These places are crushed void for coronavirus epidemics

As the rupture of cities, spread begins here.

Every day, scientists discover more about how easy it is to spread coronavirus - the virus can simply speaking, and an eternate can transport it through several grocery alleys. These hotpoints of infection just illustrate how many people can be assigned to the same location.



Hands of a senior woman while praying in a church

With people sitting in the shoulder on the shoulder, the houses of worship have been frequent epicenterers of coronavirus epidemics, since the beginning of the upcoming pandemic. This week,A church in Oregonhas become the site of the largest cluster of the state, with 236 cases. Back in March, one of New York's first "super-spreaders" "transmitted the virus to several people to his synagogue.



bar group

This month, 16 friends who broke the quarantine to go to a Florida bar all ended up testing for coronavirus. One of them was a Mayo Clinic health worker. "The first night we go out - Murphy's law, I suppose," said Jacksonville's 40 years. "The only thing we have in common is one night at a bar. I think we were negligent and we went out in a public place where we should not have."



Couple having lunch at rustic gourmet restaurant

The interior dinners became one of the first objectives of the arrest orders after studies revealed how easy the virus is to propagate a person to people to other tables. (The virus is released simply by talking, and ventilation systems can effectively extend it around a room.) In fact, recently reopened restaurants in South Carolina.have been forced to close againAfter employees have been tested positive for the virus, and cases have been recorded at McDonald's and Chick-Fil-a.


Hair salons

Hairdresser and customer in a salon with medical masks during virus pandemic

Barbolins and hair salons were another goal for closures and it's easy to see why - During a haircut, your artist is only about one-third of the six-foot distance needed to reduce the risks exposure. But it seems that wearing masks can help - they seem to haveProtected 140 peopleTo be infected with two sick hairstyles with great clips at the Missouri this month.


Retirement homes

Family of elderly,senior woman,child girl are talking by maintain distancing,prevent infection of flu,Coronavirus,pandemic of Covid-19,people with prevention mask,maintain social distance for safety

The first epidemic in the United States was reported in a Washington State care home, and they became a hotspot at the national level - it'sestimated that a thirdTotal coronavirus cases across the country are retirement home residents or workers.



slaughterhouse worker

Nearby neighborhoods and long hours required by some factories such as meat plants made them another locus for coronavirus.Almost halfThe hot spots of the United States for the virus are linked to suppression plants.



Watch tower at a CA State Prison

Cases of coronaviruses show correctional facilities, even if the virus started at the plateau at the national level.FiveGreater Covid-19 hotspots are currently linked to prisons.


Cruise boats

Cruise ship at the beach on Grand Turk island

They are mainly grounded for the moment but early in the pandemic, epidemics on several cruise ships have all familiarized all with the concept of "spread of the community". ThePrincess Diamond Has been quarantined in Japan for almost a month in February after nearly 700 people abided by becoming infected - almost one-fifth of the entire ship, most of them showing no symptoms.


How can you stay healthy

Woman Washing her hands with soap and water at home bathroom

Wash yourself frequently and practice social distance - and, above all, wear a face face. The latest research proves that it really helps prevent the propagation of the droplets during the state's reopinitions.

As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these Things you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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