20 white lies we say to our colleagues every day

Too bad, there is no endorsement "lying" on LinkedIn!

Nobody wants to admit to lying at least work, not your boss - but face it: White lies occur. They are so common, in fact thatSome researchers claim The majority of people are up to three timesevery 10 minutes. Even though these lies are mostly harmless, the fibring on the regular could prepare you for a dangerous path. A studyPublished inNature neuroscience I showed that saying that little lies facilitate the possibility of telling big benches later. It is because he desensitizes our amygdala, the part of the brain that regulates emotion. So, in other words, the more you lie (and you will come out), the more your brain realizes: "Hey, it did not have any disastrous consequences. Readions it again!"

Here are 20 white lies that you are likely to hear (some of whom may have even slipped from your mouth) in the typicalOffice. Of course, all were not poorly appreciated - borrowA movie lineGood men, sometimes your colleagues "can not handle the truth". But some white lies, even if they meant with good intentions, should be avoided at all costs.

"It was fun."

woman mentoring coworker

It's not just about making a colleague feel better like saying a really terrible joke. In some cases, do not encourage their sense of humor can be the most kind thing you can do for them - for example, "If a person can be drawn for telling such a joke," says Marlene Chism, a consultant and author ofStop the workplace drama. It's not your responsibility to make sure they do not sable their career by making jokes that could land them in hot water. But do not give them a reason to believe that they are the desktop Seinfeld.

"I love it!"

never say this at work

Whether led to a supervisor or colleague, this white lie can be a slippery slope. A little optimism is a good thing, especially if your job is to motivate others to do their best. But you do not have tolove All, especially if you're just "meh" about their idea. In other words, saying something a little less on the top and in an extremely swaying way, say, "It sounds promising, but let's see what you do with that" - Narnay that your colleagues are better at long term.

"Oh, yes, it makes sense."

never say this at work

This is usually stenographed for: "I do not really have listening, but I have to say something so that it seems that I seem like I just hear everything you said and that I examine it carefully." It is a white lie that everyone can see from a mile. It's good if you have zoned for a second and you lost trace of the conversation. Ask someone to repeat it means you reallycareabout what they tell you.

"It was my idea."

never say this at work

Deposit this one from your vocabulary, said April Masini, arelationship. "When you take a credit for an idea that is not up to you, you give people the impression that you are someone you are not."

The truth will eventually get out - we trust this, it always does - and your credibility will take a shot that will be difficult to recover. Be humble, give credit when the credit is due, andLabor coming with yourown Good ideas.

"I was overwhelmed lately."

man doing work at a kitchen table and yawning - why do we yawn

It's a classic white lie that is almost exclusively used when someone missed or is pretty sure they miss a deadline. Nobody says "I was overwhelmed lately" before announcing "but I always found the time to finish this project." What you really say is that you feel overwhelmed. Sometimes, admit that you fell behind you too far as to invent an avalanche of fictional work responsibilities.

"Traffic was horrible."

bad jokes that are actually funny

It isembarrassing to be late at the office. And blamerush hour traffic is an easy-to-sell lie. Who did not know the misery to sit in your car on the highway and no one moves? This white lie is so easy to believe, it's the most popular excuse to show late. According toLast poll in CareerBuilder51% of workers used this line at least once.

"My child is sick."

dad chores

What could go wrong with a safe white, like that? You can skip work for a day or two and no one is wisest. Well, think again. According toRecent polls, one third of the employers check on their employees onsocial media. If you are not really at home with a sick child and you're actually, enjoy a beautiful spring day, then you're stupid enough to post about it on Facebook, you will not want to love the consequences .

"I can have done it by tomorrow."

three coworkers in an office working and discussing a project, math jokes

"Stop before saying it," Masini advises. "If you can not have it done tomorrow, do not create pressure and anxiety for yourself by saying this lie." Employees often repeat this lie because they are impatient to please, but it establishes false expectations for what you are able to deliver. It is better to give them a realistic schedule than to deceive them with promises that are not encountered.

"I was already thinking of sending this email. I'm sure I did it."

man fidgeting in front of a laptop

It is the "Oh, the check is in the mail" desk white lies. But it often works anyway, because it is so credible, says Masini. "So many of us actuallyto do Forget to send emails, "she says. If used in moderation, this white lie is fine and could even buy you a little extra time.

"I do not do this job for money."

Person handing someone cash money {stereotypes}

It's hard to say what it remains means even. Is it just a tactic to complain aboutyour salary Without saying as much? Or are you trying to prove that you care more than your colleagues? Whatever the justification, it is only going to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. If you are vanining your tireless devotion to work orRequesting non-subtly for an increase, no one needs to hear it.

"I need it yesterday."

Woman is confronting her boss at work.

"If you drag this lie to pull the rank and feel important, do you check," says Masini. It is a white lie that is flagrant passive-aggressive. Whatever you expect that your colleague or employee has been clear was not due yesterday, you simply try to motivate them to stay in planning. Masini recommends using a little more tact. Try a softer approach, like ", I'm worried about it late. How long can you do it?"

"This is my absolute priority."

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Shutterstock / Smolaw

Some white lies do not exist for any other reason than making someone feel better. To tell a supervisor that a project is your "absolute priority" is a kind of useless, other than to make them feel temporarily reassured that the work is in good hands. But honestly, are you going to approach it with less emergency if you do not make it an "absolute priority"? Of course not. It's no different to tell your supervisor, "I put this work toOrange threat level! "

"I'm never on social media."

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This little white lie tends to be mentioned during hiring interviews, or if you try to look superior to colleagues who spend too much time on Twitter or Facebook. But unless there is at least a certain truth - if you have averaged a tweet every six months, for example - it's not a manufacture that you will escape you a long time.

"It was almost finished, then my computer just died on me!"

man at computer

"This lie is a version of my dog ​​ate my homework," says Masini. "If you have not finished something, just say," I'm sorry, I did not do it. "Requesting that you missed a deadline because of a technical problem is also easy to refute. This is just a matter of time before the computer guy is displayed to check this mysteriously crushed computer and you are revealed as the employee who cried the wolf.

"I would like to hear about your fantastic football teams."

coworkers chatting during an office coffee break

There are two types of people in this world: those who are absolutely fascinated by fantastic football and those who really did not care. If you fall into the last category, it is perfectly acceptable to smile politely and listen to colleague accommodation on their Fantasy teams. Just do not worry too much interest or you will become their office boy for football fancy cats. You want to seem tolerant of their fandom, but do not suspend all engraved words.

"I can not come today, I'm sick."

flu risk

We can not really show fingers on it. On aCareerBuilder Survey, 40% of the workers had called sick at least once each year, even when they were perfectly healthy. And it's just peopleadmitting do it. So do not fight on this white lie, but maybe you do not usually do.

"I do not really care about politics."

Movemember was at one point proof for young men of voting age.

It is a white line that we can all agree. Even if you have political opinions that you are passionate, the office is not the right setting of this debate. Advocate ignorance - or at least an indifference - what is happening in Washington right now. "MadePresident Trump Tweet something today? I did not notice. Paste on this line and you will have a longer future at your business.

"I would like to hang after work from time to time."


This could work the first time you say it or even the second time. But finally, your colleague will determine that you have no intention of spending time with them outside the office. "It's really about their hope," says Masini. "You do not have to try to do something good.You just have to be polite. "

"Have you lost weight?"

reasons you're tired

In general, it's just a good idea to never comment on a colleague's appearance, even if you're trying to be complementary. "It's a hot knob," says Masini. According toan NPR poll49% of respondents considered inappropriate for men to comment on a woman's appearance at work and 46% think that a woman should not comment on a man's appearance. Granted, it means that a little more than half of the office employees think it does not matter, but it is thatreally A Russian roulette game you want to play?

"I would like to be able to be at this meeting, but I have a [account of appointment / child / funerary / doctor child]."

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We feel your pain. Most meetings could really be an e-mail, but you do not want to be the jerk that points it. So, this white lie is probably a crime without a victim. Just make sure it's not something that could come back to haunt. If a colleague colleague think you've attended grandmother's funeral last week, but you put your dinner with her in a restaurant, you'll have explanations to do. And for more common fibers that occur on everyday life, here is the20 white lies we say to our loved ones every day.

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