20 ways to do laundry in your freezer
There's a whole world beyond cleaning your washer and your dryer.

For most of us, the laundry is just another ungrateful task ourselves that we see hours to perform a weekly or even daily basis. However, in many cases I throw our clothes into washing is actually the best way to keep it clean. In fact, washing can, in many cases, do more harm than good: according to research published inBorders in microbiology, Our washing machines tend to house a large number of harmful bacteria and other insects, from STAPH to yeast, to further contaminate our clothes with each cycle.
Fortunately, there is an easy solution. There is another home device that can refresh your clothes faster and keep them in the long run: your freezer. We have rounded the 20 surprising ways that your freezer can save your favorite clothes and accessories, allowing you to save time, money and monotonous travel to automatic launderette along the way. And to find out which items other than your washer could be roar with unpleasant bugs, see these20 articles in your home make you sick.
1 Keep your jeans clean without narrowing
If your jeans are so perfectly broken, the thought of them becoming Misshapen or narrowing in a wash cycle and dries breaking you in a cold sweat, there is a simple solution: illuminating them in the freezer instead. Fortunately, if the thought of not washing your jeans grows, do not be afraid: a recent study conducted at theUniversity of Alberta It reveals that even after 15 months without washing, regularly worn jeans really carry no harmful bacterium. Better yet, the bright in the freezer did the trick when it came to limit the smell of powerful they had acquired. And when you want to take your usual jeans-and-t-shirt game at the next level, discover the30 best tips for dressing yourself well in your 30s.
2 Reduce woolen butterfly infestations
Few things ruin a beautiful wool sweater faster than night throttle holes. Unfortunately, many people do not realize that their home serving as a temporary residence at night butterflies and their larvae until it is too late. The good news? According toDepartment of Entomology at Cornell University, the temperatures below 40 degrees can inactivate the larvae of butterflies and leave a zero-degree garment for more than 72 hours can kill them completely. And when you are ready to push bugs for the good this summer, start with these20 genius tips to avoid being stung by mosquitoes.
3 Refresh your workout accessories
All gym accessories are not simply a laundry charge, but that does not mean that these powerful spare bands should not be refreshed before wearing them. The solution? Instead of leaving potentially transpurred accessories, such as headbands, sweat strips and hair-elastic hair in your basket until you do the laundry, you can simply make them understand the freezer to make them less stinking.
4 Kill bed bugs

Bed bugs are one of the most persistent pests that can strike fear in the hearts of the most intrepid amateur entomologists. Worse still, according toa survey47% of respondents admitted that they would come into contact with bed bugs at one point or another while traveling. The good news? Your freezer is the easiest way to get rid of it before infesting your home. According toEntomological society of AmericaBy placing clothes or bedding potentially infested in a plastic bag and leave it in a freezer on its coldest adjustment for two to four days can prevent you from getting rid. However, if you want to erase them without a question, a chest freezer is your best choice: the researchers found that 80 hours at 16 degrees negative Celsius killed all bed bugs and larvae. And for more ways to fulfill these scary crawlies, start with the20 ways to eliminate bed bugs forever.
5 Fresh leather
The leather is one of these difficult fabrics: it looks great, but it is almost impossible to clean at home and dear to cool off in a professional way. The good news? When you want to make this pair of leather shoes (or pants, or a skirt, if it's your trick), feel much fresher in no time in no time, go the incriminated object of Your freezer. Simply make sure you have your leather goods in a sealed plastic bag or that you risk ice crystals. If you think the leather products are too expensive, it's time to discover these10 reasons why Italian crafts is worth every penny.
6 Remove mites from bedding

According toAsthma and Allergy Foundation of America, dust mites are probably the largest trigger of allergies and asthma around the world. And more scary still, there is probably more than 1.5 millionHide in your bed already. Fortunately, there is hope: research published inPediatric allergy and immunology reveals that freezing bedding is even more effective than washing when it comes to killing dust mites, reducing 95.1% of their numbers after a night in a freezer. And for more ways to make your bed a happier and healthier place to be, check these70 tips for your best sleep ever.
7 Get gum of your shoes
Walking in the gum is one of these "why me?" moments that can ruin a day otherwise nice. And while trying to scratch something that has been in the mouth of a stranger of your shoe is never a pleasant experience, in itself, the gel of afflicted shoes can make much less difficult. Just put the shoe faulty in a sealed bag, freeze it for 12 hours and when you steal it, the gum will have hardened to the point where it can be easily removed.
8 Protect against new germination clothes
Although it's nice to imagine that all we buy from the rack is clean as whistle, the truth is that our new clothes are still spitting bacteria. According to research conducted byPhilip TernoProfessor of microbiology and pathology in Nyu, all from Strept to Stapher in Norovirus at fecal bacteria has been discovered in "new" unfolded vestiges. The good news?Research Suggests that freezing is capable of killing or disabling certain bacteria, making it a good step when you bring home clothes, be sure to put them first in a sealed bag to avoid contaminating the Rest of your refrigerator.
9 Firming Dropping Tights

Anyone who has always worn a pair of pantyhose knows that the fearful feeling you get when they spread to the knee or the size, which makes them void in the process. The good news? Place them in your freezer can help you. Just curb the tights in the questions, remove all the excess water, place them in a sealed bag and gele them. On aMit bioengineer, elasticity can actually be improved by the freezing process and when you want to reorganize your wardrobe, start by seizing these40 things that no woman should never bring to work.
10 Remove scent odors

If you have already bought a perfect vintage article to discover that it always wore the flowery scent of its previous owner, there is still hope. The perfume is better stored at a coherent temperature, which means that major, hot or cold fluctuations can make it disappear faster. However, if you are trying to delete a persistent perfume fragrance of a garment, make sure you do not first seal the bag, declares Carolyn Mix, co-owner ofNote, a perfume based in Hudson, New York. "Oxygen is a great destroyer of perfume molecules," she says.
11 Protect the fur

Have a fur coat - or even just fur additions, such as cuffs or collar - can be seriously prohibitive. Even worse, fur is a particularly attractive fabric for all kinds of parasites, such as mites, mites and carpet beetles. Fortunately, you do not have to spend half of your paycheck to refresh your fur objects: simply do it in the freezer for 72 hours until all that can call your clothes at home. Simply make sure the fur is in good condition before doing it; Fur with cracked skin below can tear if exposed to freezing temperatures.
12 Maintain a new color of the outfit
There are few things that distort new clothes faster than a trip through a warm and dry wash cycle. To preserve the vibrant hues of your new clothes, try alternating wash and freezing cycles. Since your freezer does not expose your clothes to water or chemicals, the dye will remain quickly for much longer than if you would lake it every time.
13 Sweater
The pills - these small noubly bits on your sweater are one of the fastest ways to ruin the look of a beautiful room. Even worse, many of the tools designed to eliminate them, such as clothing razors, can stretch your clothes or even cause holes with repeated use. To limit the inserts on your clothes, put your candles in the freezer to get rid of all moldy smells and be sure to fold them instead of hanging to reduce the extra friction of the pill in your closet.
14 Reduce pollen on clothes

Allergies are the sixth most common disease in the United States, which affect millions of individuals each year, with pollen numbering among the most common allergies. The good news? All you need is your freezer to reduce some of the pollen numbers on your clothes. According to the search published inCryptobiologyFast freezing and subsequent thaw reduces pollen viability, potentially offering relief from people with allergy.
15 Cashmere

Many people agree on the best way to take care of Kashmir. Some argue that dry cleaning chemicals decompose the cashmere faster, while others claim that the wash by hand will make it lose its softness and shape. One thing is certain, however: popping your freezer preferred cashmere sweater will help you refresh quickly and without wear associated with traditional cleaning methods.
16 Casual gym shoes
There are few more offensive things that a stinky sports shoe, but for most people without unlimited utility budgets, wash and dry your sneakers after each trip to the gym is simply not in the cards. Fortunately, freeze your sneakers between washing can move some of the most pungent bacteria hanging in them - an olfactory bargain to you and your gym colleagues.
17 Removal of sticky spots

If you have ever spilled something sticky on your clothes, you know how difficult the disorder can be removed. The good news? Your freezer can help you repair this sticky situation in no time. Sweet substances, such as honey and maple syrup, harden at cooler temperatures, which allows them to remove them after being frozen. So, if you miss your tea cup and you accidentally get a honey drizzle on your clothes instead, skip them in the freezer can immediately help the substance solidify rather than getting into stain.
18 Stretching tight shoes

If your feet swelled from the pregnancy or you accidentally bought these perfect shoes a little too small, your freezer can help you solve this problem in just a few hours. Just place a plastic bag in your shoe and fill it with water until it presses on the edges of the shoe. Seal the bag and freeze; The ice block slightly stretches your shoe, making it a more comfortable fit when you are ready to wear it.
19 Get cigarette smells

Cigarette odors in clothes are unpleasant enough, but the combination of cigarettes and bacteria body of another person on some vintage items can make them particularly difficult to remove. However, bring up your clothes in the freezer can help kill some of the bacteria that these cigarette odors can hang you, help you mitigate hastily. Just make sure you also wash your clothes after, too; arecent study reveals that even third smoke - the kind that might remain on your clothes - can have a detrimental effect on your health.
20 Keeping cool on hot days

There are few things more unpleasant to put a pair of jeans from the dryer for a hot day. Fortunately, the haze of your clothes with a little cold water and freeze it before wearing it on a hot day can help keep you cool and hurt. In fact, research presented at the7th European Conference on Protective Clothing reveals that wearing slightly damp clothes, thanks to its cooling effect when water escapes, is particularly effective in maintaining the cold body and low risk of heat stroke. And for more ways to beat the heat, discover these20 tips for a less sweaty summer.
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