Why do people say Monday, January 21, will be the "worst day of the year"
Do not let "Monday blue" kick up.

If you wake up next Monday, I feel a little low, do not worry, you have a good excuse. Back in 2005, Consultant of the Coach of Life and HappinessCliff arnall Required He had developed a formula that proved that the first Monday of the third week of January was the most depressing day of the year. The "blue blue" theory, as it became known,has been uprooted By scientists who stated that the equation has no meaning, as well as by psychologists who felt that the theory has decreased the nature of clinical depression.
But the truth is that for many people, the third Monday of January (which falls on January 21 of this year) really feels like a sinister day - and for a good reason. The holidays are really over, the days are short, the weather is less important than awesome, and there is stillso much more winter to come. Most people havealready abandoned their new year resolutions from here, so that the motivation levels are weak. You are between paydays, which could leave you in a tight pressure if you really have faithful on Christmas gifts. And whileDry January has tons of amazing health benefitsHe does not lend exactly to go out.
But do not let any of that spoil you. The truth is that even on this dark days,There are many things you can do to give your brain a boomable boost. Research has always proven that exercise is a great weapon against depression, and if you are going to run outside,You can even use cold weather to burn more calories (In addition, you will get some vitamin D, which is a massive bonus). You can also try to meditate or do yoga, orPlan a fun fitness stay at an exotic and hot place. Even do something as simple as smiling more orcuddle to someone has been proven to lift the spirits.
Arnall himself stated that he was dismayed to find that so many people responded to the theory of blue Monday by giving an excuse to wake himself in misery instead of seeing her as a call for action for being beaten The winter blues.
"Whether embarking in a new career, meeting new friends, taking a new hobby or reservation of a new adventure, January is really a good time to make these big decisions For the coming year, "recently been recentlyRecountThe independent."
So cut out this sadness at the edge of the border and be proactive! And for more advice on how to be happy whatever life you throw you,Discover these great lessons from Yale's Happiness Course.
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