20 secrets your gynecologist will not tell you
Here's all you need to know about what he really thinks.

Go to gynecologist is routine medical care forMost of womenBut even after years spent in the stirrups, many patients are still worried when it comes to their annual appointment. Going to the gynecologist can be an annoying, intimate or even troublesome experience for some patients, for doctors who provide care, it's just another day at the office. (In fact, these doctors have seen everything, patients with interesting ideas about how to take care of their bodies to accomplish rescue surgeries in the other time.) Before booking your annual appointment, make sure you To know these secret gynecologist your doctor will not tell you. And if you want to keep these visits to the doctor at least this year, discover these 100 easyways to be a healthier woman!
1 Your gynecologist does not care about the way you fought
Whether you are rocking a landing strip, go naked or keep things naturally, your doctor does not risk paying your pubic hair preference. "COVERD OR NON GROOME makes no difference," saysA MASTE OB-GYN. However, he noticed trends in his practice: "Most people seem to be treated these days." And for those moments where you want to feel a little more polite, add theseNight beauty products to your usual routine.
2 There is nothing sexual to your gynecologist about seeing you naked
After a moment, see new naked people is not as exciting as it sounds. Most Ob-Gyns are not tantilled by the view of another body. "Over time, this view becomes very clinical rather than sexual. I know many patients, they do not feel a difference, but I made myself a bit odd if people have just whipped all their clothes in front of me," says "doctor.
3 You should shower before your gynecologist appointment

While your doctor probably does not care much about how you fought you, you have to make sure you are clean before looking for an exam. "Have a decent hygiene is appreciated more than anything else," saysdoctor. Their recommendation? Just a mild soap and water will do.
4 Male gynecologists often need female backup

If your male gynecologist seems to always have a doctor or nurse with them during exams, it's not a coincidence. Many male gynecologists bring medical professionals with them to exams to ensure that the patient is comfortable and keep a minimum of misunderstandings at a minimum.
"Many male gynecologists will wear a female observer with them when they look at a female patient. If a patient is alone with his male doctor, she has the opportunity and the right to ask for a female observer if she wants one," revealsan ob-gyn.
5 Your gynecologist really hates when patients play at Doctor Google

It's not because you have access to a computer does not mean that you are a doctor. For many patients, especially those who are seen for pregnancy, claiming that all internet advice come from sources of experts are particularly frustrating for their doctor. "I like mothers and mothers to take an active part in search of their health care. These mothers are engaged and healthy and motivated to be good parents. But the minority doing this research and are incapable of Make good stops on what is and is not an appropriate source for health care advice, is easily the most boring population to treat, "saysdoctor. Unfortunately, playing the doctor is probably not your onlyboring habit Cause stress in your relationships.
6 Accessorize your vagina is a bad idea

Shave your pubic hair in the shape of a lightning or color green. However, all you do, do not access it inside. "I had a bad experience where one of my patients decided to put glitter anywhere there. Glitter. Oh, God smell. She said that it smelled" rotten meat ", but it was Was so worse. We could not let worse. This room for the rest of the day as we broadcast it, "says a doctor." Clean it, but do not be fanciful. "
7 Birth is not always a nice process
While birth can be incredible, ob-gynes often face traumatic pregnancy situations. A doctor tells you have to deliver a pre-term baby, a process healed at the same time the doctor and the patient. "We delivered it by C-section even if the baby was clearly pre-viable," says thedoctor. "It was a terrible case." And if you expect a little one yours, make sure you knowHow to be a big daddy with a baby.
8 Doctors sometimes find their attractive patients

Although doctors can be attracted by their patients, do not expect you to be slipped from a phone number after your appointment. "It's not too difficult to stay focused, especially when you know that a single non-professional porthole could cost you your career. If something, having an attractive patient puts you even more because you are so conscious of yourself, "says-" says oneMan ob-gyn. Addanother, "There is nothing erotic about the job. It is seriously transformed into a" do what we need to do next "" "" "
9 Gynecologists sometimes have to take extreme measurements
The correction of a patient's medical problems is not always as simple as writing a prescription or plan for surgery. For many Ob-Gyns, the work is much more convenient. "I had to make people repeatedly after birth to stop heavy bleeding. Two times, I had to use instruments to scrape the retained placenta of the uterus," saysa gynecologist.
10 Deliver babies is a major advantage
Although many people can not understand why people want to be an Ob-Gyn, being able to deliver babies is an important part of the call. "The workforce and delivery are a precipitation for me and they are a wonderful experience 99% of the time. This other time 1%? It's just as important as they have a favorable and attentive doctor, if not more "says an Ob-Gyn. "When I delivered a baby to a family who really wants this baby, man, feeling." If you expect to have children, you are not alone. Those11 main men who happily embrace the paternity later in life make parents look at any age.
11 People do strange things during their examination

Although gynecological examinations can be clumsy for some patients, others are a little too comfortable on the table. "I had text patients during the exam, that I found strange," saysdoctor.
12 Do not worry if your gynecologist travel is brief
If your gynecological visit feels precipitated compared to your annual physique, do not be surprised. For healthy patients, the review process is so standard for most gynecologists they may have seniors in a few minutes.
"To anyone thinking that they are shortly reduced by their own Gyn visits, keep in mind that all this process usually takes like 10-15 minutes to the maximum," saysdoctor. "We are very efficient and honestly, at the 4th year of School Med, even your typical Visit of the Gyn Clinic is quite common."
13 People have interesting ideas about contraception

A lack of education on contraception can have devastating effects on patients. Not only can people find themselves with unexpected pregnancies of their misrepresenting contraceptive ideas, they can also be seriously ill.
"I was assigned to the health of women when we had a lady arrived with a toilet glove pushed in this area. Stoned at the top of heaven, and she had placed it there three weeks ago as a homemade contraceptive ", revealsdoctor.
14 The ob-gynes have a lot of fun to the other

If you think your Ob-Gyn returns home to make crosswords and knit when they leave the office, repense it. Many doctors confirm that gynecologists have a reputation for being fairly fun of the clock. "The Ob-Gyns tend to work hard / play hard type of individuals," saysdoctor.
15 The work does not leave much time for a personal life

While many types of doctors have routine schedules, babies are not born from 9 to 5. "It can be a little more difficult to have a family life because of the hours that are definitely hectic (I know that some people tend to fear Obgyn if they are afraid to have a family life), but can be manageable according to where you practice, "revealsdoctor.
16 Your gynecologist concerns more than your white regions

Their main job may be to assess the health of your breeding organs, but it is far from the only thing your gynecologist concerns. The Ob-Gyns are equally concerned about your entire health of any other doctor.
"We are looking for a lot of things," saysan ob-gyn About what they are looking for when reviewing a patient. "First of all, it's just how the patient does. New stressors, changes your life, how is their mood, happiness, etc.
17 It is more difficult for male gynecologists to find jobs
Men can have the upper part in some areas, but this is not the case when it comes to being an ob-gyn. In addition to many patients feeling uncomfortable with the reception of care of a male doctor, it can often be more difficult to land an investment as a man.
"How long did it take to find a job? It took me much longer than my female colleagues, it's certain," says aMan ob-gyn.
18 Your gynecologist does not care if you are on your rules

If you plan to skip your annual gynecologist appointment because you are on your rules, do not worry. This makes little difference for most ob-gyns if their patients bleed or not. "It does not matter if you are on your rules. Give a brief head to the doctor, but do not be aware of yourself," recommendsdoctor.
19 Buffers cause serious problems

Although access to menstrual products can change their lives for many women, these same products can also lead to major health problems if they are used inappropriately.
"I remember having to remove a stamp used during my residence ... I still remember [the nurse] telling me to tell me to double the glove of the left hand and after removing the stamp to catch him with The double-walked hand, remove the exterior glove and "seal" prevent the smell of worsening. Easy procedure But the smell was definitely terrible, "recallsan ob-gyn.
20 Grant patients make useful work

While many medical specialties can feel like untimely work, Ob-Gyns get their fair share of patients' gratitude. For many Ob-Gyns, knowing that their patients are happy makes the entire work in force.
"As a general rule, patients are so grateful in obstetrics. And when the results are poor (which is almost never because of something I did ... not because I'm perfect, but Because most emergencies are spontaneous, not iatrogenic), generally that you are a source of support for the patient who is so enjoyable, "saysdoctor. "I do not have an ego complex, but I heard" thank you for saving my baby "of course, that's fine." And if you want to stimulate your own atmosphere without years of medical school, try to implement these70 genius tips to become instantly happy!
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