Here is exactly how much caffeine you have to drink at overdose

Stay away from the Venti, Pal.

Thank you largely to television and movies, most people do not think there is nothing wrong with drinking several cups of coffee a day. You look at a show likeGilmore girls, in which a recurring pattern is the frantic searille of coffee or to see doctors carrying cups between the shifts ofThe Gray AnatomyOr watch Carrie hold a Starbucks cup while walking through New YorkSex and city, And you think that the consumption of pile of hearty coffee is glamorous and cool.

The truth is that coffee is a widely used and unregulated psychoactive drug. Like cocaine, caffeine is a central nervous system stimulus that helps you stay awake and, in some cases, even gives you a high temporary. Like cocaine, caffeine is very addictive and the exit after the usual use encourages nasty weaning symptoms. Like any other medicine, caffeine can also be abusive and lead to overdose. (Yes, these can actually be deadly.)

According toin the FDAFor sure for an adult to drink 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, or 4 cups. The reason that is misleading, however, is that people forget that, here in the United States, we do not drink standard size cups, which are 8 ounces. We drink cups containing 12 ounces or more. How much you can consume safely varies depending on your weight, but the basic guideline is that more than 500 mg can cause poisoning on caffeine. This means that even a Ventilo Caramel Macchiato (which is 20 oz, alias 567 milligrams), could give you a supraventricular tachycardia, the term medical for an accelerated heart rate and another of these could even have hours later could even kill you. AStudy in 1997 found that the consumption of more than 687 mg per day increased the risk of cardiac crisis by 44%.

If you think that death-by-caffeine seems a little dramatic - or even ridiculous - please know that it happened before. Last year, a 16-year-old named Davis Allen Crice, Chapin, South Carolina, died an overdose of caffeineHaving had a great dew of the mountain, a latte of McDonalds and an energizing drink in the space of two hours. The tragedy has prompted people to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking too much caffeine and invited people to check how much a caffeine product had before consuming it.

The frightening thing is that you already consume more caffeine than you realize. In 2013,The FDA announced Whether it's new product surveys after finding that some companies added caffeine to frozen beans, waffles, syrup, marshmallows, sunflower seeds and even water, to help the people to become addicted to their product. The worst part is that many of these products are marketed for adolescents and children, who are most likely to die of an overdose of caffeine. The announcement came right after Wrigley started promoting a new 8-room gum packet containing as many caffeine as four cups of coffee.

A heart attack is not even the only life-threatening disease you can get coffee. California is currently debating ifDo not place warning signs on coffeebecause it contains acrylamide - a known chemical to increase the risk of cancer and birth defects.

So, if you are considering leaving coffee, but you are worried, it will inhibit your ability to stay awake,Discover 25 non-coffee ways to increase your energy levels.

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