How many wine is safe to drink a day

Have a drink of daily wine? No problem, but how much does it cost?

What happens when you drink wine every day? Side effects are not as bad as you can assume. In fact, it can do a good body.Wine has great health benefits. It happens so much to be the best drink to drink regularlyFor a longer lifeThis can protect your heart, this could reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and this can help reduce "bad" cholesterol levels.

But if you want to harvest these benefits rather than drinking alcohol falls (weight gain, belly fat, disturbed people), you will then want to make sure you drink the right amount of wine. So how much wine is too much?

You will often see the same sentence again and again when it comes to reaping the benefits to wine health: it must be modern.

What moderation means according to theUSDA Food Guidelines for Americans isUp to a drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men. For wine, a drink is defined as 5 ounces 12% volume alcohol.

Although it is the recommended limit by the USDA for those who drink, it is not a recommendation to actually consume this amount of alcohol. According to the USDA "those who do not drink should not start drinking because they believe that alcohol would make them in better health. "

That being said, alcohol can be consumed at low levels with a relatively low risk - and can actually offer health benefits if you make sure you consume it in moderation. We will take a look.

RELATED:5 subtle signs that you drink too much wine

Italian researchers led a meta-analysis that reviewed 34 independent studies to determine the link between alcohol and mortality (how long you will live). The study published inInternal medicine archives, noted that the relationship between alcohol consumption and mortality was a J-shaped relationship. By using participants who avoided alcohol as a baseline, increase your alcohol consumption can actually reduce your risk of early death - but it was only the case for so long. After reaching a number of drinks, their death risk was higher.

The meta-analysis showed that those who drank abouthalf a day per day had the lowest mortality rate. But the researchers noted that there was a range of amount you can drink where you can always harvest these elongated benefits. Up to 4 drinks a day in men was protective and more than 2 glasses a day in women was protective.

Another exam, published in the newspaper of the American Heart AssociationTraffic, also tried to answer the question "drink or do not drink?" Researchers have examined multiple factors beyond life expectancy, namely cardiovascular health, inflammation, cholesterol and hypertension to determine the effect of wine to drink oncardiac health.

After referring to nearly 140 studies, the document arrived at a conclusion. (Well, also close to the conclusion as possible - the researchers stated that there is still more research to confirm their suspicions.) With respect to cardiac health,Drinking 1 to 2 drinks in men and 1 drink daily for women It's how much wine is not only safe to drink a day, but is also the amount that will provide health benefits.

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With regard to brain health and your risk of dementia andAlzheimer Disease specifically, the same standards sound true.French researchers found that the subjects who drank less than 1 to 2 glasses of wine a day (which were classified as "light drinkers") had a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease compared to those who have not drunk at all.

The next time you pour a glass of vino during dinner, keep the cork near if you want to keep your health in mind. And for more than this fermented grape drink, do not miss these10 sneaky reasons that you are always too paid for wine.

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