How to buy the best table in a restaurant

The man's guide to skip the line with class.

The keys to get a plum table in an exclusive restaurant or discotheque discretion and respect. In a restaurant, do not face the butler at check-in position in front of other guests. Meet him in the middle of the restaurant after sitting another table, said the psychologist Mark L. Brenner, PhD, author ofTipping for success. Introduce yourself, explain your story (why it's important that you are sitting), and make sure with the universal code: "I will be happy to take care of yourself in the right way if you can make these arrangements. »

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Another option is to call from a mobile phone in the restaurant and do the same step out of the other who are waiting. How much tip? Depending on the duration of the wait is, anywhere from $ 5 to $ 15 will do the trick. "It's never as much as people think," Brenner said. Pass the tip with a two-handed hand or shake method once the hotel master delivers. To maintain the quid pro quo on the bottom down, bend the bills into four sections and hide them in your palm. Once you shake hands in the appreciation, it leaves with free.

Best Life No-Brainer

In a setting of the hotel, ask for the reservation manager if you have a problem. With a doorman in a discotheque, it is usually necessary to take a bet on the point in advance. Ask to speak with him privately and make sure you have the invoices prepared in advance. As expected, the place more exclusive, the more the tip should be. There is a reason why the most connected clubs at Las Vegas are depending on the rumor to make up to half a million a year.

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