Why Sunshine is your ultimate secret weapon of weight loss

Show me the light!

If you follow recent studies, you already know thatExercise outdoors in the winter is a great way to lose weightBecause exercise in cold burns more calories than to exercise warmer temperatures, due to a process called thermogenesis. Apparently, however, there is still another reason outside the winter can be good for weight loss and the best part of it is that it does not even require moving.

According to a new study of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta published in the newspaperScientific reportsThe sunlight is more than lifting your mood. It also narrows adipose cells. "When the blue blue wavelengths of the sun - the light we can see with our eye penetrate our skin and reach the adipose cells just below, the lipid droplets reduce size and are released from the cell. In others terms, our cells do not store so much fat "Stone light, Senior Author of the Study, Professor of Pharmacology and Director of Alberta Diabetes Institute (not to mention very specifically appointed to this study), said.

If you think about it, this breakthrough discovery partly explains why people can store more fat in the winter, as well as why people in warmer countries seem unjustly thin.

"If you return our results, the insufficient exposure to the sun we obtain eight months of the year living in a northern climate can promote the storage of fat and contribute to the typical weight gain, some of us have exceeded the winter, "said the light.

Certainly, watch in the light that more research needs to be done before scientists can confirm that spending more time in the sun is a great way to lose weight.

"For example, we do not yet know the intensity and duration of the light necessary for this path to be activated," he said.

The fascinating thing is that all the discovery was essentially accidental. Light and colleagues were looking for the white fatal cells (which store "bad fat") to produce insulin when exposed to light, which led them to discover that white adipose tissue subcutaneous actually shrinks in the sun.

Discovery can have major implications for the future of weight loss and how we can use sunlight to treat obesity.

Now, obviously, sunlight can also have harmful effects, because too much exposure can cause skin cancer, so it's important to always wear solar screen.

According toAccording to the World Health OrganizationHowever, you just have to get between 5 and 15 minutes from sunlight on your arms, hands and face of two to three times a week to get the atmosphere effects of vitamin D. So, if that n is not too cold outside, then plan to make a long walk or jog and soak this sweet sun (andTurn on sweatcoin While you are at this, you can make money at the same time).

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Categories: Health
Tags: diet / Fitness / wellness
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