That's exactly how much money you have to do to be happy

According to the last study.

In 2010, Princeton University Woodrow Willrow Schoolreleased an innovative studyIt claimed to answer the eternal question: can money buy happiness?

The conclusion was that it could, but only at a certain point. Analyze the responses of 450,000 Americans surveyed by Gallup and Healthways in 2008 and 2009, researchers found that the differences between the general emotional well-being of those who made $ 75,000 a year and those who made less than those who were rather stable, but after this reference number, the differences tapered entirely.

Almost a decade ago almost ten years ago, it was high time for another study, perhaps once with a more global tour, and the one that took into account the size of the household. That's exactly whatwas just published in the newspaperHuman behavior nature, Courtesy of researchers at Purdue University.

The study of Purdue analyzed the Gallup World Survey responses, which is a representative sample representative of more than 1.7 million people from 164 countries. As the Princeton's study, the Purdue study also has a distinction between "emotional well-being", which is fundamentally the frequency to which you feel satisfied with respect to the previous day and "Assessment of Life", which refers to your general satisfaction of your life.

Princeton's study did not find that her income had a significant impact on "emotional well-being", so the $ 75,000 threshold refers to the happiness that we have with one's own life.

The results of the Purdue study line up on those of Princeton One, except that now the threshold is $ 95,000. This is actually slightly higher than the $ 75,000 inflation rate in 2010, is $ 85,792 in 2018.

However, Purdue researchers found that, while "the ideal income point is $ 95,000 for life assessment," it was $ 60,000 to $ 75,000 for "emotional well-being" . Thus, $ 75,000 remains a sorting threshold.

Andrew T. Jebb, the principal author and the doctorate of the Ministry of Psychological Sciences, pointed out that the amount referred to individuals and would probably be greater for families.

The study also noted that the optimal wage of happiness different from different parts of the world and that richer countries need higher wages. The lowest optimal salary was $ 35,000 in Latin America / the Caribbean and the highest was in Scandinavia at $ 100,000. The optimal salary is $ 105,000 for North America.

It is interesting to note that the optimal salary for a positive life assessment was $ 100,000 for women, compared to only $ 90,000 for men overall.

The most interesting is perhaps the fact that after $ 95,000, not only were people not deemed happier, they became less happy than their low-income peers. This integrates with the "mo" theory of money, "problems", which is that at a certain point, an increase in income simply means an increase in liability and stress, and a decrease in free time That we can spend with friends and family and pursuing new experiences or exciting recreation activities. On a philosophical level, it is the largest folding of the study.

"It could be surprising like what we see on television and what advertisers tell us that we need to indicate that there is no ceiling for how much money is needed for happiness, but we now see that there are thresholds, "jebbsays in the purdue newsletter. "These conclusions speak to a wider issue of money and happiness through crops. Money is only part of what makes us really happy, and we learn more about the limits of the money."

For more tips on how to live a long and happy life, check25 ways to be happier now, How to be happy according to Einstein, WhereThe best longevity secrets of the oldest people in the world.

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