Ultrasonic nails are trends in one gram now

When you have a baby, the SONOGRAM marks an important moment. Some women choose to celebrate their incursion into maternity with a data-added manicure - a unconventional that is definitely outside the box. SONOGRAM Nail Art is a new trend that is a way to let the world know about your unborn child.

When you have a baby, the SONOGRAM marks an important moment. It was considered a little miraculous, but with technological advances, getting to know your little average gestation is easier than ever.

Some women choose to celebrate their incursion into maternity with a data-added manicure - a unconventional that is definitely outside the box. SONOGRAM Nail Art is a new trend that is a way to let the world know about your unborn child.

Apparently, carry around a portfolio photo of your soundtrack simply not enough these days. We can see each of the women Kardashian Jenner tilting on this look at long nails of coffin, but it would be as cute on a person with a shorter and current aesthetic.

People call "ultrasonic nails", and this involves soft and subtle swirls of black and white. Some moms opt to shape only the silhouette of the head and the hands of the fetus, and the row on one finger.

We must admit that a whole hand filled with ultrasonic nails seems a bit excessive - the equivalent of transporting around a photo album instead of a single image.

Beauty is in simplicity and ambiguity - what this manicure represents for women her. At first glance, it might look like a marbled nail, but on a double plug, it's a rare look of life itself.

In a way, it is a metaphor about the fragility of life and how tiny it's when starting. In a clearer sense, it is an icebreaker with the holidays and a way for mothers to be related to bumpy parenthood and terrain that accompanies it.

We think this look works very well with colors like deep burgundy, black, white or cream. Some women choose to partially hide their sonogram in a highly decorated manicure, while others keep it simple and let their masterpiece take the central scene.

Some women even adding a little heart in the corner, in an inventive detail and endearing to honor the true love of their lives - their child!

Some could call it shallow or silly. We think it's a nice way to celebrate your child to be born and communicating them with them, as well as the future community of mothers around you - a reminder that you are not alone.

Categories: Entertainment
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