20 titanic facts are wrong

Let these truths sink.

You may have been too busy enjoying every second to look at the story of the love of Jack and Rose unfold duringTitanic To note the movie errors. And Hey - understandable. Although the film had a lot on the right, there was still a handful of things that it was wrong with the fateful night in 1912, and these facts are some of the most notable. So, read it and be ready to correct even the most devoted fans of the movie. And for more myth, discover these28 sustainable myths in American history.

Pocket lamps did not exist yet

Titanic Looking for Survivors

In the film, rescue agents sought survivors using flashlights. The only problem? They did not exist in 1912. It is not necessarily an error, however: according toa source, Director James Cameron knew he was not accurate historically, but needed them to operate the scene. (Good lighting is important, people!) If you think Jack was not worth all the hype, so do not miss the4 reasons why Rose should have stayed with Cal in "Titanic".

Jack's's modern handcuffs

Titanic Jack's Handcuffs

Remember the scene where the plug is handcuffed to the hose under the bridge? (How could someone forget!) If you are looking closely, you will notice that the handcuffs it really has aModern welded seal-Something that would not have existed at the time. Oh, and for the record: you already know that "Titanic" did it on our list ofThe 30 worst thin film of all time.

Oceanic water was too clear

Titanic Jack and Rose Escape

When Rose and Jack try to escape the flooded lower bridges, they find the key to the water. This would not have been the case in real life, however: ocean water is not so blue and clear, and according toa sourceIt would have been difficult to spot a key with all that debris. And for more interesting facts to share on your next party festival, see these30 facts that you have always thought it's not true.

The money was wrong

Titanic Cal

During the movie, Cal Paste $ 20 tickets in the pocket of Murdoch's first officer, but the Federal Reserve's tickets did not come out before 1914, "saida source - It's two years after the ship has sank. And for more facts on lucre, see these20 crazy facts that you never knew about a dollar invoices.

There was no discrimination with the rescue boats

Titanic Lifeboats

If you thought it was quite cramped how the third class passengers were locked under the bridge, because the first class passengers got seats of choice on the lifeboats, it was not the case. Yes, there were doors - but not for that purpose.

"As soon as the order was given to lower the lifeboats, the order was given to open all the doors and there was no discrimination on the boat bridge between the first class or third,"noted Historian Tim Maldin. And on the right more historical wrongs, check our list of the list of40 facts that you learned in the twentieth century that are totally wrong today.

Murdoch was he a hero in real life

Titanic Murdoch Kills Tommy

Well, it is prudent to say that the Titanic made the first murdoch officer is dirty. In the movie, he pulls a passenger who tries to enter the already complete lifebar, then sorrow over his actions, pulls himself. In real life, however, he wasKnown as a hero, Help load 10 rescue boats and save the lives of many people. There are eyewitnesses that say that a shooting event took place, but it has never been confirmed - especially not with the name of an officer.

"I took the freedom to show it to someone and then shoot himself," Cameronnoted. "He is a named character; he was not a generic officer. We do not know that he did it, but you know that the storyteller said," Oh. "I'm starting to connect the points: he was in use, he carries all this burden with him, made him an interesting character. But I was a screenwriter. I did not think I was historian, and I think I was not Not as sensitive to the fact that his family, his survivors might feel offended by that and they were. "

There were no small vessels at the beginning of the film

Titanic Departure

When the Titanic discolves, there were many small vessels with people who are waving and hollering passengers. Thisdid not happenAt the moment of departure, however: because the ship is so huge, he would have placed people on the smallest in danger ships because of the giant waves she does. And for more fascinating knowledge, do not miss these20 20th century school lessons considered offensive today.

Passengers would be dead much earlier

Titanic Bodies in the Water

One of the most sad parts of the film is to see how many people died by trying to survive in cold cold water, the intake included. According toa sourceThe water was not the only thing that would have caused hypothermia, though: it would have been placed in much earlier, even while they evacuated on the bridges. This means that many people have probably not done the live ship.

Rose would have definitely dead

Titanic Rose on Door

In keeping that it was cold, there is good luckRose would also be dead In the real life due to her only wear a coat and a maine dress lying on the door of the water. But since seeing it and that Jack freezes to death would have made the movie much less fun to watch, Cameron has definitely made the right choice. Do not like the end to the movie? So do not miss this chance toWatch Kate Winslet and Stephen Colbert fixing the end to "Titanic".

Margaret Brown's nickname did not exist yet

Titanic Molly Brown

You must love the frank and hilarious margaret brown spirit. What is interesting, however, is that it has never been actually called "molly" as if it were in the film: this nickname was givenAfter his death When people started calling it "the molly brown designable".

Jack cigarettes were before their time

Titanic Jack Smoking Cigarette

In the movie, Jack smoked a cigarette on the rear deck before Rose plans to jump. It may not seem out of order, but it really uses a mass produced filter cigarette - something thatdid not exist in 1912.

Rose cited a theory that has not been published yet

Titanic Rose Quoting Freud

During the movie, Rose said: "Do you know Dr. Freud? His ideas with a male concern with size could interest you especially for you, Mr. Ismay," citing a Sigmund Freud theory that did not exist yet. In fact, it was not published beforeyears later.

The shipwreck was more dramatic in the movie

Titanic Sinking

The scene where the Titanic is divided into two in the film is one person will never forget. And although this fact is proved historically correct, the stern swirling vertically nearly 90 degrees in the air before falling into the water was too exaggerated for the film. "There was probably probably a moment when he stood pretty proud of the water, but it was not as dramatic and as static as we show in the movie" Cameronnoted.

No one claimed that the ship was invisible

Titanic Unsinkable

In the film, everyone knows the Titanic as a ship that is "invisible". In real life, it was not the case. In fact, the White Star Line has never made a claim that its ship was prediable.

"It's not true that everyone thought that. It's a retrospective myth, and it's a better story,"noted Richard Howells, Ph.D. "If a man of his pride builds an invisible vessel as Prométhee flying the fire of the gods ... he is perfectly mythical that God would be so angry with such a confront that he flows the ship on his exit from the girl. "

The last song of the band might not be exact

Titanic Band Playing

You will probably remember seeing the group that always plays on the bridge while the ship sinks in order to lift the spirits of the passengers, but the last song they played before his descent may not have been " closer, my god, to you. "

"The passenger who recalled that one played that the hymn played was lucky enough to move a little time before the ship sank," said Simon McCallum, "said PhD. "We will never really know that all seven musicians died - but it's a poetic license." Closer, my God, to you "is an evocative anthem that works like a romantic image in the movie".

Jack could not have joined Rose for dinner - or anything, really

Titanic Dinner Party Scene

One of the best parts of the Titanic is the dinner scene. The fun thing is that it would never have been possible on the true vessel because the passengers of the third class could not be in the first class section of the boat and vice versa. Sad,but true.

Rose and Jack had it too easy to escape the ship

Titanic Jack and Rose Escape

In the movie, Rose and Jack spent a good 30 minutes through the ice water at the edge of the ship, usually not imphpically, because they tried their hardest to survive. Unfortunately, those of the same situation in real lifeDeceased within 15 to 30 minutes because of the cold water. And for more fun facts, check these100 great facts on everything.

Date his art incorrectly

titanic jack

Dates the pink drawing like April 1914. TheTitanic Sunk in 1912.

The scene "I steal" would have been much colder

Titanic Flying Scene

Unfortunately for these lovers, one of the most remarkable scenes of the film - when Jack Tien is a rose at the arch of the ship - there would probably not have been in real life. It could, but because of a fall in temperature on April 14, 1912, they would have at least visible breaths, saida source.

J. Bruce Ismay is not really dressed like a woman

Titanic Ismay

In the film, J. Bruce Ismay-The President and General Manager of the Star White line - survived the wreckage by dressing as a woman. Since then, you know, women and children have had first dibs. In real life, he survived by hanging a place on a rescue bar like him too . And if you can not have enough movies, make sure you do not miss our list of The 30 most funny films of all time .

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