These hilarious tweets on failed New Year resolutions will certainly brighten your day

If you slipped, you are in good company.

New Year's resolutions are easy to do. But keep them? Well, it's a different story. According toto a recent studyMost of us do not even have two entire weeks. And if you find yourself waiting two days, you are not alone - at least if Twitter is something to go.

Sworn to get rid ofTechnical dependence? Then you probably should not read this.

Have you promised to avoid drama? New Year's Eve is not the best time possible for that.

This is not the ideal day forstart saving money...

... or start eat healthy.

Perhaps you should simply shoot at home to respect the ten commandments.

At least this guy made lunch, which is better than many other people.

Even "80s pop iconCindy Lauper did not do it.

Perhaps we should just try next year again.

Or maybe - just perhaps - we all install for failure by doing the starting time for our newly hit goals at midnight the biggest feast day of the year. Instead, perhaps we should all meet as a society and decide that today on January 2 will be the day we all get up to work and start making realistic goals.

Remember it's difficult, you can reach the resolutions of your new year! The ultimate turn to keep them really is not to leave a slide here or there get you down. Too often, people bail out against a fake, when they would be much better to keep your head and move their heads forward. And for more about that,Read about this new study on the day that most people abandon their resolutions-And how to be one of the eight percent of people who actually realize them.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: New Years
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