12 ways of weeds affect your sex life

Is it safe? Is it more fun? Are there long-term effects? Read on the answers.

If you wantsex And you like marijuana, chances are that you have probably entertained the idea of ​​combining both at some point in your life. (Hey-no judgment, Pal!) And if you have mixed sex with weeds, you will surely have noted the wide range of different reflections, feelings and sensations that you will experience.Have sex On the weed is often a totally different experience.

But is it sure? Are there long-term effects on your health? And does this really improve the sexual experience in a meaningful way? Read it because we have compiled everything you need to know about America's favorite drugs and sex. In addition, how to have sex while HIGH can completely change the atmosphere, if you know what we mean.

Weeds can increase the amount of sex you meet.

A 2017 study revealed that marijuana users tend to have more sex than people who do not smoke at all. The study was conducted at theSTANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE and the results were published in theSexual medicine newspaper.

"What we have found has been compared to non-users, those who reported daily use had about 20% more sex," the main author of the study and Urology Urology AssistantMichael Eisenberg, MD. "So over a year they may have sex 20 times more." The study noted that women who had not smoked pots had an average sex 6 times a month while those who were daily users made it 7.1 times a month. Men who did not smoke at all, on the other hand, had sex 5.6 times a month, while the daily users made it 6.9 times a month.

"The use of frequent marijuana does not seem to harm the motivation or sexual performance," Eisenberg said. "If something, it is associated with a frequency of increased violence."

Weeds can do sex lasting longer ... or maybe simply seem like that.

If you have already used marijuana, then, for example, ordered a pizza (and that 30 minutes feels like an eternity), you will know that time may seem slow down to a ramp. Does the same effect occur in bed?

"Although the conclusion that marijuana helps guys last longer in bed is tempting, we can not exclude the possibility that this medicine simply alters the perception of men's time",Justin Lehmiller, a sex educator and researcher at the Ball State University,to crushPlayboy. "Sex may seem to last longer when you are raised, but the actual duration you spend sexual intercourse may not really be different from your sober."

It has been shown that the weed will reduce testosterone.

A 2002 study published in theClinical Pharmacology Journal claims that weeds reduce the level of testosterone in the body. While testosterone is one of the key hormones that trigger desire in both sexes, low levels have a negative effect on libido and erectile function. Indeed,studies On young men, young men suggested that the selection of life-marijuana use one of them - are an important factor in the reason why young and non-obese men without underlying conditions are difficult.

The illegility of marijuana can help facilitate sex.

A pilot study published in theSexual behavior archives Noted that the illegality of grass did the study Respondents feel like inequalized partners - and, as a result, partners in gender.

"Some participants reported that the illegality of marijuana contributed to the facilitation of sexual actions," said Dr. Joseph Palamar, Assistant Professor of Population Health and Drug Researcher at the University of New York. principal investigator of the study. "With alcohol, you can use it just about anywhere if you have age. But you can not smoke marijuana in public; it must be a private area or an" intimate "area where you are not going to be stopped. So if you have someone with whom you are attracted to your dorm, you are already in an intimate setting, alone and do something forbidden. Participants commented how this can lead to a sex. "

Sex on the weed can make you love more sex on the weed.

A discovery of the same study revealed that sex while HIGH was a little forming from usual. Some couples said they want "more sex after the first sex episode on marijuana".

Marijuana can make you less fertile.

If you are looking to transmit your genes, you may want to pose a little bang for a little bit.Small studies Have shown that the use of marijuana more than once a week can reduce the number of spermatozoa up to 30%, which has a leading researcher in order to speculate on the fact that there is an interaction between sperm and the psychoactive component of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.

Another study revealed that even if the woman is the one who smoked, the THCherThe system can affect spermatozoa that enters its reproductive system. So far, researchers do not say that this is a clear causality, but unless you smoke weeds for medical reasons, reducing it completely or more could help your chances of conceiving. It should also be noted: studies have shown that the use of marijuana is linked to premature births, mortality and low birth weight.

The weed may decrease inhibition.

Not a shock, I realize, but it's worth noting. Many stoners report that weeds make them more relaxed and reduce their sexual inhibitions and their sexual inhibitions. Who echoes innumerablestudies This show that marijuana affects all kinds of anxiety disorders - from social anxiety disorder to an obsessive-compulsive disorder with post-traumatic stress disorder.

People who combine sex and weeds also say they are interested in trying to try specific activities that they could have been too shy to try sober. It can therefore expand your sex repertoire.

... and do less safe sex.

A potentially negative flip-flipper to be more loose-gooseau when it is high of sexuality, it is because you might be more inclined to launch the caution of the wind with regard to safer sex.

A 2010 study published inPsychology of addictive behaviorsFound a link between the use of marijuana and a lower frequency of condom use and linked, a higher incidence of STI. To be stoned can also affect donations and understanding of consent. In an altered frame of mind, you may not be able to accept something or make sure your partner is enthusiastic on board. Sexual community based on BrooklynHacienda Have a guideline on fun intoxicated. "More sober, more fun."

Smoking can lead to erectile problems.

An Australian study led byMarian Pitts The University of Melbourne's Trobe discovered that men who smoke marijuana daily are four times more likely to have trouble reaching orgasm than men who do not do it. (Interestingly, other marijuana users super his team spoke of having the exact opposite and experienced premature ejaculation at almost three times the rate of non-smokers.)

The Pitt team analyzed the data collected as part of a telephone survey of 16 to 64 years of 2005 and 8.7% of respondents reported that they were raised the previous year, with twice as many men (11.2%) admitting women's marijuana (6.1%). People under 36 years old were more likely to smoke marijuana than older participants.

Weeds can also alter the sexual functioning of women.

A very common side effect of smoking herb is Cottonmouth. Well, it turns out that "Cottonvagina" is one thing too. A participant in thisqualitative study Complained that to be high did not make sex better because it has just made it more difficult to get and stay "naturally lubricated".

"It's the drying of the mucous membranes," specialized psychiatrist in pharmapsychologyDr. Judy Holland RecountVice. "Now, all the pot is not going to give you the dry mouth, but if you had a strain that gives you a dry mouth, it will also make you dried [there]."

Frequent marijuana users report more sexual partners.

The same2009 study found that women who reported frequent cannabis consumption were also more likely to report more than two sexual partners the previous year. For men, any cannabis consumption was associated with "a doubling of the probability of reporting two or more partners."

The strain of marijuana that you use can have a huge effect on your sexual experience.

Previously, I spoke about THC, psychoactive ingredient weeds. THC is actually stimulating and the component of marijuana that can make you feel paranoid.

Paranoia and sex can be a strange combination and sometimes interfere with combat or flying struggle as far as sexual function is compromised. If you want to try to prevent it from happening - and you really should try to get a marijuana strain with a higher CBD ratio at THC. The CBD is the ingredient of the weed associated with relaxation. There is a lot of information online on how the CBD / THC ratio is decomposed to help you make a choice that suits you.

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Categories: Sex
Tags: Sex / wellness / Your Brain
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