The real reasons that most people get cancer

Point fingers all you want - there is still no unique culprit.

Due to the widespread dissemination of false information, people often believe that carcinogenic carcinogenic substances are hiding in the food they consume and the devices they use. But in fact, it is inevitable factors (age, genetics) and bad habits (tobacco, alcohol) that are some to play the most causes with cancer and common food electronics that is almost no role in the appearance of the disease.

To put your fears at rest once and for all we compiled thereal reasons most people cancer it. And the means to stay at the top of the disease, do not miss the20 SKIN CANCER SYMPTOMS Everyone needs to know.


grandparents with grandkids

According toNational Cancer Institute, Hereditary genetic mutations contribute between 5 to 10 percent of all cancer cases. In these cases, individuals can be transmitted what is calledHereditary cancer syndromes, or disorders that could make them more sensitive to certain types of cancer. Examples of genes involved in hereditary cancer syndromes includeTP53,BRCA1, andBRCA2, All in normal circumstances help prevent the growth of tumors and repair of damaged DNA.


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Ato study Leaded by researchers from the American Cancer Society revealed that 48.5 percent of all deaths in 2011 from 12 different types of combined cancer could be attributed to smoking. These cancers include lung-the researchers found that the astronomical sum of 80.2 percent of all cases were linked to liver smoking, esophagus and stomach. And other less obvious means that you could endanger you, consult the20 surprising habits that increase your risk of cancer.

Alcohol consumption

two businessmen drink at a bar

Frequent alcohol consumption is a known carcinogen. According toresearch published in theAmerican Journal of Public healthAlcohol consumption has resulted in everywhere from 18200 to 21300 cancer deaths in 2009, representing just over 3 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States. Scientists have found several ways that alcohol increases a person's cancer risk, one of them being that ethanol in a drink breaks down into acetaldehyde, which can damage genetic material.


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Carrying Invites Excess Body Weight To release surpluses from insulin and estrogen, two hormones that can cause cancer growth. And according to ato study Published inCURRENT ONCOLOGY REPORTS, Approximately 85,000 new cancer cases each year in the United States can be related to obesity. If you are worried about your weight related cancer, start by checking these20 surprising weight loss tips that everyone can do.

The UV radiation

woman tanning in solarium

Like ato study Published in the newspaperNursing seminars in oncology Concluded: "Almost all skin cancers are ... related, at least in part, at UV exposure. This is how: UV radiation-if is sun or an artificial source like a tanning bed-damages the cells of the skin and, in the grave case of a sunburn, even kills them completely.


Miner working in the mines common cancer causes

According toEnvironmental Protection Agency of the United States, Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in people who do not smoke and the second leading cause of lung cancer in general. Every year, the causes of natural gas about 21,000 lung cancer deaths, which is why it is important to constantly monitor the levels of your home with aRadon test kit.


Pill bottles

As if patients with cancer are not enough on their plate, they also have to worry potentially getting asecond Cancer type of their first cancer treatment. As theAmerican Cancer Society Explains, some drugs like chemo alkylating agents and drugs have been known based on platinum to cause myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia, and these cases are often difficult to treat.

X-rays and gamma rays

woman getting radiation therapy for cancer

Although X-rays and gamma rays are known to cause cancer, they really tend to do it when a person is exposed to extremely high doses. Therefore, the only people who need to worry about the most X-rays or gamma exposure are survivors of the atomic bomb and, more applicable, patients undergoing radiotherapy.


factory tower

AsKurt straafe, PhD, Head of the IARF Monographs section,Explain At the American Cancer Society, "external air pollution is not only a major environmental risk for health in general, it is the most murderous environmental cancer important because of the large number of people exposed. »

According toMost recent dataSince the global burden of the disease project, 2016 has seen 4.1 million premature deaths as a result of air pollution, the majority of deaths are due to lung cancer and chronic pulmonary diseases.


woman going through menopause having a hot flash

Hormone therapy is often prescribed for women to treat the symptoms of menopause such as perspiration and warm, but recent lightningstudies have found that these treatments increase the risk of endometrial breast cancer and cancer. However, the American Cancer Society did not indicate its position in one way or another on the carcinogenic effects of drugs, so if you take them, be sure to pay attention to the20 surprising cancer symptoms that you should not ignore.

Recipients of organ transplants


Patients who get organ transplants must take immunapsprinter medications to ensure that their bodies do not join their new organs. However, one of the side effects of these drugs is that they increase the risk of cancer and ato study Published in the newspaperToxicology found that 46% of renal transplanted patients developed cancer after receiving their new organ.


old man sitting in a chair

The older you are older, the more your body has been exposed to carcinogens that can mutate DNA and cause cancer. And as recentData From the National Monitoring, Epidemiology and Final Monitoring Program of the National Cancer Institute showed that approximately a new case of on four cancer appears in people aged 65 to 74 years.


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Because they cause chronic inflammation and remove the immune system, infections are one of the most common cancer causes. In fact, according to ato study published in theInternal Medicine Journal, infections are responsible for more than 15% of all cancer cases around the world. And for more information on cancer, do not miss the40 ways to prevent breast cancer after 40 years.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Cancer / wellness
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