It's the most dangerous day of the year to drive

This national holiday is also the murderous day of American roads.

37,461. How many people have died in car accidents last year, in accordance with the National Road Road Safety Authority (NHTSA). The figure is a slight increase on almost all the earlier decade: 2008 to 2015 saw fewer deaths, about 33,000 per year, while 2007 recorded more than 41,000. And while the full spectrum of this year's data. 'is not available, 2017 was equally always punctuated for drivers that the last decade was: on average, about 100 dead per day on the US roads.

Nevertheless, there is a far more dangerous day than the rest: commemorative day. According to the NHTSA, during a typical weekend of the day of the three-day Memorial, more than 400 people will die in car accidents - or about 130 deaths per day. The culprit is linked to alcohol: more than 40% of these deaths directly result from drunken driving.

After all, the commemorative day is the first feast of the year in which friends and family come together for outdoor parties and barbecues. In addition, according to independent, paved data set by the American Automobile Association, 36million Americans lead more than 50 miles this weekend. So, it's something a perfect storm: alcohol is crawlingand American roads are clogged with an influx of millions of motorists.

You may be surprised to hear that, during the traditional festival season, this festive period covering Thanksgiving through the death of New Year's vehicles is below average. The Thanksgiving Weekend sees about 260 deaths (the data covers Thursday, the black Friday, and the one next Saturday) while the Timespan of three days of the New Year reached 245 and Christmas at 230. This represents an average of 81 daily deaths. During the holidays-that you will notice, the 100 that occur regularly. (Curious to know what day "regular" is the most dangerous? It's Saturday. According to the NHTSA, nearly 7,000 accidents are annual annual on Saturday, while Tuesdays, the safest day, here's a 4,500 lower.)

Be careful. Bouglz. Do not tap. Stop texts.And leave this habit 10 and-2.

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