I am a doctor and I will never touch this during Covid

Although the coronavirus catcher through contact with surfaces is rare, you should always be wary.

From the beginning of theCOVID-19 [Feminine Pandemic, it was discussed that the Covid-19 virus lives on surfaces for long periods of time. This has certainly led sales of hand disinfecting at the beginning of the pandemic. As we have progressed, there are still people wearing gloves when they enter a public place for fear of contracting the surface virus.This is probably not as useful asFacial masks By preventing the propagation of Covid-19, but viruses live on surfaces. Although the probability of transmission of Covid-19 has been considered less frequent by contact with surfaces, there are still surfaces that concern public health. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Door handles

hand opening cafe doors

Like any surface that comes into contact with many different people certainly has a high risk of transmission of any disease, including COVID-19. The door handles are known to be a very common surface where people contract the influenza virus. It is a good practice to wash your hands, or at least clean up with a solution based on alcohol, after entering or coming out of a public place.



woman wearing a hygiene protective mask to protect her self from coronavirus disease

Although the masks are very useful for minimizing COVID-19 transmission, touching the mask with your hands can be detrimental. If you touch the mask, oils and debris in your hands can actually damage the mask and reduce the mask efficiency. There is also the possibility of viral particles still living on the surface of the mask. If you touch these particles, they can be transferred to your hands, then possibly to your nose or eyes. That's why it's recommended to wear your mask and remove it only when you are able to wash your hands.


Plexiglasses separators

Empty tables outside a restaurant. Plastic, plexiglass screens on for customer separation.

It's hard to order a sandwich or have coffee in a neighborhood cafe without being faced with plexiglass barriers. I thought I was very useful to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 community, they became almost ubiquitous. These barriers stop the particles to transfer from one person to another. The virus can be found on the surface of the plexiglass. These separators should be washed often and washing hands must occur after contacting them.

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Remote controls in hotel rooms

Tired business woman watching tv in hotel room

The rooms at the hotel have been worrying for infection control well before the CVIV-19 pandemic. In the hotel room, the remote control is one of the most common sources of contamination. Although the risk is low for COVID-19 transmission, the likelihood of contacting other viruses and bacteria from previous guests makes the remote control an element that needs to be disinfected before being used.


Straws of other people drink

Women share fruit cocktail

The risk of transmission of COVID-19 is much higher when it is in contact with the oral secretions of a person who has the disease. Straws and drinks have a high concentration of these secretions in them. It's a good recommendation to never share straws or glasses with others, but it is not particularly recommended during a pandemic. As with many other articles on this list, it is necessary to wash your hands after contacting strains and other drinks.

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Towels or tissues discarded

A hand holds a dirty used napkin on a yellow background.

During the cold and the flu season, it is very common to use nasal tissues and towels to erase nasal congestion. It is a good practice to throw fabrics and wash your hands immediately after contamination. If you arrive to pick up the fabrics or towel that could have been used for this purpose, especially for someone else, it is imperative to clean your hands as soon as possible.

Although Covid-19 is more likely to be transmitted from person to one person rather than contact with surfaces, it is always important to be vigilant. Hand hygiene is a very important step in reducing the probability of transmitting any virus or bacteria, even Covid-19. Do not touch your face, especially your mouth, your nose or your eyes, after touching a possibly contaminated surface. It is a good practice, even when it is not in the middle of a pandemic, but it has obviously been highlighted given the current events.


The last word of the doctor

woman put on a fabric handmade mask on her face

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:Carryafacial maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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