This is where fat goes when you lose weight

98% of health professionals do not know it.

When you gain weight, you can see very clearly where it is gone, whether for your thighs, your buttocks or this coat of unwanted flesh that goes out under your bra. But where all this goes when you lose weight, it's a lot more a mystery. Does this come out of the system when you go to the bathroom? Has it turned into a muscle? Or does it have just evaporated by magic in your sleep?

If you are not sure, do not worry, you are not alone.News siteThe conversation Recently laid 150 doctors, dietitians and personal coaches of the same question, and 98% of them felt that it escapes through the colon, turning into muscles or transforms into energy, which is to say that All were false.

Only 3 health specialists gave the right answer, namely that fat turns into carbon dioxide and water. You free up about 16% of it by urine and sweat, and the other 84% of your breath. Which means that, for the most part, you really haveBreathe fat from your body.

It's pretty cool, and it's not just true for fat either. Most of the food you eat is expelled through the lungs. Unfortunately, it does not mean that breathing faster or further will help you get rid of stubborn belly fat.

Only displacement can convert this grease into carbon dioxide and water. The good news is that youdo not need to necessarily break a sweat In order to double or triple your metabolic rate. SocketA long walk or do a little cleaning of light Can burn calories and increase your longevity at the same time!

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Categories: Health
Tags: diet
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