Here's why you do not remember your childhood memories

When you are young, your brain lacks skills to keep them.

It's a strange and insertive feeling. You see a domestic video sequence of yourself as a 2 year old, running and laughing and discovering the world. The friends of your parents tell stories about some of the hilarious things you said or on memorable occasions like your first step, your first word, your first scar. You know you have interacted with the world around you, and yet you do not remember anymore.

Very few adults can remember everything that happened before the age of 3, but recently recently, scientists really started understanding why it is.

Back in the 1900s, Freud invented the term "childhood amnesia", to describe the strange phenomenon of losing childhood memories in adulthood. His theory was that we suppress our first memories because of their disturbing sexual content, because it is his whole Mo. Although some agree with this hypothesis, in recent decades gave a different conclusion, thanks to a large part of several studies conducted by Patricia J. Bauer, Professor of Psychology at Emorory University and Expert in the field of development. Cognitive children.

In a 2005 innovative 2005 study, researchers spoke to three years and mothers on important events in their life of Toddler, and then asked to recall these events from 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. to 5 time. 6 and 7, children remembered 60% or more of the early events of life, while children aged 8 and 9 remembered less than 40% of these events. Studies set up the agreed belief that 7 is the age our childhood memories begin to fade, because we prepare for puberty. (For more things, checkThe most important ages of your life.)

The experiments also led Bauer and other scientists to the conclusion that children under 3 years of age are simply lacking the complex neural architecture to retain memories, in what delicately known as the "theory of Pasta "memory.

"I compared the memory to a colander," Bauer said. "If you cook of the Fettuco, the pasta stay. But if you cook orzo, it goes into the holes. The immature brain is a lot like a colander with big holes and that small memories are like orzo. As you get older , you get bigger pasta or net with smaller holes. "

Bauer and his team also theorized this part of the reason these first memories are so difficult to hold are due because, without any perception of the time or even our identity, they lack the necessary context.

But another part of the problem is that these memories of early childhood are also unreliable. In his research, Elizabeth Loftus, a cognitive psychologist and an expert in human memory, has shown that many of our first memories are really wrong. In 1991, she led a study in which volunteers received a series of stories about their childhood. Unless otherwise, one of these stories, to be lost in the shopping center, was actually not true. Despite the fact that it never happened, the volunteers claimed to recall this experience.

Other research has also shown that the stories that our mother tell us can often manifest fake memories, as can dreams and fantasies. That may be for the reason we lose so many of these memories to 7, so we can give up childhood.

And for great ways to improve your own reminder, check20 simple ways to improve your memory.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Your Brain
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