Take the 30-minute challenge: what you can do to help those with cancer

It only takes half an hour to change someone's life.

Helping those with cancer does not need to be difficult. In fact, either through volunteering, increased awareness or donation of research initiatives, it often takes only 30 minutes or less for making a changing impact of life in the lives of those who combat devastating disease. If you want to make a difference, start with these 10 options. And to learn how common the disease isThat's how much you are likely to do cancer in your life.

Drive a patient to treatment

woman helping a patient get into her wheelchair

To have spare time? Hop in your car and use your vehicle to help a cancer patient in need. According toAmerican Cancer Society, Many individuals can not behave or do not have the way to get their treatment and part of the organization's road to the recovery transportation program, you can potentially help save money a life.

Donate to search on immunotherapy

Person with Money

That you want to make a unique gift or create recurring donations, giving theInstitute for Research on Cancer Go directly to helping researchers try to find immunotherapies-treatments that stimulate the immune system, which could possibly combat all types of cancer. And for more insight into the disease, learn the20 Symptoms of skin cancer Everyone must know.

To run a race

couple running in fall

If you are a runner, there is a way of doing exerciseand Help those with cancer at the same time. Looking for a race near you and register as Saint-Jude Hero, you could collect funds forSt. Jude for Children's Research Hospital while you train. The money you raise goes directly to all, housing treatment so that families with children with cancer can focus on their child's health, do not pay crazy bills.

Set up an exhibition during an event

woman set up at a health exhibition

A way to make awareness of cancer is as simple as borrowing a health fair kit for theFoundation of lung cancer research So you can configure a booth during events. In doing so, you will not only be a defender of those who suffer from the disease, but you will also inform others about how to stay healthy. In addition, you will also have fun doing it: you can teach people from lung cancer through the trivial, informative posters and other materials. And lose more light on the condition, beware of the20 surprising habits that increase your risk of cancer.

Help with a home lodge

Old woman, grandma in the kitchen cooking

Many people go far from distances for cancer treatment, and you can help patients feel at home when they are not. TheAmerican Cancer Society Hope Lodge Network-This offers patient accommodation - has volunteer opportunities that involve everything from meals to supply entertainment, and there are 30 lodges in the United States.

Donate to breast health services

mammograms are one of the things that suck about turning 40

Many people can not afford mammary health services such as mammograms, but donate to theNational Breast Cancer Foundation will help women get the services they need that can detect breast cancer at first and potentially save their lives. Eighty percent of all funds given to the organization will directly educate women on their risks and providing them with the tools they need to stay healthy. And for ways to protect you from breast cancer, check the40 ways to prevent breast cancer after 40 years.

To do yoga

Couple Doing Yoga on Mountain Romance

Each year, the lung cancer research foundation hasFree to breathe the Yoga Challenge Events around the country, where you can create a team of 12 people and collect funds to finance research. The day of the event, you come together with your friends and get yourOm By improving your health, honoring people diagnosed with lung cancer and supporting the cause.

Donate your hair

woman getting a haircut
Shutterstock / Kamil Macniak

Cut your hair takes minutes and if you have a lot of things to save,Children's wigsis always looking for donations. By giving at least 12 inches, the organization will be able to create high quality wigs for children who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy and other causes, giving them confidence in their cancer.

Do push-ups

Weighted pushup

The prostate cancer foundation started the#PCFPushup Challenge, who will build your musclesand Increasing funds for the organization that is still working hard to finance research initiatives that heal, treat and detect cancer that affects 1 on 9 men. In collaboration, make a commitment to make 10 pumps for every $ 20 dollar retrieval - and get your friends on it.

Donate to education and care

Scientific Discoveries

Another way to help people with cancer is to donate to theAmerican Cancer Society. All funds that the organization receive directly to education, care and research - all that will greatly benefit anyone who attempts to fight the disease. You can even make the gift in honor or in memory of someone in your own life. And to learn more about this deadly disease, consult the 20 surprising habits that increase your risk of cancer.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Cancer
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