60 white lies that we say every day
"No, officer, I do not know how fast I went!"

is honestyreally always the best policy? It turns out that even if you say, you probably do not think. In fact, small white lies are so common thatResearchers Claim Most people are up to three timesevery ten minutes. In general, these white lies are told three specific groups of foreign people, colleagues, or their loved ones, but no matter who you lie, one thing is certain: we all tend to FIB a little more than we are ready to admit.
And even if it may seem quite anodin, these white lies can add and also make you more inclined to shoot lies bigger lines of the line. Astudy published inNature Neuroscience revealed that when, minor counter-truths go without consequence, our brains are more likely to believe that major falsity go more as well. Needless to say, they often do not.
So, to help you pay a little more attention to what you say and avoid any potentially annoying "Gotcha! »Situations in a row-we have the most common tissue of everyday language. See how many of these junior enormities that you have left free, whether towards foreigners, towards colleagues, or even to your closest friends and family members as you like the most.
1 "My phone is dead."

This is a white lie, you can usually get out of it with, if only because we all lived a calling phone call, or because of loss of signal or bad battery life. In many ways, it is the perfect alibi, and the feelings of person get hurt. Just try not to abuse he. Only so many times a telephone conversation can be reduced suddenly shortly before your beloved begins to think that you are just using it as a practical output strategy.
2 "Of course, I remember you! »

It can be embarrassing when we realize that the person speaks to us, which seems to be a stranger, is someone we have met so-called at least once in the past. But do not feel guilty on this lie. After all, he can not be a total lie of our memories often count on the context when it comes to placing a face.
Or at least it is the conclusion of a study published in aNature Communications, Who has demonstrated "how this process of errors [to remember the faces of people outside the context] can be," explains the psychologist Tsakiris in a manus interview. So, if you see a business contact you had met twice in a conference room in a Tiki bar and your brain is totally disconcerted, do not sweat too much!
3 "It was my idea. »

Remove this one from your office lexicon, says April Masini, arelationship. "When you take a credit for an idea that does not belong to you, you give people the impression that you are someone you are not. »
The truth will end with us out of trust, it always does it and your credibility will take a shot that will be difficult to recover. Be humble, give credit when credit is due, andLabor On come with yourown Good ideas.
4 "Oh, yes, it makes sense. »

This is usually shortened desk for: "I'm not really listening, but I have to say something it makes believe that I have just heard, you said and I consider carefully. It is a white lie that everyone can see from a mile away. It is ok if you zoned for a second and you lost track of the conversation. Ask a co-worker to repeat it means that you really havecarewhat they tell you.
5 "I'm five minutes away. »
What about "five minutes" that sounds like the perfect geographic lie? We are not just down the block, but we are not far enough that being person says this lie must get angry. There is one thing we all know is true, though: if we receive a call by someone who is late and they claim to be "five minutes", we all know intrinsically it's not true. Repeat this white lie if you owe, but do not think a second (or for five minutes) that you are believed, especially by those who know you too well.
6 "Traffic was horrible. »

It isembarrassing to be late at the office. And blamerush hour trafficis an easy-to-sell lie. Who did not know the misery to sit in your car on the road and no one moves? This white lie is so easy to believe, it is the most popular excuse to show late. According toLast survey of Careerbuilder, 51 percent of the workers used this line at least once.
7 "I can have done it tomorrow. »

"Stop before saying it," Masini advises. "If you can not have it done tomorrow, do not create pressure and anxiety for yourself by saying this lie." Employees often repeat this lie to their colleagues because they are impatient to please, but it establishes false expectations for what you are really able to deliver. It is better to give them a realistic schedule than disappointing with promises that are not encountered.
8 "Your new haircut looks amazing."

The best white lies are those who have a positive impact on the rest of a person's day. Tell a loved onetheir haircut Is flattering and attractive, even if it's nothing like that, can do exactly that. According toa survey, feelings of low self-esteem on hair can send a spiral person into depression. But if someone tells them that their hair is superb, 56% will pay forward and will be more kind and pleasant to other people, while 67% will generally have a better day in total. Who knew a haircut had so much power?
9 "I do not do this job for money."

It's hard to say what it remains means even. Is it just a tactic to complain aboutyour salary Without saying as much? Or are you trying to prove that you care more than your colleagues? Whatever the justification, it is only going to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. If you are vanining your tireless devotion to work orRequesting non-subtly for an increase, no one needs to hear it.
10 "I totally forgot to do this thing you asked me to do."

To be just, sometimes it's really easy to forget. But it's not always the case. Sometimes you did not do the thing your loved one asked you to do because you simply do not feel like. It is, saying that so high power can have a good signature. "Sorry, but you're not a priority." It is certainly a white lie that we can endorce - just use it with parsimony. You can only "forget" your task lists to do so many times before your loved one wants to make an appointment with a neurologist.
11 "This is my absolute priority."

Some white lies do not exist for any other reason than making someone feel better. To tell a supervisor that a project is your "absolute priority" is a kind of useless, other than to make them feel temporarily reassured that the work is in good hands. But honestly, are you going to approach it with less emergency if you do not make it an "absolute priority"? Of course not. It's no different to tell your supervisor, "I put this work toOrange threat level! "
12 "I'm never on social media."

This little white lie tends to be mentioned during hiring interviews, or if you try to look superior to colleagues who spend too much time on Twitter or Facebook. But unless there is at least a certain truth - if you have averaged a tweet every six months, for example - it's not a manufacture that you will escape you a long time.
13 "It's the best gift you have ever gave me!"
This is a strange white lie, if only because it is entirely useless. Do we really think that a loved one will contrave yourself if we simply say, "Hey, thank you for the gift!" Or something else as simple and easy? Why is it necessary to beon top with a reaction, make rollers how much weloooove gift?
"Most of us possess an innate desire to be loved," saysDr. Jill Gross, an authorized psychologist. "In addition, people are most attracted to the individuals who make them feel good." If your gift has been given to you by someone you want and want to know better, then sure, exaggerate your enthusiasm. But if it's a loved one you've known for years or decades, even you may want to calm him. They do not need to convince you to love you.
14 "I can not come today, I'm sick."

We can not really show fingers on it. On aCareerBuilder Survey, 40% of the workers had called sick at least once each year, even when they were perfectly healthy. And it's just peopleadmitting do it. So do not fight on this white lie, but maybe you do not usually do.
15 "It was a pleasure to meet you."

So many things are not reported in a white menu like that. As we all know, on too many opportunities, the line, "delighted to meet you", is actually stenographed for: "This will be the last time we are in the same room together if I can help."
16 "I do not really care about politics."

It's a white line that all colleagues should be able to agree on. Even if you have political opinions that you are passionate, the office is not the right setting of this debate. Advocate ignorance - or at least an indifference - what is happening in Washington right now. "MadePresident Trump Tweet something today? I did not notice. Paste on this line and you will have a longer future at your business.
17 "Have you lost weight?"

In general, it's just a good idea to never comment on a colleague's appearance, even if you're trying to be complementary. "It's a hot knob," says Masini. According toan NPR poll49% of respondents considered inappropriate for men to comment on a woman's appearance at work and 46% think that a woman should not comment on a man's appearance. Granted, it means that a little more than half of the office employees think it does not matter, but it is thatreally A Russian roulette game you want to play?
18 "My favorite novel? It's a bunch ofMobile dick andInfinite joke. "

Maybe you do not lie. But if we go on sales of books, it's a much more convincing possibility than yourPreferred readings are really a bunch ofThe "Da Vinci Code, Dusk, andFifty shades of Grey. No stranger has been buying this white lie.
19 "I was already thinking of sending this email. I'm sure I did it."

It is the "Oh, the check is in the mail" desk white lies. But it often prints your colleagues anyway, for it is so credible, "said Masini. "So many of us actuallyto do Forget to send emails, "she says. If used in moderation, this white lie is fine and could even buy you a little extra time.
20 "I'll call you later."

It is a white lie that tries at least to be attentive. It is better to say to a stranger that you just met: "I'll call you" than admitting: "Yeah, you never hire me again." Well, maybe. You might think you save their feelings butA 2014 poll driven by60 minutes andVanity fair found that 22% of people thought that "I will call you" was the least justifying mine that someone could say, much more blatant than "you lost weight" or "the check is in the mail."
21 "What an adorable baby!"

There is no other answer to be introduced into a proud stranger newborn. RememberThis classic episode ofBreastfieldWhen the gang visits a house in the Hamptons and I was introduced to what Jerry describes as "the most ugly baby you ever seen?" Jerry and Elaine were both pushed back by the child they could hardly look at him for a few seconds. But they called it adorable and beautiful anyway. As Jerry later explained: "This is an indispensable situation." This is not a joke!
22 "I'm __ years old."

It's a white lie that foreigners go quite easily believe (unless you are clearly older than you claim). And lying on your age can really be good for you.A British studyfound that people who insist on which they are younger than their age "technique" really live longer. So, go ahead, repeat this white lying even if no one buys it. It could be a self-directive prophecy!
23 "I would like to hear about your fantastic football teams."

There are two types of people in this world: those who are absolutely fascinated by fantastic football and those who really did not care. If you fall into the last category, it is perfectly acceptable to smile politely and listen to a colleague bulletin board on its fantastic teams. Just do not worry too much interest or you will become their office boy for football fancy cats. You want tolerant of their fandom, but nothanging on their word Captivated.
24 "I'm allergic to _____."
It just seems easier to tell a restaurant server that you have never met that you have an allergy to fungi rather than admitting that the creamy mushroom soup - of the day seems really terrible. But as it turns out, the servers really wish we would be more truthful. "If you have a serious adversion of the particular food, it tells us, and we recommend something that does not contain this ingredient, or we can even be able to modify a menu item for you," said a serverin an interview. "But if you lie and say it's an allergy, it's a huge case for cooking."
25 "Traffic was so bad."

It's an excuse that everyone gives when the truth is more in lines of: "I do not want to come here, so I waited until the last second possible, and I'm exactly too late that I thought I thought, but I do not want to admit that foreigners, because it's insulting. "Long short story, there was nounusual traffic.
26 "I weigh ____ books."

Unless it's a doctor, it's unlikely to share the absolute truth with strangers how much wereally to weigh. If the weight indicated on your driver's license is really accurate, you are in the minority.According to Matt Prieto, who works in the motor vehicle department, people rarely give accurate information on their weight, "but not harmful. The weight will be 299 rather than something that begins with a 3. "he says he sometimes saw under-reported penetrations that roll him the eyes", but I did not see a couple who say, "You have to change that into something more realistic."
27 "You have such a beautiful house!"

This is the thing you tell someone you just met when you run for useful things to tell them. It is in the same category as saying, "I love your shoes" or "where did you have this watch?" It's not just about being polite. It's an instinct of survival. It is caused when you feel the panic of the conversation and your head, you think: "I am in touch of ideas! I'm just going to start compiling random things until I can get out of here! "
28 "I would like to be able to be at this meeting, but I have a [account of appointment / child / funerary / doctor child]."
We feel your pain. Most meetings could really be an e-mail, but you do not want to be the jerk that points it. So, this white lie is probably a crime without a victim. Just make sure it's not something that could come back to haunt. If a colleague colleague think you've attended grandmother's funeral last week, but you put your dinner with her in a restaurant, you'll have explanations to do.
29 "No, officer, I have no idea how fast I was going."
It's just there on the speedometer, my friend, who is ideally located right in front of your face, behind the steering wheel. It's not like saying, "I do not know how much I weigh." We do not walk with a ladder attached to our feet. But we do not drive anywhere without being constantly recalledhow fast we are going. Hope the COP - someone, we will call you back, you have never met - it's understanding.
30 "Oh, yes, I saw [Popular TV room. It is my favorite!"

If you have already claimed to be a fan ofGame Of Thrones Wherebreaking BadIn front of a group of foreigners because you do not want to be left out of the conversation, you are far from alone. InA HULU Survey People aged 18 to 49, a shocking 46% confessed on the monitoring of certain television programs simply because they wanted to integrate. The numbers were higher when decomposed by sex: 62% of men would be happy to claim that they were gladly given the last episodes ofStrange thingsJust so that they do not feel excluded.
31 "I'm competent in Microsoft Excel."

How many people have used a white menu like this on their curriculum vitae, despite an idea of what Microsoft Excel is even? More than you could suspect.A 2017 survey found that almost half (46%) of workers lied on their abstracts. And they do not necessarily laugh anyone. Fifty-three percent of managers were well aware that candidates were less experienced as to their abilities. Imagine how much they could see your lies when they really meet you?
32 "Keep in touch."
If you really want to say it, you will spend on a map, or get someone on the spot and immediately text, "Hey, it's Bob!" But if no significant contact information did not go from one person to another, the sentence, "keep in touch", is essentially a good way to say, "If we meet by accident during a Social gathering, I would not want to claim that I do not know you. "
33 "Does it bother you if I take the alley seat? I'm claustrophobic."

This white lie is how many passengers talked about their way to get a different seat from a flight. We assume that it is better to claim a false health problem than to admit unpopular truth, whether they want unrealized access to the bathroom and be one of the first people from the plane when it lands. Yeah, like white lies go, it's certainly better than the alternative. Nobody wants to switch seats with a stranger who says, "I just want more convenience than you."
34 "It was almost finished, then my computer just died on me!"

"This lie is a version of my dog ate my homework," says Masini. "If you have not finished something, just say," I'm sorry, I did not do it. "Requesting that you missed a deadline because of a technical problem is also easy to refute. This is just a matter of time before the computer guy is displayed to check this mysteriously crushed computer and you are revealed as the employee who cried the wolf.
35 "It's just tired."

Every parent will recognize this white lie as the excuse we give to foreigners when our child cries or shouts or usually behaves like a tiny psycho. But if we were honest, we admit what we know in our hearts to be true. Sometimes there is no easy excuse for the behavior of a young child. It has nothing to do with being asleep or hungry or anything else. They act just.
36 "I change oil every 5,000 miles."

For our paranoia on how automatic mechanics deceive us, invent fully fictitious repairs and what we are doing our fair share of yourself. Do you remember bringing your car for an oil change on the exact date specified on this small sticker on your windshield? Probably not, right? How about getting your brake pads verified when you notice an acute noise?
"It just started to happen," you tell the mechanic. The white lie is easier than saying, "Listen, I forgot, okay? Just repair it and promise to bring me the car earlier next time, that I probably do not go."
57 "No, it's not a new [Expensive wallet, pair of shoes, holding. I had it forever. "
If your family is on a budget, you make crazies on yourself may be embarrassing. A white lie like this one, as long as it is a purchase that does not put you or your loved ones in financial jeopardy are mostly innocent. It can also be quite easy to escape, as long as your partner does not stumble on revenue that prove that you are less than truthful. Sometimes, when you are caught in the law, the best thing to do is to admit your mistake and move on.
38 "I had only one couple of drinks."

Maybe you only made two drinks. Maybe "a couple" of drinks actually means four, or five. Who are we to judge? Your bartender, on the other hand ...
39 "I love it!"
Whether led to a supervisor or colleague, this white lie can be a slippery slope. A little optimism is a good thing, especially if your job is to motivate others to do their best. But you do not have tolove All, especially if you're just "meh" about their idea. In other words, saying something a little less on the top and in an extremely swaying way, say, "It sounds promising, but let's see what you do with that" - Narnay that your colleagues are better at long term.
40 "I come from Canada."

Sometimes you are on vacation in Europe and it's just not worth it, tell the truth. It's easier to say "I come from Canada" and being done with her. It's not your personal policy - it lacks the world without having to defend the government from where you were born. Some white lies do not wear the protection of other foreigners' feelings. They are pretty much "Do you please leave me alone so that I can be a tourist?"
41 "I'm fine."

In most cases, this is perfectly acceptable. Even if you are not good, we are not always obliged to dive into a deep discussion of the complication and concerns of life, just because someone asked, "All is fine?" But if you really hide something that your expensive being needs to know, you'll possibly risk a moment you will need this difficult discussion.
42 "You look skinny in this dress / suit / shirt."

Even though it's a lie-hey, you do not always have to think that everyone looks great in everything they wear anyway, it is possible to help a loved one look more realistic their body. A study by the University of the University of 2010 London revealed that our brains are actually "massively distorted" when it comes toThe body image.
Like Dr. Michael Longo, the neuroscientist who led the research, oncetold a journalist, "There may be a general bias to perceive the body to be wider than it is." In some cases, most people see their bodies like two smaller thirds and a third shorter than the rest of the world sees.
43 "I listen."

It can or may not surprise you, but you're not mistaken anyone. The person on the end of this white lie "probably knows that you do not listen," says Masini. A better idea would be to admit your beloved who, hey, maybe your attention has elapsed, if only one minute. "Say," Could you repeat that? 'Or, "I want to make sure I had that, tell it again, please," "advises Masini.
44 "I'm busy that day."

There is no harm in a white menu like this one, but it requires a follow-up. If you refuse a social invitation by claiming that you will be "busy", you must keep a low profile to make sure you do not exhibit inadvertently. The last thing you need is to be seen having fun in the world at the exact moment you insisted that you are stuck in the office at night.
45 "I need it yesterday."
"If you drag this lie to pull the rank and feel important, do you check," says Masini. It is a white lie that is flagrant passive-aggressive. Whatever you expect that your colleague or employee has been clear was not due yesterday, you simply try to motivate them to stay in planning. Masini recommends using a little more tact. Try a softer approach, like ", I'm worried about it late. How long can you do it?"
46 "Children and I do not just look at TV everything you were part of."
The reason some white lies fall into pieces are because of their specificity. If your partner returns from a trip and asks what you and the children did during the weekend, and that you answer: "Well, we did not eat as many chicken nuggets we all had stomach evils, I'll tell you a lot, "It's a beautiful bet that what you insist did not happen isexactly What happened.
47 "It was my last piece of gum."

Sometimes white lies are not just to protect the feelings of others. Sometimes they exist to protect us from strange social expectations - as the social expectation you need to share your gum. If you remove a packet of gum, anyone around you is well in their rights to ask: "You have gum! Can I have a room?" This is one of the only things in the life of which we are supposed to share without question.
It does not mean anything. You do not go out your car keys only to expect someone to say, "Oh, great, you have a car! Can I borrow it for a few hours? "But getting out of the gum and suddenly everyone wants a piece of themselves. So go ahead and tell the white lie that you have just burst the last piece In the mouth. Your secret is safe with us.
48 "My child is sick."

What could go wrong with a safe white, like that? You can skip work for a day or two and no one is wisest. Well, think again. According toRecent polls, one third of the employers check on their employees onsocial media. If you are not really at home with a sick child and you're actually, enjoy a beautiful spring day, then you're stupid enough to post about it on Facebook, you will not want to love the consequences .
49 "I had ____ sexual partners."

Unless it's part of a more serious sexual health discussion - you should never lie to a partner of your sexual past, especially if you risk putting their health at risk - it's first of all to exaggerate or reduce the number of participants to your past sexesse. Hey, it's not like you give them phone numbers.
50 "I did not check it."
It's a white lie that can only do worse things, especially if it's pretty obvious that you have been caught in a FIB. And not because it is a clumsy attempt to deny our own behavior, but because it suggests that we have something more to hide. If our gaze was briefly distracted by an attractive stranger, hey, it happens. It demonstrates that we always have a heart rate. It's also harmless. But protest a little too much vehement that we did not do something thatwe clearly doneSuggests that this kind of eye-wandering is not a punctual event.
51 "Your kitchen is delicious."

It's not a white lie that you will want to repeat often, especially if you say to someone say, a partner or a parent - who could cook you regularly. But as an occasional thing - like an act of encouragement towards someone experimenting in the kitchen and see what they can do to make them cooking, it's delicious, even if that could not be further from the truth is not such a bad idea.Studies have shownThis kitchen and cooking allow people to feel more relaxed and happier in their lives. Even if they did not serve you a meal that made your taste buds sing, you encouraged them to continue trying, and a small way of their day a little better.
52 "I would like to hang after work from time to time."

This could work the first time you say it or even the second time. But possibly, your colleague will determine that you have no intention of spending time with them outside the office. "It's really about their hope," says Masini. "You do not have to try to do something good.You just have to be polite. "
53 "Do not worry, it's okay."

This is a delicate problem. Sometimes it is a white lie that a person needs to hear, if only the truth will be too overwhelming. We all make mistakes and some of us makenumerous mistakes, then having a loved one who tells us "it's going" even when it is very clearlynot OK can be a gift. But do not repeat this white lying too often.
Yes, leave it on someone once in a while, even when everything in your head wants to shout to them to play so spectacularly, is a good instinct. But from time to time, mistakes should not be forgiven so quickly. It depends on gravity. You will know when it happens. Did they spill wine on your carpet? Do not hesitate to tell them: "Do not worry, it's okay." Have they crushed their car in your yard? You do not have to play cool.
54 "It was fun."

It's not just about ensuring that a colleague feels better at a really terrible joke. In some cases, do not encourage their sense of humor can be the most kind thing you can do for them - for example, "If a person can be drawn for telling such a joke," says Marlene Chism, a consultant and author ofStop the workplace drama. It's not your responsibility to make sure they do not sable their career by making jokes that could land them in hot water. But do not give them a reason to believe that they are the desktop Seinfeld.
55 "Tell me the truth, I will not be angry."

For a white lie to work, it can not be immediately ignored a few minutes later. Go ahead and use this white lie if you owe it, but be ready that it only works once. At the moment the facade falls and you reveal that, despite the insurance on the contrary, there was always a possibility that you were going to become furious, you will no longer be able to use this white lie and have the same effect.
56 "I did not throw it."

Whether you're talking about a birthday card from your grandmother or a special art designed by a five-year-old child, no one can wait to keep everything on everything. But that does not mean that you should break their hearts by revealing that the thing they waited for you to cherish forever could have ended up in the nearest trash. Never admit this. Even if you are caught in the law or find their masterpiece at the trash, insist on your innocence. There are just things in life where the truth is doing everything worse.
57 "I was overwhelmed lately."

It's a classic white lie that is almost exclusively used when someone missed - or is pretty sure they will miss - a deadline. Nobody says, "I was overwhelmed lately" before announcing, "but I always found the time to finish this project!" What you really say is that you feel overwhelmed. By sometimes admitting your colleagues or supervisors that you fall back goes much further than inventing an avalanche of fictitious work responsibilities.
58 "I laugh!"

So you said something hurtful and you realize too late that you could inadvertently have trampled on the emotions of a loved one? A white lie as "just pleasant" can be an effective way to turn around, even if you both know that it's totally bunk. It's basically saying, "I know I'm spoiled, so I'm going to say I wanted to say that like a joke with the worst punch of all time and I hope you agree exchantely."
59 "I did not do it."

Ah, a classic in the kind of white lies. You have very clearly done something wrong, and everyone knows that you are the only responsible, but you hope that a refusal statement, if it is delivered with enough enthusiasm, will suffice to create enough doubt for you make noise. Alas, it does not work almost never, but that does not prevent us from trying. And for more things you may not be able to realize you hurt your loved ones, check the30 nasty things you do without even realizing it.
60 "I read the terms and conditions."

Aim for it: Nobody reads the terms and conditions when they buy something online. You may be very good to accept all your personal information and each photo you have taken from your children, but it would imply too much real reading. Just click on the box and claim that you are well with everything you accepted. Hope everything works in the end. And for more common lies to monitor, learn more about the The 40 lies Everyone tells daily .
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