That's what your fear of commitment really means

Being too frightened to fall in love is very real.

The way we consider relationships is constantly changing and all the concept of commitment is re-evaluated. It is proven that evidence suggests that, compared to previous generations, today's young people are Skittish when it comes to committing relationships in the traditional direction. In the 1950s, for example, it was common tobe engaged after a few dates; Today, couples aged 25 to 34 for an average date ofsix and a half years before getting married. In fact, according to 2014Data from the PEW Research Center, 25% of the millennia will beNever get married.

Only the time will say that this apparent extended reluctance to the engagement really means. But if you areseeks to be in a healthy relationship And I simply can not seem to make it work, you should ask you: Are you simply selective or do you have a fear of commitment? And there is no time as the present to understand that.

What does it mean to be a user commitment?

Engagement-Phobia is under a variety of shapes and sizes. There are people who do not commit to ever enter the relationships in the first place; There are people who are known as "Avoiding Attachments, "Which hinders in relations but keeps their partners at a length of arms; And there are people who consider themselves vulnerable and honest, but surety as soon as things get too serious.

At their base, all these people have one thing in common: a fear of being injured.

"The key piece is fear-fear of intimacy and deep emotional connection," writes an expert in relationVictoria Lorient-Faibishon his website,Visualization works. "People who are engaged-phobic need to cut their feelings after a certain point of knowing someone as a way to feel controlled and feel protected emotionally. This is often not conscious and goes on to the deepest subconscience. "

When you think about it, humans are social creatures by design. We want love and emotional attachment, the thrust of dopamine sex, the flood of intimacy of oxytocin. We are not born of pHobes. We are manufactured by romantic experiences. And the defining characteristic of a PHOBE commitment is a person who leaves a relationship not because they do not have feelings, but because they do it.

"[Engagement-Phobia] is another name for the anxiety of relationships," psychologist and meetings coachMelanie Schilling wrote for the dating siteeharmony. "People with a job-phobia usually want a deep and meaningful link with another person, but their crushing anxiety prevents them from staying in a relationship too long. If it is in a hurry for a commitment, they are much more likely to leave the relationship than to leave the relationship that to make the commitment. Or, they can first agree with the commitment, then back from days or weeks later, because of their anxiety and their peeles overwhelming . "

What can you do if you are afraid of commitment?

Apart from therapy, there is only one way to treat the appointment-phobia, which consists of accepting the fact that you can not experience the euphoria of love without having also 'anxiety of possible pain that this could cause. In many ways, the processing of the involvement-phobia is similar to treating OCD or othersAnxious disorders; You would think that the rationalization of yourself would be the best way to go, but it only aggravates things.

The best way to treat it is to accept that the worst can happen (yes, your relationship can end painfully) and just a free fall. Do not let anxiety govern your life. Choose to dive into the heart first. And for more advice on a bright future, here is23 things to give up to be happy in 2019.

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