13 reasons why you should really worry about the earth

It's time to help the planet that has always helped you.

Although the planet Earth literally provides us with all we could always want or need, we tend to take this for granted. Exposure A: The global surfaceplanet temperature has been on the climb quite systematically andNasa Note that "the main cause of the current trend of global warming is the human expansion of" greenhouse effect "." The good news is that it means we have a chance to make changes. So, in honor of the day of the earth, we are here to tell you why you should worry about the planet - not just for the love of the earth, but also for your health and livelihood.

Because the fishing industry employs and nourishes millions of people.

Fisherman at Work on a Boat Catching Fish Why Climate Change Matters

The fishing industry employs more than 56 million people around the world and provides a penchant and profitableprotein source to populations everywhere. The problem? Climate change threatens to disrupt all of this.

In a 2019 study published in the journalScienceThe researchers examined the populations of 124 species of fish in 38 regions. They found that while 4% of the population benefited from the warmer temperatures of the ocean, 8% were negatively affected. "Climate losers" outweigh the laureates of the climate ""noted author of the studyChristopher Free, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Santa Barbara's Bren School of Environmental Science and Management.

Because climate change is bad for your heart.

Woman Having a Heart Attack Why Climate Change Matters

It is easy to ignore what is happening with climate change when you do not immediately feel its effects. However, if humans continue to do what we do and that we do not start to take care of the planet, these detrimental changes could begin to get closer to the house, and much earlier than you think.

According to a 2019 study published in theEuropean heart newspaper, the risk of heat-induced heart attacks increased over the last three decades, including 2001 to 2014. The Senior Researcher of the Study,Dr. Alexandra Schneider,noted, "Greater attention should be given at high temperatures as a potential trigger forCardiac crises-Exprise for climate change ".

Because forest fires are deadly and destructive.

Forrest Fire Why Climate Change Matters

As climate change worsens, forest fires revive places like California and India.

According to the 2018 research published in the journalGeophysical search letters, winters winters and warmer springs and summers created by global warming have resulted in climates more suitable for forest fires. "We believe that in presenting oceans and warmer temperatures in general, we will see a higher evaporation and heat transfer, and therefore a higher frequency of the convective storms leads to more flashes"noted Geography Professor of the State University of PortlandAndrés Holz, the co-director of the study.

Because we need fresh water to live.

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"Freshwater resources, such as water that falls from the sky and moving in streams, rivers, lakes and groundwater, offer people the water they need every day to live", note theAmerican department of the interior. But climate change has resulted in an increase in droughts and flood cases, which are both destructive and threaten the water supply in the world.

With regard to these, floods and runoff cancontaminate the water With bacteria, viruses and parasites, which lead to diarrheal diseases causing dehydration. And without clean water to rehydrate, the problem becomes worse. For example, a 2008 study published in the journalEmerging Infectious Diseases Found only after the Hurricane Katrina, which was linked to climate change, the number of Related Cases of Western Nile has increased significantly in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Because we need pure air to survive.

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People who do not care about land have no problem to pollute it with chemicals and harmful toxins. However, what they do not realize is that their actions may harm themselves and those around them. Air pollution, for example, has been associated with health problems such as asthma and cardiac crises. And speakCDCWater pollution can cause reproductive problems with neurological disorders.

Because skin cancer is mortal and rising.

Sunscreen Why Climate Change Matters

Thanks to the depletion of the ozone layer caused by climate change,skin cancer is more of a health problem than ever before.

A 2009 study published in theJournal of the Royal Society of MedicineConcluded that "the exhaustion of ozone resulted in an increase in skin cancers" which is "still rising". In addition, with higher and drier temperatures, scientists mortgage that more people will spend more time outside in the months and years to come, which will increase their exposure to UV and therefore their risk of cancer of the skin.

Because we are slowly losing animal species.

indian bengal tiger in the wild why climate change matters

Every day, we do not do something about the current state of the planet, we put more and more and moreAnimal species at risk. According toIntergovernmental Expert Group on Climate Change, an average increase of 1.5 ° C could threaten 20 to 30% of the species.

Take tigers, for example. TheWildlife World Fund Reports only 3,200 people in the wild and climate change threatens both to increase the levels of the sea and to cause forest fires in habitats where these majestic beasts live.

Because corn and rice are wonderful food staples.

Baby Corn Plants growing in the sun, ancient rome facts

Climatic climate change temperatures have given rise to larger pest populations and, consequently, farmers and their cultures suffer. A 2018 study published in the magazineScience Projected that rice, wheat and corn industries will see global losses from 10 to 25% for each Celsius degree that the global average surface temperature increases.

Because no morning is complete without coffee.

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If you are the type of person who can not pass through the day withoutAt least one or two cups of coffee, then you may want to start taking care of a little more about climate change. Like many other cultures,The cafes were hit sharply by warmer temperatures and growing insect populations. If modifications are not soon manufactured, the world could see a decreased coffee offer and significant price increases.

Because honey is delicious.

Beekeeper Making Honey With Bees Why Climate Change Matters

Global climate change causes land warming at unprecedented rates and bees still have not found in order to adapt to new temperatures. Even if you are not a fan of thesepainful harmful-They make us sting, after all - it always concerns you if you are a fan of honey.

A 2018 report of theNational Service of Agricultural Statistics and the USDA revealed that the production of the substance decreased by 9% from 2016 to 2017 for producers with five or more colonies. In addition, honey prices have increased by 2% in the same period, making access to what is left to buy.

Because beer is delicious (and this could be quickly supplied).

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When you break beer to its basic ingredients, all alcohol is really barley, a culture that needs water and moisture to prosper. And seeing that global climate change caused serious droughts and heat waves around the world over the last decade, ignore the well-being of land could mean the disappearance of the beer industry.

In fact, a 2018 study published in the journalPlants natureDiscovered that serious climate events have surveyed a 16% reduction in the consumption of world beer and an increase of 200% of prices.

Because every living being is affected in a way by climate change.

Happy Family Smiling Why Climate Change Matters

Birds and bees with trees and coffee beans, every living thing rests on the planet Earth and its resources to stay alive. Without a healthy planet, humans, animals, plants and everything are nowhere to live and nothing to survive.

But unlike stagnant spruces and Thumbless Tintats, only we alone humans have the ability to change and make sure that the earth is sticking for centuries to come.

Because it's easy to worry about it.

People Volunteering in a Garden Why Climate Change Matters

Certainly, the idea of ​​living hasMore environmentally friendly lifestyle can be intimidating. However, it is surprisingly easy to lightly modify your daily life for the good of land and the environment. Good energy suppliersuggest Start the transition by eating less meat, compose more and recycling everything you can. There is a myriad of small ways to make a big difference. And for more suggestions on improving our planet, checkHow to help the land if you are in your 50 years.

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