20 ways to motivate to lose weight

Transform your loss weight into a part of fun.

Losing weight is difficult. And keep it? Even harder almost at the point that eliminates books for good people may feel like a sisyphene fight. This is probably why, according to recent research ofJama, that the amount of overweight people in the United States increases systematically while, at the same time, fewer people than ever start on weight loss trips.

But what these souls in difficulty may not know is that losing weight does not need to be a slog as arduous. In fact, by deploying good methods, weight loss can be effortless, entertaining and, most importantly,effective. The first step, as for all things, is to start; Once you are on a roller, you will not be able to stop. To this end, we gathered the 20 easiest lifestyle changes, all through science, which are some of you standing up and take them and ready to incinerate any paunch-once and for all . And as far as whatnot do, make sure to learn - and avoid it40 "secrets" of weight loss that do not work at all.

Ask a friend to leave with you

fat-burning workouts

Starting an exercise routine is a great way to lose books, but it can be difficult to initiate a new one. Ask a friend to train with you will turn your gym sessions into commitments and will also work louder when you get there. A study in theJournal of Personality and Social Psychologyshowed that people work harder than they do when they are part of a group compared to when they are alone. So grab a friend to maximize your time at the gym. In addition, this trick will give you someone to catch a brunch with after.

Start every day with a motivational phrase

healthier woman

Yes really. Positive reinforcement is a great way to stay motivated towards your goals. A study in theBorders of psychologyTested different motivational practices out of 44,000 people to find which it was more effective and, as it turns out, the use of self-talk had the best results. To say things like "I can do better today or next time" keep you more motivated and on the task of meeting your weight loss goals. For ideas on what to say, check the50 inspiring quotes that are certain to boost your days.

Set smaller goals

losing weight in your 40s woman stretching on a beach best body

Another roadblock in the trip to lose weight is that people set too high goals or simply unrealistic. A well-being expert at the University of Alabama indicates that setting a high weight loss goal for yourself can discourage you from hitting this goal. A simple change of language can make your goal much more increased. Losing 25 pounds in three months seems to be an important goal. But lose one to three pounds a week over three months seems feasible. The final result? It's the same amount of weight.

Write your goals somewhere visible

Woman working on her photographic memory.

We all set goals, some of which are much easier to reach than others. But if you want to make sure you stay motivated by your weight loss landmarks, you should write them and put them somewhere you will often see, on your night table or maybe your kitchen counter. A study by the Dominican University found that those who wrote their goals were much more likely to supplement them than those who did not do it.

Do not compare how you look with others

woman in gym measuring weight loss and waist stay sharp

Renowned psychologistRichard Wiseman written in his book59 seconds: think a little, change a lotLet those who have hung up a photo of a celebrity or athlete while the motivation of weight loss did not end up hitting their weight loss goals. Weight loss is so much more than the body image, so instead of idolling someone by the way they look at, choose someone who is a baller at the gym - or maybe a healthy food blogger - to be continued. And for a different inspiration from losing weight, check the10 The craziest weight loss stories of celebrity 2017.

Stop smoking

quitting smoking gets rid of wrinkles

Yes, it's pretty obvious. But for some people, a post-gym cigarette is relaxing. If you are one of them, stop immediately. The Cleveland Clinic says smoking does not just make it more difficult to exercise, but you also reap less benefits from exercise. So, if you try to hit this weight loss goal, put the platoon aside. For real.

Exit with linked people

boost your confidence

A 2016 study revealed that overweight or obese people tend to suspend with other people who have similar lifestyles. In addition, the study revealed that these fraternization trends had proved a negative influence when it comes to losing weight. On the other hand, those who dragged with other people trying to lose weight or thinner people that they had many results. It may sound hard, but stick with these people.

Reward yourself when you stay on the right track

cupcakes eating gluten-free is a weight loss secret that doesn't work

Few things are more motivating than a little treatment at the end of a difficult workout or after a healthy dinner. A 2016 study revealed that the thought of losing a reward motivated the topics of study to complete their exercise objectives more than a control group that did not have a reward. So, give yourself a metaphorical tap on the back and maybe have a cupcake after every drop of successful range.

Your fiber consumption

winter superfoods

Keeping you on the track of your weight loss goals can be as simple as a simple food offset. A 2015 study has proven that the increase in fiber consumption in your diet is a simple and effective way to improve your weight loss. Lentils, steel cutting, chickpea-slate peas All these foods in your diet.

Prohibit the idea of ​​forbidden foods

pizza on countertop

You may think of cutting this slice of donut or daily pizza, as they are rich in calories and fat, but to cut the food you still have exposure to weight loss. A 2008 study showed that people who were limited from certain foods had a hard time controlling the pulses around food when they end up being found. So, do not cut this donut in the morning if it means you're going to eat three when your colleague brings them to the next meeting. Eat everything in moderation.

Do not follow a controlled diet

eating a healthy diet can keep wrinkles away

Sometimes controlled diets work effectively to help you keep the weight out of weight, but it comes to the price of having to stay on them apparently indefinitely. Not only do they give you a psychologically negative look at the food, but many studies show that people who follow a controlled diet are generally gaining weight just after their end. For example, research onJamaFound that after completing a controlled diet, only 12% of participants managed to keep 75% of the weight they lost. 40% ended up gaining more than they started with.

Keep a newspaper

sex games

Keep a trace of what you eat is a great way to document different healthy recipes you know you like and should do again. This can also help you achieve your weight loss goals. A study published in theAmerican Journal for Preventive MedicineHe found that people who have considerably dressed their food consumption have considerably more weight than those inconsistent or have not understood at all.

Drink two glasses of water before eating

Water bottle with lemon

A 2009 study has studied the effects of the consumption of 16 ounces of water before each meal and the way in which practice concerns weight loss. The researchers found that the consumption of 16 ounces of water (about two glasses) can help you lose up to 44% weight. In addition, water has so many other health benefits - to promote a smooth skin to keep you on - there is no reason to jump on it.

Slow down your meal

losing weight in your 40s woman eating salad

A 2011 study revealed that those who eat faster had a higher body mass index than those who eat more slowly. When you eat more slowly, you are much more in tune with the way your body is full, so you do not finish inadvertently eating too much. So take your time. You will end up eating lessand enjoy your food more.

Eat your meals on time

man eating hamburger partner

A 2013 study showed that those who ate lunch later in the day have really lost less weight than those who ate lunch - and their other meals - on time. So do not stand on yourself. Eat your meals slowly and on time when you are hungry to stay motivated for your weight loss goals.

Use smaller cutlery

fasting is weight loss secret that doesn't work

Portion control is a huge aspect of weight loss, but it is not always easy to handle how much you are taking, especially in a buffet or restaurant. The secret is the size of the plate. In all events, you will naturally want to fill your entire plate. A 2013 study showed that people in a buffet who received large plates took 52% food and eaten 45% more food than those with smaller plates. The solution? Take a small plate.

Eating a high protein breakfast

omelet eggs stay sharp

A recent University of Tel Aviv's study found that eating proteins, especially whey protein, for breakfast helps you feel more complete throughout the day, which requires you to eat less generally. This healthy early day is a great way to keep you motivated on your weight loss goals; You will not only feel less hungry throughout the day, but because of the energy advantages of protein, you will be prepared for your gym session later.

Weigh yourself daily

Man standing on a scale.

People have always said that rising in the daily lives has been detrimental to weight loss (a larger than you expect-many could be a deterrent), but it is a myth. A study published in theJournal of Behavioral Medicinefound that those who left on a ladder every day avoided gaining weight and the practice ended up contributing to their weight loss. Of course, do not panic about the number that fixes you. Give yourself a grace period of 5 pounds that your weight fluctuates naturally.

Photography your progress

make your Instagram compelling

In addition to weighing yourself every day, make sure you take a picture of yourself every week or month to document your progress. A 2014 study revealed that participants who took pictures of themselves were more likely to achieve their weight loss goals; Much weight loss is on the body image, as opposed to gross figures.

Get dressed

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One of the first steps towards getting your workout gets dressed for her. A 2012 study revealed that we associate some clothes with the activity, they are generally used and to really change our psychological state. So you buy pleasant training clothes. And for more ways to get up and move, learn the11 Ways Smart People Motivate themselves to go to the gym.

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Categories: Health
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