How much sleep the average American gets

More: Our secrets to get the amount of Shuteeye recommended by the doctor.

You have heard a version of your entire life. "Get your eight hours." "Early in bed, early to lift, makes a healthy body rich and wise." The Sleep Research Society and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine-Two of the most exalted organizations in the field of sleep research Never complex - recommendat least 7 hours of sleep every night. Get less than 7 hours and you will be less alert, more irritable and even run the risk of developing unsightly bags before your eyes.

And yet, most Americans fall continuously short. According to a recent Gallup report, the average American covers only 6.8 hours of sleep every night. In addition, 40% of us sleep 6 hours or less every night. In short, the United States can be found in the fields of some serious severe sleep deficits.

The solution? Well, we have more than a few.

Turn on a lavender. Seriously: whether it is incense or a candle, the researchers found that the sumptuous perfume grants people in a specific relaxation state that is conducive to a dozen easy. (Here is more about how it works.)

Also try a "weighted coverage". These high-tech threads are equipped with a "deep tactile pressure stimulation", which simulates babies who feel when they are treated. The final result is reduced anxiety and a reset on your natural circadian rhythms. (AndHere is more about how it works.)

Also ensures that you keep your windows and doors open at any time. New research shows that lowering carbon dioxide levels in your homeleads to better sleep and less agitation.

And finally, if you are a warrior of the road, make sure to checkThe 10 best tips for sleeping on an airplane.

If nothing does it work, plan to move to China: the average citizen there, by the OECD, gets more than nine hours of sleep every night.

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Categories: Health
Tags: sleep
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