20 ways to maintain a quick metabolism as you get older

If you are old enough to read this, your days of research and feeling your best on a cookie diet have been gone for a long time.

Everyone wants a quick metabolism that works to deflate calories, but it becomes more and more elusive as we get older. Once you hit your thirties, you could lose as much as3% to 5% of your muscle mass every decade-In it will become more difficult to keep your metabolism gorging at the same pace.

It also means that it will be more difficult to eat the same foods and the same portions of the same size as just a few years. As we get older, muscle mass tends to decrease and grease tends to increase, which means that your body will not burn as many calories as effectively and efficiently andYour metabolism slows down.

There is good news, though. You can implement food and lifestyle changes to counteract an important part of these metabolic changes.

To keep you looking for and feeling your best, choose the right foods and make the right choice of lifestyle can keep your metabolism of your metabolism as you get older! Not sure if your metabolism is something to fear? Check this list of31 ways you ruined your metabolism today see!


Eating PFC in balance

Healthy quinoa lunch bowl with chicken as protein avocado as fat and vegetables broccoli and spinach and beans

There are three nutrition pillars that every food falls into: protein, grease or carbohydrates (ideally with aFocus of fibers, like an apple). One of the best ways to support your metabolism - and, by extension, your size - is to consume the three in equilibrium. "" PFC all three "is a term that I invented that refers to eating a combination of protein, grease and carbohydrate every few hours to maintain stable blood sugars and activated metabolism," says Dietian registeredCassie Bjork, Rd, LD ofDietiacassie.com.

If you need help to identify these food groups, tryThe super metabolism diet. The two-week tested diet plan will beTorch big and ignite the fuel kiln of your body so you can lose up to a book a day!


Eat every few hours

healthy snack bowl with broccoli carrots hummus almonds nuts strawberries fruit

If you fear that eating several times a day will result in a calorie surplus, Bjork says that eating snacks between your meals often leads to reduced hunger at the price of meals - so you risk eating smaller portions. "Numping often stimulates your metabolism by keeping the blood glucose of your stable blood," she says. "This also reduces your levels of your hormone, fat storage insulin and supports the release of your hormone, glucagon." Translation: Stop sending your body in hunger mode, then overcompensate by eating massive meals once or twice a day; Maybe you could escape when you were studying when, but that does not do your metabolism of other favors today. Keep your metabolism with these48 healthy snack ideas to keep you thin.


Stop counting calories

doctor calculator measurement

The notion of calories in and calories holds merit, but it does not show the totality of the quality photo is as important as the amount of long-term weight loss. "When you deserve to stimulate metabolism, counting calories is thelatest What you want to do, "said Cassie." When you depress your body of energy that it needs, it fights back and really retains energy by slowing down your metabolism. When you follow a strict calorie counting diet,You can not eat enough, then you are more likely to feel tired and irritable, have scandalous cravings and get frequent headaches. "

On the side, when you feed your body with high quality food products - fresh fresh,high fiber foodsHealthy protein and fats - you are more likely to be satiated and your metabolism gets a boost. The final result is that you end up losing weight! For more rules, you must follow if you are above the hill, check these40 most efficient weight loss tips for people over 40!


Have breakfast when you can

High fiber breakfast whole grain oatmeal with fresh berries nuts and seeds

"Your metabolic functions slow down during sleep, so it's so important to properly rebuild your body with a dense nutrient breakfast," says Dietitian RegisteredRachael DevauxRD. Opt for aHigh protein breakfast, like cottage cheese on a high fiber cracker. "Not only is the consumption of protein is important to maintain muscle mass while decreasing the breaking, the amino acids are more difficult than the body breaks down, which requires you to burn more calories."



Woman drinking lemon water to be hydrated

Moisturizing-with water - is really the only way to go. It is essential that you avoid fruit juices, soda and other drinks with added sugars as they have a very low nutritional value (if applicable) and are usually full of useless calories. "Keeping your body hydrated increases energy expenses throughout the day, which means your body burns more calories at rest," saysDr. Lauren Beardsley, NMDFrom the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa. "Good hydration also supports healthy digestive function that will help your body eliminate waste and detoxify." If you do not stand hydrated, you will suffer from a slow metabolism in addition to these7 side effects not to drink enough water.


Eat more beans

beans legumes pulses

Fiber is the zero-calorie part and the indigestible part of a carbohydrate that adds big to food. When ate, the fiber swells in the stomach, allowing you to feel more loose on less food. The fiber also naturally increases the metabolism, so eat your beans! "Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber, two nutrients that end up burning a lot of calories during digestion," says Devaux. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and sound are also solid choices.


Drink oolong tea

oolong tea

"Oolong tea contains catechins, an antioxidant also present in green tea that has been demonstrated to stimulate metabolism up to two hours after drinking consumption," says Devaux. Those who are chosen with their teas will be happy to know that the oolong is available in a wide range of flavors and is low in caffeine.


Eat monounsaturated fats


Fat does not necessarily make you fat; It's about choosing right grease. "Monoinsaturated fats help increase the metabolic rate by burning fat without any decrease in calories," says Devaux. They also act as a buffer for the sugar you consume. "When you consume fat whenever you eat, it slows down the assimilation of any sugar in your blood," says Bjork. "This promotes stable levels of blood glucose and stimulates metabolism for hours after eating by allowing your body to release a turbo-grease hormone called glucagon." Healthy fat can also help you keep you in its own right, to supercharge the brain and mitigate desires. Healthy sources include lawyers, seeds, nuts, fish and olive oil; You can find out more with these20 healthy greases to make you lose weight!


Smart snack

fresh pears

As you get older, it's just as important as when you were a toddler to stay out of this blood glucose russon. But this time, it's not because you will start trampling your feet and your mother will become nuts; This time, this is your health size and global pants. "When you do not snash, your body learns to live in" Fashion of Famine "and your metabolism slows down when your body adapts and compensates," says Cassie. "Your body is then suspended from extra energy during meals in the meals Transforming into bold because it expected that would need this fat in case you eat any longer. "

That said, it's just as important to listen to your body and eat only when you are hungry. And do not be afraid if it was late at night, said Bjork. While most people avoid eating before going to bed, his clients have had a strong success when they have aHealthy bed snackconsisting mainly fat and certain carbohydrates. "The snack helps stabilize blood sugar levels and promote resting sleep", she reveals. It suggests a small cup of frozen bays with some spoonful of coconut milk, a pear skipped in coconut oil or carrots soaked in the guacamole.



bath relaxing woman

We know that this is easier to say than to do, but it is important to keep in mind that stress can sabotage all your metabolism-stimulation efforts. (Hey, there is a reason why we studied the32 foods that extinguish the stress hormone that makes you magnify!)

Bjork explains how the stress dries your metabolism: "Cortisol is known as your stress hormone since it is triggered in response to stress. It is triggered when you are in danger and you are supposed to be released from small doses and for short lengths. You can thank. Cortisol for the rise of energy you get when you are pursued by a tiger. Cortisol causes an increase in blood glucose of your blood to come out any moment you are stressed. It's as if you eat large amounts of sweet food all day! This causes insulin-your fat storage hormone-to go out and do its sugar transportation of your blood circulation to your cells to be stored as fat. This is how your metabolism you book and you earn weight when you are stressed ... regardless of your nutrition! "

Although there is no clear way to beat stress, do your best to work in activities reducing stress in your daily life. This can be something dinner or socializing with friends to keep a review or meditation.
Find10 ways of duty so healthy power work So you can reap the benefits of your smart guys!


Sleep is essential

man sleeping with dog

High quality eyes are essential to keep your metabolism at your check. In fact, it's a huge myth we need less sleep as we get older. "Research has shown that private sleeping people have more difficulty regulating their blood sugar and are therefore often more serious than individuals who get their eight hours per night," says Dr. Beardsley. "In addition, the more private sleep, the more resilience it is losing while producing excess stresshormones Make them more prone to weight gain. "



Strong fit aged man looking at his hand while training with dumbbells

"As we approach 40, our metabolism begins to fall and lower muscle mass," saysJim White, Rd, ACSM, founder of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios. Although the cardio is ideal for cardiac health, it is important to remember that the weight and the formation of resistance will serve you to better serve or increase the muscle mass of metabolism. "Do not be afraid to lift heavy, especially when the metabolic rate slows up with age," says Devaux. "The strength and formation of the resistance has also been demonstrated to let the biggest boost on post-training metabolism." Research published in theApplied Physiology Journal It is revealed that even if weight loss is often associated with slower metabolism, women who have added resistance to their routine have actually maintained their rate of metabolism at rest. For a suppressing session on sweat after sweat, reach one of theseBest protein protein recipes for weight loss!


Refueling after workouts

woman eating protein shake

Iron without proper refueling is like filling a gas tank with a hole in it. You can put throughout the work to build muscles, but you will not see the results before feeding your body with the appropriate nutrients that contribute to muscle-protein growth and energy-carbohydrate replenishment. For the best combustibles after training, do not miss16 post-training snacks of fitness experts swear by.


Eat more protein

protein lunch

You do not have to keep the protein consumption limited to post-training. Consider eating each other! Research published in theNewspaper of the American Dieetic AssociationSuggests that low protein plans have aroused greater loss of muscle in menopausal women, which potentially slow down their metabolism along the way. And do not associate the protein only with meat. Added also beans, nuts and quinoa can help you get more muscle nutrients.




Lower heat at night. You will not only cut your heating invoices, but you will also make belly fat. Striking research published in the newspaperDiabetes Suggests that cooling temperatures can be optimal for weight loss. According to the study, turning the CA to a cool 66 degrees Fahrenheit the night can subtly transform the stores from the brown fat. Brunette fat is considered a "good" metabolically active grease, stimulated by cold temperatures, which serves to keep us warm by burning through "bad" fat stores. When the participants spent a few weeks sleeping in bedrooms with variable temperatures, the men had almost doubled their volumes of burning brown grease from calories compared to those who slept at a breath of 81 degrees. Costs!


Eat before going to bed

woman eating a healthy protein bar snack before bed sleep

Let's put the myth of the night to eat in bed. Youcan eat before going to bed; In fact, you may want to want if you are looking to stimulate metabolism. When men have consumed an evening snack comprising 30 grams of protein, researchers at the Florida State University have discovered that these men had a metabolic rate at higher rest the next morning than to miss anything. It is likely that the protein is more thermogenic than carbohydrates or greases, which means that your body burns more calories the digrest. Why not try one of themstruck Before hitting the hay next time?


Change your workout routine

Older couple doing yoga

It is not surprising that, as we get older, our metabolism slows down, says dietitianLeah Kaufman, Ms, rd, cdnBut you do not have to settle with a slow metabolism. Exercise is important for maintaining muscle mass, but even more important is to exercise differently or higher intensity. "Changing your routine can increase the speed at which your body burns calories," she says.



Couple walking dog

As we mentioned, exercise is certainly important in maintaining metabolism, but you are not limited to a gym. "As you are age], the activity is essential"Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, tell us. In particular since "the metabolism and hormonal changes in the 1940s create an ideal environment for excess fat storage - especially in mid-term," she develops. You do not even need to walk on a gym to increase your activity. Check these40 ways easy to burn more calories right now.


Cut out artificial sweeteners

Dana Leigh Smith / Eat this, not that!

Accessories for cutting sugar, but do not think you are better off if you replace it with artificial sweeteners. Search published in the newspaperTrends in endocrinology and metabolism shows that artificially sweet drinks can confuse the normal metabolic response of the sugar body, which can actuallyto augment appetite. In addition, dietary drinks are increasingly linked to weight gain, metabolic syndrome and a crowd of other evils. The best advice? "Let yourself go from your sweet" crutch "and completely limit your candies," saysAmy Shapiro, Ms, rd, cdn of RealnutriRITIONYC. "My rule is 150 to 200 candle calories a day."


Be more consistent

family eating dinner

The elderly you get usually means that you have to juggle a lot of commitments and eat on the fly. The problem? An irregular feeding schedule can compromise your metabolism. A 2012 Hebrew academic study found that mice that have been fed to fat foods earned more weight than mice than those who have eaten a similar diet on a regular schedule. Your best game plan is to offer a set of tastes that you can count on every week to feed you. Start with these99+ Best recipes of healthy dinner for weight loss.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: aging / metabolism
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