40 parental breeding hacks of an incredible child

It's time to be the parent you have always wanted to be.

Parental wisdom that forgoted me for a while with a yale psychologist that I was interviewed. He described parenting as having a large fenced yard. The key to good parenting, he said, is that you do not keep your children chained with porch and you do not let them skip the fence to go where they want. However, you give them the room to run, explore, to learn, to play. This is where the growth of a child occurs - freedom with borders, restrictions without dictatorship.

Now, the delicate part of the parental equation is that you have a soup of vegetable variables. Different parents, different children, different circumstances, different desires and different definitions of what really means "incredible child". As parents, however, we can probably accept that we all want our children to grow with all the addicts worthy of inclusion in the master's lexicon-happy, healthy, successful, kind, well thoughtful. Obtain can come a number of ways, including these .... and for more parenting tips, discoverThe secret to raise healthy children.

Yes, read them

Reading to Kids Parenting

Even before they can understand a word. Even when they beg one more and you are exhausted. Even if the reading of "a fish two red fish red fish blue" for 4 790 691style Time makes you a crab two crab crab crab crab crab. If you also want a reading time for yourself, sit down and make laugh with one of theThe 30 books of the most funny celebrities.

Play more, keep the score less

Parents Playing with Kids Parenting

There will be a lot of time for competition, tournaments, games, victories and losses. Life lessons that come from all. But there is the development of life, the growth of life and the love of life that comes when you valueto playin its purest forms. And for more smart parenting, do not miss the40 kids of lies say that parents always fall.

Trust this sports anchor

John Buccigross Parenting

According to Twitter from John Buccigross from ESPN: "Seriously, these are the three stages of the parenthood of quality and a better world. 1) The look. You must have a good" look ". It's said I'm awareness, asks and I am aware of you at any time. Engage. 2) Relax. What will be, will be. 3) affection. At all times. Touch. "I understood?

Snuggle once a day

Family Meal Parenting

Research shows that dinner to eat together as a family has better results all around - all from healthy health to more well-adjusted children. Even teenagers, research shows, report that the best things on dinner caught everyone in the family. In this era of family air traffic control hours, it is necessary to try to make your family meal something that is hierarchical, unsalthmate. And for more advice, check the5 ways that cool parents make the family dinner much more impressive.


Listen to Your Kids Parenting

Eyes, open ears and thumbs still, even when your child asks you for a question that has been asked a hundred times before. "The opposite of love is not hate - it's indifference," says Rick Johnson, founder of better fathers. "If we are not involved in our children, what kind of message do they send them? That they do not worthy of our most precious product - our time". Explore with your children and take them on one of theThe 5 best trips to take with children.

Expose them early for ...

Skiing Child Parenting

Piano. Salmon. Woods.

Avoid exposing as long as possible for ...

Kid Eating Hamburger Parenting

A soda. Permanent markers. Pebble.

Treat your own partner better

Happy Older Couple Parenting

"The children whose parents have a healthy and loving marriage tend to make significantly in all areas of life that children whose parents often fight or are contemptuous from each other," says Johnson. For divorced couples, it can mean mutually treating with respect, if not love, he says. And for more help to achieve matrimonial happiness, here is the50 ways to keep your wedding fresh.

Apologize when you're wrong

Mom Talking to Teen Daughter Parenting

So often, parents - especially as children age - have to prove their authority by showing that their experience and wisdom will always attract their inexperience and their hubris. But we do not always get it, and we would have more respect in the long run when we admit when we do not do it.

"Our children know that we are not perfect," says Johnson. "They do not expect us to be, but they expect us to worry enough to be a good parent." And when you communicate with your children, do not forget the40 Argot terms that no one on 40 should use.

Things that will not be important six weeks (or minutes) after thinking they are

Girl Spilling Juice Parenting

Two points on a test. Juice spills. Finish second.

Things that will be ...

Young Girl Crying Parenting

How did you manage the above?

Make sure they know

Mom Teaching Daughter How to Read Parenting

The difference between there and their, it is and it is, you are and your. And put them on the way to learn the right way to use the30 common words that you all use bad.

Make sure they know

Volunteering with Kids Parenting

The value of good manners, helping others, thank you notes handwriters, these Darn sneakers that you have to buy every six months.

Make sure they know

Young Girl on Cell Phone Parenting

Social media accounts are never really private, even if they say they are.

Make sure they know

Kids Making a Mistake Parenting

Virtually all errors have a rubber gum, but there are many.

Strengthen more than you

Family Preparing Food Parenting

Studies show that positive and specific returns when children do something good, it's better to raise awareness of good children than negative comments for unwanted behaviors. Example: "It's great, you have eaten your salad; it will make you strong and healthy" is more effective than "if you do not get these last six peas on your plate, no cookies for a week." And for more adviceyou can use, which fails in the life of your children, check the50 genius tips to improve your life.

Carve the time for yourself

Alone Time Parenting

The best way to handle parenting constraints: handle stress for yourself, according to some research. This means you have to take time for your own hobbies, interests and solo times. The effect is that you become a better parent - which makes them stronger in the long run.

Talking about trips, no destinations

Family Vacation Parenting

The results are not the only way to measure success and satisfaction, and research shows that parents can help their children are not so properly fixed on the finish line, but more to the process. Speak more about what they learned at school or on the ground or during a performance - and less on the rank or score.

Lowering their party habits

Teens Drinking Parenting

As is the case in gymnastics, yoga and the Nik Wallenda, the scale is the key. A study of theLiquor and Drug Studies Journal found that adolescents who were the heaviest drinkers had relatives who were too indulgent or too authoritative in parenthood. Parents who hit a balance between heat and responsibility, research has shown that adolescents had teenagers who drank a lot.

Recognize the big, big business

Mother and Son in Church Parenting

A Canadian study revealed that children exposed to a form of spirituality when they were young were happier than those who were not. This does not necessarily have to be official religious services, but can be favorable forms for children who come on gratitude or reflection on others in need.

To be realistic

Overvaluing Kid's Accomplishments Parenting

A study of more than 500 children in the Netherlands revealed that parents who overvalued the skills of their children were more likely to raise narcissistic children. Now it does not mean you have to sing "you are terrible!" When they end up 15e In 16 in bathing meets, but it also means that you probably should not nick your child Ledocky or Phelps.

You do not need to win everything

Dad Arguing with Daughter Parenting

As children age and tensions become higher, remember that you should say these four words, especially when you talk about goals, schools, activities and life: "What do you want?" (Unless you suspect that the answer is "a piercing of the language".)

Look at the tone and intensity of language

Dad Yelling at Son Parenting

A study has shown that severe verbal discipline to 13-year-olds led to the worst behavior of the child the following year. This does not mean that you can not discipline firmly, but that means you should avoid sounding too stressful or naughty.

Make the law

Kids Bedtime Parenting

The bedtime should be the same time each night: a study of 11,000 children between 3 and 7 revealed that irregular bed times were linked to a lower cognitive ability.

Get them in the habit of the new

Father and Son Reading Newspaper Parenting

Earlier than current events can be part of their routine and your conversation - the better. For them. For the world.

Electrical Ranking, Toys / Games / Activities

Kids Playing with Toys Parenting
  1. Legos (creativity, following instructions)
  2. Tag (movement, free game)
  3. Dress up (dreaming, imagination)
  4. Scrabble (wordsand math)
  5. Boogie boarding on waves (fun!)

Show that others are in the universe too

Kids Volunteering Parenting

The best way to elevate your child to be kind and thoughtful: modeling it, saysSusan Newman, Ph.D., Social Psychologist and Author of "Small Things Recalled: Make your children feel special every day." Volunteer, help a neighbor, visit a sick relative. "Children absorb and learn about this better when parents talk about what they do," she says. Implicate your children by making cards or help deliver dinners.

"Now that you can walk, take out the trash"

Kid Washing Dishes Parenting

Studies show that the allocation of early household tasks in the life of a child, better teach children with children's accountability skills that come into play later in life.

Rethink your role

Mother and Son Painting Parenting

Instead of being the leader of your child, follow the interests or talents of your child, which may be like yours. "What many parents seem to be overlooked is that a child is a person who has a different personality, desires and vows that his parents and who can prove to succeed in areas that parents have never imagined ", says Newman.

Negative comment on

Mother Brushing Daughter's Hair Parenting

Their favorite hair style as they explore their individuality and identity.

Do not make a preach comment on

Father and Son Playing Soccer Parenting

What they could have done differently when they had the ball.

Do not leave Darn's comments on

Woman on Phone Parenting

Their social media.

Once for all

Family Walking Dog Parenting

Just get the puppy.

Break down the kind "assignments"

Boy with Pink Sunglasses Parenting

Boys can wear pink. Girls can play with trucks. Moms can have a grip. Dads can braid hair.

At about 13 years ...

Mother and Son Doing Laundry Parenting

They can make their own linen.

Do not interfere each time

Kids Fighting Over Toy Parenting

Playgroup Sparks flying over who gets the tilting tipper truck? Try to let them work before you drop. Research shows that children who can resolve conflicts to themselves from an early age have a better chance of winning a university degree and having a full-time job in which they would have 25 years.

Show them around

Family Flying Kite Parenting

New tastes on their plates, new parts of the city, new cities in the world, new activities. The habit is good and comforting and the foundation, but novelty can be a way to open the eyes of a child to the possibilities of their future. "It's an experience, not" things "that send a child in one direction or another," says Newman. These experiences, she says, are the building blocks of objectives.

Ignore some of the little things

Toddler Parenting

Research has shown that some poor behaviors (those who do not have any real consequences or damage to others say that minor anger attacks in public) are more effective than treating and participating in a Great battle. Taking at home: The teacher moment comes from more communication when things go right and less do not - this instruction when things go wrong.

Dangler unlimited data like a carrot

Mother and Teen Daughter Parenting

A British study revealed that teenagers react with better behavior when they offered incentives rather than threatened punishments.

Do this an objective of life

Mother and Daughter Parenting

The only temporal helicopter must be used as adjective to describe yourself, it is if you fly. And for a serious personal finance inspiration,Meet the man who made $ 16.5 million on YouTube just last year.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: kids / Parenthood
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