The Los Angeles County West & Vector's Disease District, red ants are one of the most aggressive insects when disturbed - and their biteis much worse than their bark.

Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta, Georgia Bug-Bite

If you have spent at all at any time in Atlanta, you may know about Cockroach's problems, the city had struggles, especially in the last decade. There are five types of cockroaches living in the city, the most common as the American Cockroach. This infestation is mainly due to hot and humid weather in Atlanta, providing optimal living conditions for pests. Although it is a little rare, being bitten by a cockroach can be extremely painful.According to Several studies, cockroaches are "able to generate a force of fifty bite times stronger than their own body weight." But, other than pain, there is no reason to be alarmed if one of these creatures tightened on your skin because they are one of the only bugs not able to transmit a disease.

Miami, Florida

miami, Florida Bug-Bite

As you could have already guess, southern south that you travel, the larger and widespread bugs. To begin with, a large majority of bugs in the region are in fact invasive species that have arrived in Florida by accident or have been intentionally introduced - which means that the flowers suffer from bug bite that would not even have had to occur in their natural habitat. After the American Cockroach, fly species are the most common culprits of insect bites in Miami. In particular, the yellow fly and the stable fly arevicious (Especially the feminine yellow fly, which needs regular blood meal to raise its babies). Unlike other bugs on the list, they often seek human victims - although their bite is relatively harmless.

Washington DC.

Washington D.C. Bug-Bite

According to An article published in January 2018, Washington, DC, had one of the worst bed punch infestations in 2017, taking into account their number 2 on the annual list of Orkin of the cities of Graduate beds in the country . It looks like these hungry crushes are not going anywhere.

New York, New York

New York, New York Bug-Bite

Maybe the only thing more frightening than the cost of your rent in New York is the daily threat of cockroaches. But maybe more terrifying than the daily threat of cockroaches, is that most of the city of New York -Even the city -has been infested with bed bugs. And, to aggravate things, insects have really grown a thicker skin here in the city, which made them much more difficult to kill.

Detroit, Michigan

detroit michigan Bug-Bite

According to a recent report, Detroit rankssixth In the nation for the most peacted mosquito population. And even more recently,won his place On the Orkin list for cities with the worst bed bug infestations, arriving in seventh.

Raleigh, North Carolina

Raleigh, North Carolina Bug-Bite

Although Raleigh ranks at a 15th semi-resterable on the list of Orkin's mosquito cities in America, it is the other frightening crawlies that make this city and this state of infestation of the city and infesting. For example, did you know that the scorpions exist in North Carolina? Is not it either.According to theNews & Observer, Pseudoscopions, while rolling without Stinger, are always a shock of the majority of the population of North Carolina. Although they are relatively harmless (with the exception of occasional bite), the scorpions tend to hunt packets up to 175 - which is indeed a surprising image to evoke.

Hartford, Connecticut

Hartford, Connecticut Bug-Bite

According to The Harris survey conducted by Trugreen last year, Hartford, Connecticut is the most infested city of bugs from all over the United States. This distinction is due in part to the overwhelming increase in the population of ticks and mosquitoes throughout the state. And, to worsen things,testing By scientists from the Connecticut agricultural experience station found a higher rate than the average spirochetes of Lyme disease ". And, finally, the West Nile virus, transmitted by mosquitoes, was found in the horses of the region, wild birds and people since 1999 - all thanks to the Pesky bugs.

Columbus, Ohio

Columbus, Ohio Bug-Bite

Columbus, Ohio arrives at5thOn the list of most infested cities of Orkin bed bugs, and they really worked hard to win their guard. The problem seems to see no improvement while hotels in the region (and even shopping centers) are constantly threatened by the presence of these mordant opponents. And for more bugs, consult these 20 ways to eliminate bed bugs forever.

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Tags: Cities
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