Found - a probiotic breakfast that is not yogurt

Can a bowl of cereals be good for your intestine? A dietician weighs.

You have probably heard much about the importance of probiotics lately and how they are essential to maintain good overall health. The buzz is deserved, says registered dietitianKatey Davidson, MSC, RD, which explains that a healthy intestiner leads to better digestion, better weight management and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.

These days,probiotics Are so popular that they are already available in cookies, teas and yogurt - and now the giant food Kellogg's is entering the game with another easy way to look for your good consumption of bacteria: cold cereals. To this end, they launched a new brand of well-being,HELLO! Happily inside, which aims to bring the power of probiotics to your daily breakfast in three different flavors (coconut crunch, blueberry and strawberry).

The point of sale is that the cereal improves the benefits of probiotics by combining them with two other major actors of digestion,prebiotics andfiber. Each of the three flavors offers one billion probiotics of the CFU, 2.5 grams of prebiotics and nine grams of fiber.

Pre ... Pro ... What is the difference?

If you are wondering what is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics, you are not the only one. Davidson explains that the probiotics are living bacteria that we eat to promote a healthy gut microbiome, while the prebiotics are a type of fiber that nourishes bacteria living in our intestine.

Be aware of the prebiotic and probiotic sources

However, it should be noted that all probiotics are not created equal. Davidson explains that it is important to examine the type of stress added to a product because different strains promote different health findings. "It is ideal to have at least 1 billion CFU per serving, which is usually why companies use a mix of strains," she says.

And as with probiotics, Davidson says it is important to know the prebiotics used in the products you also consume. The prebiotic used in Hi! Happy inside cereals is the inulin, which comes from the chicory root, she says. "It's a very common source of prebiotics and can promote the health of incidents," she says. However, it adds that some people live stomach ache, ample stools and cramps when they take too much inulin.

A good source of fiber

Fiber is also a good component ofintestinal healthAnd Davidson says that four grams of fiber per serving are generally recommended. Since this cereal is made mainly with whole grains and contains nine grams of fiber by serving, it says it can be helpful to achieve your daily fiber objectives, because women need about 25 grams a day. And men need 37.

What about sugar?

But even though this cereal can increase your prebiotic, probiotic and fiber consumption, Davidson says it is important to keep in mind that each portion contains 9 grams of sugar. This comes from a mixture of natural sources (milk, yogurt and bays) and added sugar in the form of cane syrup, cane sugar and regular table sugar, she says. However, it adds that the fiber of this cereal will help slow the absorption of sugar, which means that it will no longer need an effect on your blood glucose as a whole.

Store Hi! Happy inside cereals now on Amazon

Categories: Groceries
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