The secret turn to quickly learn a new language

This is the best way to make your second language language.

If you dreamed of picking up a foreign language - but you never spent that after the second French year in college - we have good news: there has never been a better time trying. After all, you can download one of the dozens of linguistic applications, you can extract countless YouTube teachings and even download podcasts - all aiming to help you take a second language, no matter what your age.

But even with all these big tools, you can not change the fact that it really is, really difficult to take a new language, especially after the age of 25 - the age commonly understood as the point where neuronal lanes From your brain set in place. This does not mean that there are not many tips to try to accelerate the process. And do not take it from us. Take it from a guy who speaks 50 (yes,five-oh) Languages.

According toAlexander arguelles,Who speaks French, German, Spanish, Italian and many others - who has taught universities around the world and currently leads intensive teacher training programs at the center of the regional language of the ministers of the South Asia -It, there is a hacking you must do if you really want to accelerate your studies: adopt a good posture.

Ok, I realize that it sounds too easy, but argued - and his students go through her.

The technique is officially called "shade". First, pick up a corresponding book and a corresponding audio recording. Then, while maintaining "a perfectly vertical posture", start walking and, while listening and reading, repeat the words aloud, clearly.

"I experienced all the ways to use this technique and I always found that compromising one of the three points above, even slightly reduces the effectiveness of the method in a very high degree"said Arvocation. By studying the language in a natural state, like walking, thinking goes, learning a new language becomes a second nature.

That said, it offers some variations. For one, you do not necessarily need to store; "You may also prefer to do a track," he suggests. You may also want to vary your sessions. He suggested going with several 5 minute sessions throughout a given day or a single 30-minute stretch of 30 minutes. In any case, this technique beats the stuffing of another banal language application.

And if you are still not sure whether you want to take a new language, consider this: multilingual people are sexier. In a recentsurveyIn fact, 71% of people think that people who can juggle more than one language are more attractive than those who confined to one. (Also note: the remaining 29% did not indicate that the monolingual people weremore attractive; They simply did not find additional linguistic talents to be a bonus.) In addition, about half of the respondents actively dreamed of transporting a romance with a person who speaks a different language. So why are you still only talking English?

Once you have mastered your new language, consider checking one of the others.Best ways to make your switches the best part of your day.

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