23 amazing things your body says about you

You wear your heart on your sleeve - literally.

There are a million resources to learn more about your body, the highest MED schools on Wikipedia and Webmd. But if you have a simple practical mirror, you will find that one of the best absolute resources for understanding your physical existence is not only free, but also to look at the face.

Yes, the thing that can teach you most about your body is, well, your body. By carefully examining the subtleties and the oddities that make youyou-Things like the color of the eyes,your face shape, Even your usual imperceptible ticks - you are sure to discover all kinds of secret messages. Some are sure to support good news. Others? Well ... here, to guide you on the way, exactly, to keep an eye on, we discovered the 23 most amazing things your body says about you.

Characteristics of the asymmetrical facial = You are a better team leader.

Asymmetrical Face Things Your Body Says About You

On ato study Published inQUARTERLY LEADERSHIP, these peoplewith asymmetrical facial characteristics-An ear placed higher than the other, for example, or a sharp point on one side of the nose - was considered best to take charge and to show an initiative, and was more likely to persuade others to put side their personal interests for the well-being of the group.

O Type of blood = You are more likely to be bitten by a mosquito.

Mosquito Bug-Bite Things Your Body Says About You

According to The researchers at the Institute of Pest Management Technology in Japan, in a controlled framework, mosquitoes are more likely to lock a person with a person of blood type, although researchers do not know why this happens. So, if you are one of the "oh, they just think that my blood is sweet" Types, Hey,You could really be on something.

A longer index than the ring finger = you are less likely to get prostate cancer.

man counting on fingers Things Your Body Says About You

Although there is still a lot of research to do, many scientists have really supported this complaint. In fact, those who have longer fingers than the fingers of the ring have had 33% less chances to getProstate cancer in their life. This has been saved by ato study Posted in 2011, which found that the opposite was also true - that those who have longer fingers tended to have a higher chance to hear a diagnosis of prostate cancer.

A bilateral earfold = You may have an increased risk of developing coronary artery disease.

Man Having a Heart Attack Things Your Body Says About You

Researchers in China haveproven This strong correlation is true and found that even those with a unilateral fold were at a higher risk of the disease, although the risk was not as high as those with the bilateral fold.

Brown eyes = You could have a decrease in alcohol tolerance.

drunk man Things Your Body Says About You

According to Researchers from Georgia State University, because people with brown eyes have more melanin in their brain - which means that brain treatment power is increased - it actually takes their body less time To treat alcohol, which, in tandem, makes them feel much faster.

A great front = you are likely to be smarter than others.

Smart Businessman Things Your Body Says About You

Yes, it's true: as it turns out, your big forehead actuallycould Make the place for your biggest type of brain. According to researchers at the University of Edinburgh, babies born with larger fronts are likely to be smarter than their small-head counterparts, theIndependent reported. By measuring the width of the borders of the babies and mapping their academic achievements later in life, researchers were able to determine that those who have larger fronts were much more likely to be smarter. In addition, the study found a link between brain size and intelligence in the 100 participants.

A curiously placed belly button = you might be better to run or swim.

Couple Running Things Your Body Says About You

According to a study published in theInternational Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, the position of your belly button could say a lot about your ability as a runner and swimmer, theAtlantic reported. Since your navel acts as your center of gravity, the riders who have a navel located above on their body tend to have longer meshes and a high center of gravity, which makes them faster than others with others with others. a lower point of gravity. On the other hand, the study revealed that these people with a navel come closer to their pelvis tend to be better swimmers, because most of their power is located in their chest.

Longer eyebrows = You may be better dealing with stress.

woman smiling happy Things Your Body Says About You

As expert in facial reading Jean HarenerRecount Cosmopolitan, those equipped with longer eyebrows tend to be better listeners. However, at the other end of the eyebrow spectrum, people with shorter eyebrows do not deal very well with stress, and often do not want to get involved in the business of their friend or dental advice.

Quick blinking = You could be attracted by someone.

Happy couple flirting Things Your Body Says About You

According to Blake Eastman, an expert in corporal language and the founder ofThe nonverbal group, Fast blinking of the eyes is one of the most subtle reactions that the body evokes. And yet, it's very real. If you are flashing at a rate of more than 10 flashes per minute or if you observe that someone else flashes at this rate, there may be latent feelings of emotional excitement or lust.

Contaminated hair follicles = You commit yourself in an illegal activity.

Woman's Hair Things Your Body Says About You

Others might be able to say which illegal substances, if any, took you in the last three months. Similar to body language, your hair can reveal quite interesting secrets about your life. In fact, only one hair follicle has the ability to hold traces of cocaine, amphetamines, marijuana and opioids such as many others - for 90 days or more. This is why some employers insist to give employees screening tests for employees' hair follicle because they are much more revealing than the standard page-in-a-cup pages method.

You are on the shorter side = you could live longer.

Older Couple Things Your Body Says About You

According toresearch Outside the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, found that shorter people have a gene that makes themto live longer than their greatest counterparts. This gene, called Foxo3, has now been linked to the size of the bodyand Longevity, which has been exposed in its analysis of 8,000 subjects over a period of 40 years. At the end of the study, researchers really found that these five-foot participants and fewer people lived longer than participants who were five feet to four inches and larger.

A big nose = You could be a businessman or a more successful woman.

Businessman Looking Away Things Your Body Says About You

According to Sandra Jean Copperfield Face Reader, a big nose means that you are more likely to succeed in business businesses and therefore become more likely to become rich. In addition, your positivity, your excellent instinct and your ambition will make you a favorable leader in any business context.

Square Toes = You might be more convenient.

Practical Person Things Your Body Says About You

The same is true if your toes are gathered seem to make a more square form, or if your toes seem to be measuring at the same height. In both cases, you are likely to be more likely to take a logical and practical approach to your business than others,according to Good Housekeepingmagazine. Also called the "Passean foot", those who have the form of this foot are more likely to examine all decisions in their lives, regardless of the small or unimportant size they can be. Square people also make the best friends, as they are incredibly reliable and trustworthy.

Large hips = You could be more promiscuited than others.

Couple Talking Things Your Body Says About You

Ato study Realized at the University of Leeds found that females with broader hips were more likely to have a greater number of sexual partners. While doing the study, the researchers found that women with wider hips than 14.2 inches tended to have more night stands, which, in turn, has led to a larger number of partners .

Dark red tongue = You may be missing on some key nutrients.

woman sticking out tongue Things Your Body Says About You

While some acidic foods can cause temporary redness of the tongue, a more dynamic and durable color can indicate a hidden vitamin deficiency. In addition to weakness, fatigue, memory problems and balance problems, a red language can indicate a serious B12 deficiency in your body. To cure this deficiency, simply introduce food into your diet rich in vitamin B12, such as tuna, beef, clams and trout.

Spreading wide finger separation = You are more independent.

Female Solo Traveler Things Your Body Says About You

Put your hands flat on the nearest surface. Do you find out that your fingers spread more widely? If yes, Kay Packard, Director of the American Academy of Hand Analysis,suggest Whether you prefer to look for solo adventures and you are more open to new experiences. In short, it is the travelers of the world among us. However, if you find that your fingers are well kept together, it could indicate that you are more careful and kept.

Feet of high cambride = you are very autonomous.

Woman at Home Alone Things Your Body Says About You

On his arrival, the natural vault of your foot can say a lot about your personality. If you are independent to the point of being completely anti-social, the high arches of your foot might be to blame. And, as you may have already guessed, those who have lower arches tend to be more outgoing and therefore to value society and emotional support from others.

Discolored nails = You could have undiagnosed health problems.

woman liver function Things Your Body Says About You

More than to emphasize serious illnesses likekidney Whereliver disease, your nails can provide useful tips on how the rest of your body works - or rather how it does not work properly.According to The Mayo Clinic, the club club or expanding the tips of your finger and corresponding nails, can indicate a serious pulmonary disease, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, even AIDS. In addition, the nails of the spoon or soft nails that look scooped, can mean that you are incredibly anemic and lack the correct amount of iron. Finally, the lines of beauty or fingerprints that cross the nails can mean that you have diabetes or that you are currently fighting with pneumonia, a scarlet of the dove or measles.

Blue eyes = You are better at strategic planning.

Woman with Blue Eyes Things Your Body Says About You

If you are excavating things that require advanced planning, such as golfing, campaign running and examining exams, you may be able to blame your success on the color of your eyes, explains a study led by the University of Louisville. Asreported throughThe New York TimesThis 2007 study revealed that lighter-eyed participants excelled more to strategic thinking, while those who have darker eyes have been better with activities requiring greater agility and greater strength.

Square Palms = You might be better to solve mathematics problems.

Mathematician Things Your Body Says About You

Because those with square palms tend to see all situations in black or white, they can make them more mathematician followers because most responses are in the form of a firm response.

A big toe longer = you are more creative.

Man Writing Things Your Body Says About You

According to The experts of the pedoy feet Reviews. (It could also indicate that you are a sharp thinker.) However, do not be discouraged if your wish for creativity has not been filled in your length of your toe, much of this research has been made only by Foot and palm readers and not yet been saved by peer-examined scientific conclusions.

A longer third toe = you have boundless energy.

Energetic Woman Things Your Body Says About You

It's depending on people from Pedi, who feel that a longer third and could reveal aEndless resource of energy.

Thin legs = You could have bad metabolic health.

Woman With Legs Crossed Things Your Body Says About You

If the fat has recently stopped collecting in your legs at all, this could be a sign of a weak metabolism, according to a 2017to study. If your metabolic health is not what it was, it could indicate a fault in the way our body turns food into energy. This, in turn, could lead to a whole multitude of other medical problems, including cardiovascular disease. To transform your metabolic health, try maintaining a more balanced diet.

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