30 the worst things that parents can tell teachers of their children

Do yourself a favor and skip them at your next parent-teacher conference.

If you have not spent time in a classroom since your high school diploma, you may feel that ateaching career is a walk in the park. Summers Off! Not wearing costume to work! On 3 pm. Obviously, you would be incorrect. Dedicated professionalsEducate your children are some of the most difficult people in the country. So, before putting your foot in your mouth - and do the work of an even more difficult teacher, make sure you know the worst things you can tell the teachers of your children.

"Wow, you only work 10 months a year?"

faculty lounge Never Say to a Teacher

Yup, teachers get summers. But in most cases, they are also incredibly overworked during the school year, spending weekends, evenings and evenholiday holidays Dream creative and engaging course plans to keep students interested. Confidence they deserve some time.

"The summers are pleasant, but much of this period is devoted to the curriculum building, professional development or many American teachers - other seasonal employment," saidRyan B., a rod teacher in New York. "And when you have taken into account that many days of the school year have teachers from 10 to 12 hours, it is hardly the luxury you imagine."

"I can read and write: it can not bethisdifficult to teach. "

blackboard Never Say to a Teacher

"In fact, the teaching of reading and writing is quite vast," saysAnna vote, who has been an educator for 20 years. "Students must have a phonemic awareness before they can never start understanding the complex ideas behind the letter sounds, putting them in the process of making a word, what a word is, using it in a sentence and to be able to communicate clearly in writing. "

Phew. It's a lot. "Thereading Process takes so much time and early educators creates this foundation and the skill we use for the rest of our lives, "says Voth." Not only teaching hard reading and writing, you need a highly qualified professional with training hours to get it happening. "

"Oh you work with small children, so you're basically a baby-sitter!"

Never Say to a Teacher

If you want to make an angry teacher, it's a way to do it pretty much safe. "In the past, I have heard comments like these and have found them upsetting, since a lot of things will create an appropriate learning environment for children," explainsDiana Santamaria, preschool teacher and educational author. "This includes the creation of course plans, prepare appropriate practical learning activities for the educational program, individualizing instructions for all learning styles, and more."

"The last teacher of our child was an idiot."

teacher Never Say to a Teacher

This is the fastest way to report to a teacher you're going to bethisParent they hate to treat. Even if you did not like any past professors from your child, put them as well as frankly in front of their current, it seems like you do not have much respect for the profession.

"You do not compromise with me or do not tell me that I am different - you are probably deprudging of colleagues that I admire and that I say that you would probably not be satisfied anything," Ryan said. "There is no question that I will end up on this list next year."

"My child does not lie."

boy throwing paper airplane, things you should never say to a teacher

Oh really? All children do not lie, but if a teacher tells you that your child saidsomething wrong thing In their class and that you resison them, ask yourself: why would they do it?

"Since I pay taxes, I am technically your boss."

teacher helping kid in classroom, things you should never say to a teacher

Well, no, not exactly. "You live in a company in which you have to contribute a small amount to the essential services that enrich the lives of all members of the community," said Ryan. "The literal pennies of yourtax dollars This contributes to my salary does not give you the authority to tell me how to do my job. "

"Well, he never acts like that at home."

mother and son at a parent-teacher conference, things you should never say to a teacher

Say something like that places the blame on the teacher for the misconduct of your child. Although the behavior of a child's school is not necessarily the fault of the parent, it is also unlikely that it is the fault of the teacher. Work towards a solution instead of placing an aggressive passive blame.

"I would like to have a job easier, like teaching!"

friends chatting, things you should never say to a teacher

Hate to break it, but even if teaching can seem "easy" is one of the most difficult jobs.Professional exhaustion is a serious problemAmong the educators - for many reasons - but one of them is that getting a classroom every day is simply difficult.

"But my child is a student."

old report card, things you should never say to a teacher
Shutterstock / Saphotog

Your child has bad days at school, just like you have bad days at work - and acting as it is impossible for your child to have a bad note in a subject that they normally excel not to win you points with their teacher.

"Claiming your child's note is unacceptable because they have always been a" student "testifies to an unrealistic performance standard for the child, as well as a sense of law that teachers will instantly find the setting up », DECLAREKatie R., an English teacher in Connecticut. "Most teachers today spend a lot of the creation of topics to evaluate what standards have or have not been fulfilled by a given student because their acquisition of new skills in classroom qualities are not data. Arbitrary way. Parents should review these headings so that they can see exactly where and why their child has lost points before bringing the teacher. "

"Is there anything she can do for extra credit?"

teacher meeting with student and mother, things you should never say to a teacher

Parents sometimes try to negotiate an additional credit when their child has done a major project or an important test. Unfortunately, an extra credit would require the teacher to offer something more for the student to be done. If they are pressed during the time, they will not like this request.

"He will never need to know that in the real world."

chemistry teacher in lab, things you should never say to a teacher
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Of course, your child will probably not need to discuss symbolism inThe Wuthering Heights This net often in life, nor the opportunity to taste their knowledge of chemistry as an accountant in the future. But that does not mean what they learn is irrelevant.

Education is more than just building profitable skills. Let children explore a variety of topics help promote their innate curiosity, helping them discover their interests and give them the chance to continue them.

"How can you be a good teacher if you do not have children?"

woman looking at computer, things you should never say to a teacher

You probably know someparents who are not exactlyWellwith children. Having children yourself is in no way an edition of an educator and someone has chosen or not to have children is not a matter of anyone, but their own.

"How old are you?"

teacher helping student, things you should never say to a teacher

Sometimes students ask this question and teachers usually brushing it. The problem occurs when a parent asks a teacher of his age, insinuating he may be too young to be an authority over a certain subject or that the parent knows more about how to teach their child simply because they areolder. But teachers are trained to find out what they do, then their age is roughly relevant.

"We go on vacation next week. Can you prepare all the work of my daughter so we can take it with us?"

teacher grading papers, things you should never say to a teacher

Shooting children out of school outside the vacation holiday can be disruptive and let them feel like they fell behind. And just because you areTo go on holiday This does not mean that a teacher should have to do additional work so that it does not happen.

"Education is increasingly going to a" student-centered "approach, where peer interactions and classroom discussions are crucial for the learning process," Katie said. "These experiences can not be" composed "during holidays, so it is important to consider the impact of these absences on your child's education."

"Why do you hate my child?"

teacher in classroom with students, things you should never say to a teacher
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Is the teacher of your child sometimes frustrated by him? Sure. Does this mean that they really hate your child? Absolutely not. Teachers do not give bad qualities or recommend to children to stay behind one year because of personal Vendettas; They do it because they are kept from, or more likely, because it will benefit your child in the long run.

"Is my child your favorite?"

teacher in chemistry lab, things you should never say to a teacher
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Good teachers do not play favorites with their students - or, if they do it in secret, they are at least intelligent not to let it slip into a parent-teacher conference. "If you ask me that, probably not," says Ryan.

"Do you work with children, how difficult it can be?!"

teacher with preschool students, things you should never say to a teacher

Samepreschooler Require careful planning of the lesson. "As educators of any age group, we need to make sure that children are not only comfortable in their class and with teachers, but also that they are scaffering their learning so that they are prepared for The next level, which requires a lot of preparation and evaluation, "says Santamaria." And just because children are younger does not mean that they are "just play all day".

"Standardized tests help determine the quality of a teacher."

standardized test, things you should never say to a teacher

In fact, there is a lot ofProblems with standardized tests. While they can be auseful toolIn some respects, they evaluate which students know the day of the test, not how much they have learned, how far they have come since the beginning of the school year, or how well their teachers are planned.

"My child bored easily."

unhappy boy at school, things you should never say to a teacher

To be bored easily is not something you should boast. "It tells me much more about yourparent style to your child, "said Ryan. "Getbored is not a sign of intelligence - it's a sign that we have never learned to be curious. "

"My child simply does not like your subject."

computer teacher helping student, things you should never say to a teacher
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"It's good for kids to have preferences - they are people, after all," says Ryan. "But parents put the tone to their childschool experiencesand a total dismissal of the part of their schooling is obliged to reflect them. It's also pretty disrespectful for me. "

"This subject was not my strong costume, either."

computer teacher helping student, things you should never say to a teacher
Shutterstock / ESB Professional

You should not assume that your old academic difficulties will indicate how much your own children will go to school. In fact, acting as if your own skills of trigonometryhereditary trait Can make your child's mediocre performance a self-directive prophecy.

"Excusing your child's performance and effort in a field by claiming that you were in the same way as" bad "on this subject is a way to ensure that the student will develop a defeatist attitude towards the rest of their Academic career, "Katie said." Teachers work hard to develop asense of trust And resilience among their students when the most difficult resolution of the most difficult concepts, and parents who are uncompressed on a subject in general make great service to these efforts. "

"We do not believe in homework."

boy doing homework, things you should never say to a teacher

Although you can spend years spending years discussing homework merits - or their absence - at the end of the day, parents do not have to make the rules of the school of their children. If your child's teacher requires homework, your child must do it. If this really goes against your essential beliefs, it's something to take with school administration - or find a different school entirely.

"But every child does it!"

Failed term paper, things you should never say to a teacher

In many schools, something like plagiarism is an offense worthy of expulsion, no matter how many children have elapsed with it before.

"The plagiarism is a big deal in the academic world and children have to learn from an early age that it leads to serious consequences," Katie said. "You are not likely to change your mind by claiming that" everyone does "."

"I'll get you shot!"

man yelling, things you should never say to a teacher

That comes from a parent or a student, this kind of small threat (a person who is often stimulated by less than stellar brands) is certainly not something that teachers want to hear. The truth is that students and parents very rarely have the power to get a teacherfiredBut it never seems nice to hear someone say - no matter where your profession.

"What did you want to do as a career?"

Young female teacher smiling in front of whiteboard in classroom, things you should never say to a teacher

Believe it or not, many, even most teachers wanted the exact work they have been doing since they were children. And considering that teaching requires expertise in a particular subject and a higher degree in many cases, your child's teachers are probably not just fallen into their particular working tail.

"You would not be so concerned by your salary if you are really supported by children."

teachers on strike, things you should never say to a teacher

Like any other job, teachers are allowed to ask for increases. Yes, sometimes they use strikes to protest the fact that they are notbe paid enough. But honestly, if you had to buy school supplies for all the kids in your class, you would probably be willing to hit too.

"If they hurt, it's a reflection on you."

parents meeting with teacher, parent teacher conference, things you should never say to a teacher
Shutterstock / Africa Studio

Although there is no doubt about bad teachers, this does not mean that the poor performance of a child is necessarily the fault of an instructor. Children need help both in the classroom and at home to succeed and pin the failure of your child to succeed in the only case of his teacher, it's unfair to the educator in question and could possibly hinder the progress of your child.

"My child needs more attention."

male teacher helping student in classroom, things you should never say to a teacher
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Of course, it would be wonderful if every child has had a ton of time at one time with their teacher. That said, unless you are educated at home, this type of attention is virtually impossible for your private private or public teacher to provide. If your child needs individual guidance, that's what tutors, help after school, mentoring programs and parents are for.

"We have hadso Many problems with previous schools. "

teacher reading to students, things you should never say to a teacher
Shutterstock / Weedezign

Remember to complain about how individual schools or classrooms will encourage your child's teacher to do better? Still think. "This can trigger alarm bells for teachers because the common denominator in a long history of negative experiences with schools seems to be you and your child," says Katie. "In addition, he talks about volumes on your attitude towards educators and school systems in general."

"Those who can not do, teach."

teacher helping students, things you should never say to a teacher

Despite what people who pronounce this sentence are insinuated, teaching requires a long list of skills that most people do not clearly possess, curriculum planning, mediation, and maintaining expertise in the field of education. And if you still think that teaching is so easy, can we recommend trying to explain the long polynomial division to an 11-year-old child who would prefer to play outside? And to learn more about this undervalued line of work, see these20 shocking confessions of public school teachers.

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Tags: kids / Parenthood / School
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