The 25 best ways to score a promotion

How to reduce the career scale at the speed of lightning.

Why do some people still know how to move forward to work with such a facility, the rise of the enterprise scale as if they are guided by angels - while others languish in cabins, unable to catch a break? Well, the answer is easy: it is a combination of crucial factors that some enter and others do not do it.

To make sure you are part of the first, we have compiled the following 25 principles: how to move forward at work. So read it, enjoy them and go up so fast that you get a bleeding nose! And for more incredible career advice, see the40 best ways to restart your career.

Show right

promotion women shaking hands

If it seems basic, it's because it's. Arrival at well rested and polished work. All that involves getting your eight hours and waking up with enough time. Each interaction you have in the workplace will reflect on you and you can easily put in place the positivity of these interactions by ensuring that you are not offensive to the eye or nose. This one does not just concern how to move forward - it is also about how to move forward in life. And for advice on what does not do at work, see these40 things that no one should ever say at work.

Know your strength - and have them

Shaking hands mortgage payment

"All you are," said Abraham Lincoln once, "Be a good." Like most things, he was right. Knowing your value will give you confidence that you are a valuable asset. Internalize this knowledge, and it will not be long before people are impressed by what you bring. If you are not sure yet, experience yourself. And for ways to take a footing more confident at work, see these20 Boosters of daily confidence for advance at work.

Be selective with what you do


Yes, it's a team player. But if you are sucked into a workpiece that has little relevant to your career goals, get out. You are wasting your time and you extend the time you will need to get where you want. Always use your time in an intelligent and efficient way. And for more advice on how to make forward at work, be sure to avoid the10 morning habits that destroy your productivity.

Minimize interruptions

stop judging women over 40

According to a study by the University of California, an interruption costs you on average 23 minutes before returning to the original task. In fact, the researchers say that you temporarily cut from the e-mail can dramatically reduce stress and perfect your goal. Your best bet is to keep you away. Work from a coffee or an empty conference room. If your boss is nice, know thatWork from the house is the holy grail of productivity hacks.

Get along for moving forward

never say at work

It's good to be loved. In the workplace, being a reasonable and kind person can mean the difference between the advancement of the career and stagnation, even if you cut off the ass. You can only win positive relationships with everyone in your workplace. Be friendly to all, even those who are reluctant to smile. Ask how a colleague's day is going. Find common interests and talk about them. The more you develop relationships with positive relationships, the better you will be. And for more incredible career tips, here is60 ways to buy 60 minutes more every day.

Make a list

make lists Smartest Men Get Ahead

Make a long list of things you need to do could look stressful in the short term, but do not have an agenda will be more expensive in line. "Have a lot to make a feeling of healthy pressure to reach more focus," saysDon Wehmore, J.D., founder of the Productivity Institute. Wetmore suggests overloading your day by 50%. "A project tends to develop with the time allotted," he says. "Give yourself one thing to do, and it will take all day. But give yourself 12 things, and you will have new." Bonus: write your task list at night is aGenius productivity hack that will improve your sleep.

Sub-traffic, surpuredess

The boss wants you to improve your goals. But after pushing the numbers, you realize that what he asks is a scope. The competitor could be quick to gather, but check your enthusiasm. A more modest target could help you in the long run.

"Manage early expectations. In this way, you do not escape tons of work and staying out with disappointing results"SELDMAN said. It is better to exceed the modest goals than falling too coarsely aggressive. People are happier with an unexpected good news than with foreseeable success, say to researchers at the University of Florida.

Work on a start-up, at least once

employees-at-table Smartest Men Get Ahead

After working during a startup will give your career a huge boost later. Why? You can have a serious impact on the destiny of a small and cloud business, build something from the earth and see how all moving parts are adapted as you make multiple different roles at a time. And for more incredible advice, here is hereThe best office desk media to optimize your productivity.


man with headache Smartest Men Get Ahead

Never see this viral video of Rabbi Dr.Abraham Twerski Use a lobster to demonstrate how the stress of becoming too big for its confinement exoskeleton leads to the loss of this shell and growth? This can be stressful when the task before exceeding your skills and your experiences, but that's how we grow up.

"Anxiety is a natural emotion that lives in the gap between where we are and where we want to be," saysRobert Rosen, Ph.D., founder of international societies and author ofJust enough anxiety: the hidden driver of the success of the company. "We have to reframe how we look at anxiety. It's not something to flee but something that can be used as a productive energy." And for ways to beat anxiety, here10 secrets to beat stress in 10 minutes. (Or less!)

Then be like buffett

Warren Buffett Smartest Men Get Ahead
Kent Sievers / Shutterstock

Warren Buffett said, "I just sit in my office and read all day." Oracle of Omaha believes that it spends 80% of its day of reading and reflection. Do as much as you can. You will expand your knowledge base and conceive more creative solutions. To help Hipper more knowledge, here'sSecrets of speed reading.

Find the person who is great what you want to do

never say this at work

Chances are that someone already does what you want to do and crush it. This person has knowledge to communicate it. Learn everything you can about them, move away from questions about what you have learned, then take them on a coffee date to find out how they arrived at the place where you want to be. Ask them to become your mentor. This will help you deliberately practice the skills you want to learn, with a person who can give you clear comments and talk about their own experience.

Workload triage

workload promotion

All tasks in advance do not require the same time and effort. So what should be done first? The little things you can eliminate in a short order, or a strong lift? "If you can complete the task in two minutes or less, do it right away," saysDavid Allen, author ofDo things.

If it's a bit more intense, save it until you have had the opportunity to get urgent missions away. All the time, throw Spotify and create a playlist. The researchers at the University of Windsor have found that people who listened to their favorite music felt more positive and have done better on tasks requiring a creative contribution.

Remains positive

40 compliments

The workplace potin can make the day become faster, and although it's going - perhaps even advantageous - to listen to your own thoughts. Even when supervisors seek opinions on other workers, consider negativity and seek positives. When you have the opportunity to talk bad about someone, ask yourself if it's true, helpful and kind. If you need a quick attitude adjustment, see these25 ways to be happier now.

Master your region

man at standing desk Smartest Men Get Ahead

Be voracious to accumulate all the knowledge and experience you can master what you want to do. Attend lectures, take classes, read books. Even if you do not stop being the # 1 in your field, it gives you a precious direction.

Make your weaknesses your super powers

richard branson promotion

Richard BransonThe British and founder magnat of the Virgin Group, used its own weakness - dyslexia - to create one of its greatest strengths: the art of communication and delegation. Reflect on what you have overcome. Think about it as a superpower gained thanks to adversity.

Give yourself many opportunities to fail

promotion woman stressed

Get yourself in a position where success is not guaranteed. Although success is initially good, having these victories at your fingertips all the time will not help you grow.

Fill out your downtime

Meetings, productivity, more time

A project is finished, and until something new starts, you take long lunches and usually get off. This downtime is essential for separating people who advance people who are left behind. Work on a low priority project. Volunteer for a team that can use your help and you are interested in work.

Do not compare

man relaxing in office chair Smartest Men Get Ahead

Compare to colleagues colleagues is often a losing proposal. "People who have a problem of anxiety get lost to judge," saysMel Schwartz, Ph.D., a psychotherapist in Westport, Connecticut. Schwartz says that we are measuring to create an order in our lives, but by doing so, we lose our humanity. "The critical voice is enslaved," he says. To escape, do you accept who you are and believe in what you bring.


Team, business team, leadership

Fear is a feeling rarely based on reality. It was a primitive meaning that was useful when we had to manifest a spear or climb a tree when faced with an hungry lion. Overcome the Reptilian part of your brain when you make career choices. Fortune favors the brave.

Put your health first

man woman deadlift build muscle

If you are not in good health, your game "A" will take a massive success. To deal with oneself not negotiable. Getting exercise and eating healthy diet will improve your energy and appearance, beneficial things in any work environment. Although it is a good idea to socialize with colleagues, the occurrence of alcohol will not make any long-term favor.

Take time for active reflection

man relaxing Smartest Men Get Ahead

Every evening at the promenade of your car or on board the train, ask yourself two questions. What was the most important thing I've done today? What is the most important thing I have to do tomorrow? Establish this 10-minute meditation will help you grow every day.

Surround yourself with good people

habits after 40

It is often said that a person is the average of the five people they spend the most time with. If there is a grain of truth to that, think of the five people you are closest to the outside of the workplace. Think about what you bring elements of them in the office with you and if these items are positive or negative. Then think about people you socialize at work. What do they tell you where you want to be in your career?


50 compliments

Volunteering is an excellent opportunity to gain leadership experience or get a new perspective. You will also be able to meet people and make friends outside your default networks. If time is a problem, volunteering for short-term short-term events. You can devote a weekend of your life and gain skills for years to come.

Be ready, be stable

man at computer Smartest Men Get Ahead

You can not turn the oven up to 450 degrees and expect a cake to cook faster. Similarly, you can not make balloons in your career and expect almost instant results. Instead, targets incremental progress. Find the direction you want to go, resolve yourself to move to her and be patient.

Get up for you

Office workplace

If you want an increase or promotion - and that you do, be clear about it. Establish the best case for why you should be taken into account for advancement. Then ask your supervisor directly for what you want. If you get a "no," ask what you need to do to get you online, and do that. If you do not get up for yourself in the workplace, it is unlikely that anyone who will. Now start living your absolute life by consulting these 50 things you need to do in your life .

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