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13 things that existed in classrooms that children today did not recognize
Children today will never appreciate how much efforts have entered the search for a library book.

Thanks to important progress in technology, classrooms are today resemble those of the twentieth century. Aerial projectors, floppy disks and cards catalogs have been replaced entirely - and if you have asked a teenager or TWEEN to identify one of theseclass objects, they would probably not be able to.
If you got your degree inThe 1980s or inthe 50sContinue reading to discover the old-fashioned class objects that today's teaching institutions no longer use.
1 Microfiche

If you do not remember the microfiche, it's "a piece of transparent movie [which stores] information printed in miniaturized form", according to theObsolete Media Museum. This was a way to store archival newspapers, periodicals and documents compactly, and you would use the magnification power of a microfiche player to enlarge the impression so that it is sufficiently large to read .
But the only places where you probably find microfiche and microfiche readers are nowadays in museums and flea markets.
2 Creams

When you were at school, there wasnothing you hated more that the crossed crosse of someone who writes on the board. However, try talking to your child or your grandson of this irritating noise, and they will probably have no idea what you're talking about. In today's classrooms, teachers use either whiteboards without noise or they do not require any use of chalk.
3 Air projectors

In the days leading up to smart advice and multimedia projectors, teachers had to use air floodlights. They could not shoot web pages or playmovies; On the contrary, all they did was draft transparent slides on the wall so that teachers can write things for the entire class to see.
4 Sharpener

Before there were laptops or even electrical pencil sharpeners, students should manually handle pencil sharpening to get the ideal lead tip. Not only were these contracts hard on his arms, but you would often end up deleting your pencil and start again.
5 Floppy disks

The floppy disks are the equivalent of the end of the twentieth century of USB flash disks. From the end of the 70s across the 1990s, these square disks were used to store and transfer data from one computer to another. But theyhas become obsolete When technology has created faster and more compact storage readers, such as ...
6 Cds

Anyone who was at schoolin the 1990s Will remember the use of a CD-ROM to download software or school files needed. These shiny discs were also used to download data - but unlike floppy disks, they could only transfer the data already to them unless they were not white.
7 Mimeographers

In 1876, inventorA b. tail Purchased the patent "electric pen and double pressure"Thomas EdisonAnd created the mimeographer. The contract was essentially a copy machine and, likeNational Geographicnotes, it was "first mainly used in schools and offices" when he really took offin the '5os and the 60s.
8 Trapper Keepers

You can not write a list on old class objects without mentioning theTrapper Keeper. This returning staple at school, launched in 1978 by Mead, was a colored binder and folder kit that broke closed. Given the number of papers that students had to wear in the 80s and 90s, Trapper Keekers has become a night success. In fact, according to an in-depth article ofMdental flossThe workbook brought more than $ 100 million a year for several years after release.
9 Movie theater

Movie theater have been used from the 80s and they combined sound recordings with bands ofstill images. Unlike 16 mm films, these bands were affordable and easy to rewind once they were made, so many teachers played educational videos for students using this media. Which Baby Boomer or Gen Xer does not remember the sound of one of those movies that lie down?
10 Television trolleys

Nowadays, videos - for both educational and personal use - are available online and via streaming services likeNetflix. CornIn the 20th centuryTeachers had to designate television trolleys to play granular VHS tapes.
11 Card catalogs

In 2015,SmithsonianMagazine has published an article entitled "The card catalog is officially dead. "In this they wrote that theOnline Library Center(OCLC) Sent its latest catalog cards to Concordia College this year and since then, libraries around the world have delivered only on computerized cataloging systems. The children these days did not know the Dewey decimal system if it was heading towards them!
12 Abacus

Long before the ti 84 days of advantageous, abacus-or counting frames - were the main way to make calculations. According to a paper of theOhio Journal of School MathematicsThe tool goes back to the old Greek and Roman time.
13 Slide rules

The rule of the slide was another mathematical tool used for multiplication and division before calculators became ubiquitous. To get an idea of the emblematic of this object, theInternational Museum of the Slide Rule note that there was a slide rule on Apollo 11When he landed on the moon in 1969! And for more others than things have changed, here is15 ways to go back to school are different than when you went.