Do this only daily thing can reduce your risk of early death by 35%

Bonus: It only takes 30 minutes!

We are probably not the first to tell you that the session is "the new smoking". Well, more and more scientific evidence suggests it's really the case.

According toStand up Campaign, an excessive session is linked to heart disease, diabetes, back pain, obesity and even cancer. In addition, the effort asserts that a sedentary lifestyle is "one of the contributing factors to two of the three main causes of death in the United States" some researchers, however, however,dicton- "The session is the new smoking" -il a little hyperbolic, at least when it comes to longevity, because studies indicate that the session for more than eight hours a day increases the risk of death from 10 to 20%, which is part of the comparison with the180% increase caused by cigarette lighting.

Whatever the case, a new study published in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiologyDoes the loan credit to the argument that depended too much time on the couch or in your office chair - can really shorten your life.

Researchers have analyzed data on nearly 8,000 people aged 45 and over who brought activity instructors between 2009 and 2013 and found that the 30-minute time replacing sitting with a slight physical activity such as walking could reduce the risk of early death by 17%. And if you replace these 30 minutes with a moderate exercise to vigorous, this risk is reduced by35%.

Given the rise in the popularity of standing offices, it is important to note that the research indicates that moving - rather than get up - is the key to harvesting these healthy benefits.

"InOur previous workWe have found that if you take a break every 30 minutes, it will reduce your sitting risks, "Keith Diaz, a certified practice physiologist, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center and author of The study,CNN says. "We went more deeply in the data to try to understand this more, and why people who took a movement every 30 minutes had a lower death risk: it was because they had just more opportunity to to move"

You do not have to take 30 minutes at one time, and you do not need to do anything. Just an occasional walk to the coffee counter (and, in bonuses,Take a break from your computer screen will provide a boost to your view.)

"You do not have to take a 10 minute break and go up and down the stairs," said Diaz. "If you take a break from a minute and instead of going to the bathroom closest to your office, you go to the bathroom furthest from your office, maybe that's enough To help you accumulate this stimulating activity. Or, if you have a meeting, walk and talk. "

The results of the study are the last to highlight the importance of simply moving. In his Bestial BookThe super metabolism diet, David Zinczenko tells the remarkable story of California researchers who study the way our metabolisms work by focusing on spiders.

It is well known that when the spiders hunt, they adopt a "sit-and-wait" strategy, in which they turn their band, then leave their food coming to them. As they expect, however, researchers have discovered that their bodies retain energy by entering something they call "super casual state (SRX)", a period in which their metabolism are essentially stopped and cease to burn. Energy. Here is the kicker: The researchers say that humans also have super relaxed state and any kind of movement helps to counterate it.

"Moving throughout the day is important," Professor of Stanford and Expert of Metabolism Clyde Wilson, PhD., "Said Zinczenko. "Because a simple contraction of your nervous system to muscle is what makes you get out of the super casual state."

So, if you want to continue burning energy, all motion keeps your fuel oven burning - stretching, agitated, chewing gum or standing and walking.

"Any movement for any duration is to give you health benefits, which really avoids what we know about physical activity," said Diaz CNN.

So, if you want to be healthy, your first step is not necessarily a gym adhesion. It's just a walk to Starbucks.

And for more merit of staying active, know that it is How far you have to walk every day to prolong your life .

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging
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