The 10 millennials of cities are doing towards

Who knew that Virginia is such a home?

There are currently about 71 million millennia living in America and by next year they should go beyond baby boomers and become the dominant generation in the country. As such, there has been a lot of interest for how this age group changes cultural standards. Millennials today do not just marry later in life butdating as long as their parents had already been engagedThank you for a new revolutionary approach in order to link the node. Compared to their parents, today's young adults are also more interested in experiences that material objects, preferring to spend their money onFitness vacation and toast lawyer instead of buying porcelain porcelain orRetirement, as well as avoid start-up houses.

Thanks to this approach of the Diem carp of life, as well as student debt and high rent, many millennia choose to settle in smaller cities, where they can enjoy a better quality of life for many Less money than a major metropolis. Once upon a time, college graduates with great dreams wrapped their bags and go directly to San Francisco or New York. Now, according toto a new evaluation of SmartAssetThe city of New York has become the least popular place for the millennia seeking to move.

The Financial Corporation compared the migration data of the 2016 Census Office for 217 cities and all 50 states to determine which cities are the most popular among millennia today. They then compared the number of people aged 20 to 34 leaving the quantity that moves there and classified cities according to the highest difference between the two. You can view their results below. And for more amazing facts about American cities, seeThe top 20 cities to get married.

Virginia Beach, goes

Chick's Beach Virginia

It was a little more obvious because the beach community is generally considered an escape for retirees (and, indeed, it was recentlyclassified as one of the top 50 cities in America to do without gold) But 19, 122 millennials moved here and only 14, 138. Not to mention, nearly 12.00 of these millennia migrated to this seaside city from the state, which is part of what got this new came first place on the list.

Norfolk, goes

Norfolk, longest-living cities, wharf, boats

More than 18,000 millennia moved to Norfolk in 2016, while 13,606 decided to leave. It has always a solid place in the range. But he fell from the fifth place of the last year's ranking, because it was a net influx of just under 5,000 millennia was lower than last year, indicating that his call could to be a little achieved.

Denver, CO

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This popular city nestled in the Rocky Mountains received 5,100 millennials more than people lost in 2016, brought the ninth place last year to its new place of eighth. After all, Denver isone of the healthiest cities in America, alsoas one of the most suitableIt is therefore not surprising that this attracts young people today obsessed with health.

San Jose, CA

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More people have moved to San José from California than on the outside, but it's a very large state. And the fact remains that the city received 19, 943 millennia in 2016 and is only 14,447 years old. May beIts recent ranking like the happiest city of America had something to do with that?

Newport News, goes

Newport News, longest-living cities, arch

Who knew Virginia became a growing state for young adults seeking to settle? The third city of Virginia on this list, Newport News has experienced a net migration of 5,667 millennia, including impressive, because the number represents 3% of the global population of the small town.

Jacksonville FL

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Florida does not have any income tax and residents of Jacksonville are some of the less taxed in the country,That's why it is considered one of the most friendly cities of America. It is not surprising to become more and more attractive for the conscious millennia of the budget, of which 23,327 moved here in 2017. In addition, who does not want to live in good weather throughout the year, with a Easy access to the beach?

Minneapolis, Mn

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Minnesota had a special mention in a recent ranking of longevity based on longevity, as it was considered the statewhere you are most likely to have the longest and healthiest life. This may be why 21,758 millennia decided to make Minneapolis their new home in 2016.

Sacramento, CA

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As San Jose, Sacramento saw a particularly important influx of millennia. After all, why suffer in a narrow space with seven roommates in San Francisco when you can get a2 bedroom apartment in a brand new buildingFor only $ 2,000 a month in the capital of California? No wonder about 10,000 millennia arrived at Sacramento by Elsewhere in California, while only 5,600 leaves Sacramento for another part of California.

Columbia, SC

Columbia, fattest cities, drunkest cities, best singles scenes, best cities to buy a mansion

This southern gem attracted 6,900 millennials more than lost people and about 8,000 of 13,352 that moved out there came from the state.

Seattle, WA

Seattle, happiest cities, drunkest cities, fittest cities, best singles scenes, flip a house, longest commutes, commute, rent, property, best sports fans

Washington has received the largest influx of millennials, no doubt because it has no income tax. It seems that those who moved there are fairly happy too, because the state got nearly 40,000 millennia more than lost. The majority of them emigrated to Seattle, which hosted nearly nearly 30,000 millennia in 2016 and lost only 22,000 people. This is an impressive number when considering the fact that Seattle has only an estimated population of about 700,000 people.

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Tags: Cities
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